You Know Those Missing Hillary Emails? Russia Might Leak 20,000 of Them

With Clinton’s repeated claims she employed the personal email server only for mundane communications and non-sensitive State matters having been proven outright lies, the deletions of 31,830 emails — in the new context of Napolitano’s statement — have suddenly become remarkably relevant.

As the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton’s questionable email practicesdeepens, the question of who had access to what information previously located on the former secretary of state’s server is now more critical than ever.

One such individual, Romanian hacker Guccifer, who was abruptly extradited to the United States, revealed he had easily and repeatedly accessed Clinton’s personal server — and he wasn’t the only one.


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8 years ago

Hmmm…sounds like Putin may hit his own RESET button on the Billary…

Maybe those $240,000.00 twenty minute speech political foreplay transcripts…stroking the Banksters under the table may be a moot point?

Is there cracks appearing in the phony Pay for Play Foundation???

Will Bill teach her what the meaning of the word is…is???

Do they make Orange Pants Suits with built in depends???