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h/t Lon

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3 years ago

Remember…..Trump okayed it

Trish Geer
Trish Geer
3 years ago

Loved it! What has happened that so many Americans have turnrd into mindless sheeple? who r so obedient to tyrants? How did this even happen? Its all insane! I see oeople even here in Texas where we have NO mask mandate at all…. still walking around outdoiirs in the fresh soringtime air… with masks over their faces!! Im sn RN and there is zero science to this but not many are interested in facts anymore… its all feelings.. no logic, no resesrch, no rational thought processes… I just dont get it!! Great deception is coming according to scripture so perhaps this is just the precursor… this willingness to believe anyyhing the so called “experts” push on us.