Too much time is spent talking about our loss of freedom. As the one year anniversary of the January 6th protest against the fraudulent 2020 Presidential and other elections, political prisoners are sitting jail without due process, denied health care, starved and even tortured.
As we do nothing. Consider the following information:
As most ANP readers who have been reading us for quite some time know, we’ve often covered the very mysterious and ‘deep state sourced‘ website, and their very bizarre forecast for America and most of the Western world for the year 2025, a forecast which, while varying slightly from year to year, always forecast America as a hugely depopulated, 3rd world nation by 2025.
With Deagel’s sources being the ‘deep state‘ and ‘globalists,‘ including the US Department of State, the US Department of Defense, the CIA, the World Bank and the European Union among others, the MSM and other called Deagel’s forecasts a ‘crazy dystopian conspiracy theory‘ but as we had pointed out in this ANP story just days ago, the MSM long called the ‘Wuhan lab weaponized COVID virus theory‘ a ‘crazy conspiracy theory,‘ too, before finally admitting days ago it is the ‘most likely theory‘.
And as we’d also pointed out in this April 22nd of 2021 ANP story, soon after Deagel was exposed on Doug Casey’s International Man website in a story titled “Doug Casey on the Shocking 2025 Deagel Forecast: War, Population Reduction and the Collapse of the West”, Deagel’s forecast for 2025 got ‘nuked‘, disappearing from the internet, though you can see some of their previous forecasts in both of the screenshots seen below which we had used as evidence of something sinister happening in previous ANP stories.
So when I ran across this recent story at CNN listing the total number of Americans currently fully vaxxed at approx. 202 million, with approx. 241 million at least partially vaxxed as seen in the screenshot on the top of this page, I immediately recognized those numbers as aligning very eerily and alarmingly with the number of Americans being forecast to ‘die off‘ by the year 2025 according to Deagel’s forecast from several different years. Just a bizarre coincidence, or ‘the depopulation smoking gun‘?
As you’ll notice in the screenshot below originally from this May of 2018 ANP story, the number of Americans being forecast by Deagel to be ‘culled‘ back then by the year 2025 was 227 million, which falls right in line with the number of currently ‘vaxxed‘ Americans. If mRNA vax inventor Dr. Robert Malone is correct in his warning that many of the vaccinated will die from the after-effects of the shot, should Americans really be taking their children to get it? Just think. The globalists want just that.
I first posted the projections from Deagel in 2014 concerning the huge decrease in population in the United States (and other countries). Considering Deagel’s reputation, they either had access to time travel OR they had access to a plan to wipe out large amounts of the world’s population. I personally thought that we would be attacked by Russian or China with their advanced hypersonic weapons. That would mean Deagel had knowledge of how many people would be killed in the war which is not likely.
I did not consider that our own government would be responsible for the deaths of our people. I did not consider that these people would die by taking an untested vaccine. While the Deagel projections have varied since 2014 and have even been taken down for a period of time, this theory that the vaccine is a kill shot which will result in a massive death event across most of the world should be considered.
If we will not fight for our freedom, will we fight for our survival? Freedom and Liberty become irrelevant if you are physically dead. If this theory concerning the vaccine is correct, we have already lost a great battle to evil.
David DeGerolamo
How good is your source for that graph? There are no coincidences, but there is plenty of predictive programming that lines up. There certainly is a lot of misinformation available from ‘official’ sources. I don’t believe the numbers of unvaxxed are as low as ‘they’ say. If the numbers of vaxxed were that low, there would be no need for expending as much time and money on continued coercion as we are seeing.
I suggest you do your on research on and its credentials.
The number of vaccinated people ranges from 200 to 225 million based on the current definition of vaccination vs. fully vaccinated.
Deagel is scary accurate and has knowledge from all of the “insiders”. People that are no longer on the inside quote that information very frequently. Read at your own risk, the predictions will scare you (but they will probably come to fruition).
Yes, I remember when Demented Joe said the goal was 70% of Americans be vax’d. I immediately looked up the population of the US, and did the math as you have done ~ that would leave 100 million people in the U.S. THAT IS NOT A COINCIDENCE! I am not sure they will all be gone by 2024, but then they are trying to mandate more of us take the death shots! I guess they will get that number one way or another, huh?
“Freedom and Liberty become irrelevant if you are physically dead.”
Everlasting life = an unbelievable freedom, once revealed and understood.
i am free until i am dead. i can say no until i am dead. saying no goes along with freedom. Braveheart!
Braveheart was free, just because he died for what he saw as right does not mean he was not free.
Even being locked up does not mean you are not free. Bonhoeffer
How many disciples were locked up? Were they also still free, in Mashiak?
Did they not continue singing, praising and worshipping?
The three placed within the furnace, were they alone? Were they Free?
Being locked up may be a result of you exercising your freedom?
Going along to get-along ? That is not freedom!
Swimming against the current? Freedom!
Right over wrong? Freedom!
we need this kind off Trust, this kind off faith, we may be scattered yet we are still a tribe!
Agree. The only real freedom is what is outside this body. Freedom of the physical starts in the mind no matter the outward circumstances. Bonhoeffer and others; Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl. The big picture is SO much more vast than what is normally perceived. Truth is freedom, wherever it’s experienced. ** “And see, and behold, even unto death, truth is thy country, nation of thy right birth, though it be foreign to thee and unknown to thee.” Spiritual Warfare. **. Sure, we can fight for the earth “land of our birthplace,” and no criticism from me for those who do. However, this battle now, relates to a more vast reality. **There is a story of two prisoners -- one a criminal, the other a monk. The criminal resists the solitude of his cell with everything he has and is The monk welcomed the solitude of his cell, appreciating the lack of distraction to his meditation. Peace starts in the mind and moves to the heart. On the chance I don’t talk here again before Christmas, a Happy and Merry Christmas to Every One!
I have done my research on the kill shot, and that is what it is. Before this came about every other day the drug company’s were coming out with conditions that required their drugs and soon after lawyers were suing in class action suits. Our DOD in cooperation with the medical industry and the CCP, came up with their cure for humanity covid virus, no nukes required. Survival of covid 99.97%, Hydroxychloroquine immediately banned. You would think more people would have been suspicious of the kill shot. The hospital protocall services is designed to kill you as well.
I’ve known about Deagel for years. I always thought either war or an asteroid, pole shift, or something along those lines. While I’ve considered my government to be evil for longer than I’ve known about Deagel, I never thought they’d do something this bad. Seems I may have been wrong. If this turns out to be true, we need payback. Serious payback.
You bet, we need to get busy and take our country back, this will have to be done with violence not talk, emails and calling our masters and that is what they think they are.
Agreed, it is the only viable option left.
It could still be asteroid or other “natural” disaster…or partially.
I love how everyone wants to cite the Deagal report, yet i think few have read it. The report assesses it is a confluence of crisis, the end of US ponzi schemes, and reverse migration that mainly leads to the reduction of the US population. Im sure that includes death from several causes, but not solely the nottavax. Quit with the disinformation and fear porn, things are bad enough as it is, we have enough enemies as it is, dont compound the disinfo.
Whose disinformation? Deagel is disinformation from the United States’ Deep State? Your disinformation concerning the reasons why the US population will decrease along with multiple other Western nations? Or the embedded article above stating the correlation of the Deagel number taken in conjunction with the number of vaccinated people?
Sapient people are able to take information and form intelligence upon which they can plan and act. This is not fear porn but information. We only have one enemy to fight but people who try to rationalize their normalcy bias are just fodder for evil with this goes hot.
Been telling people about this for a long time, and as the ‘vid hit, I warned some that this was exactly where it would lead. Can you spell “plandemic”
The Bible pre-dates the Deagel report by a bit. Roughly the same outcome. I won’t reference the particulars as most have already made their reading choices.