You Will Comply (until you don’t)

UPDATE: Here is Jim Stone’s new address: courtesy of Wes

Jim Stone’s website has been removed from the Internet.

This is the reason why it was removed:

The above pictures show the depravity of Hunter Biden. It also proves the Resident lied about the laptop.

I pray for our nation and our children for the consequences we will face for their actions and our inaction.

David DeGerolamo

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Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

Jim Stone has, [ or had], a tremendous website. He is honest enough to apologize if he finds out he was wrong though he rarely is. He now lives in Mexico.
Henry Makow is another truth warrior. He escaped Canada and I think he also lives in Mexico now.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Orwell was correct about today’s times: “In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

2 years ago

I am not sure who is more evil, Hunter for the content in the photo’s or whomever thinks it is OK to make Victoria’s Secret style underwear for little girls. They both need to be executed.

2 years ago
Reply to  Quatermain

I would settle for execution alone. Yet it seems too good for them, living dismemberment broadcast on all networks and performed in public seems more appropriate a warning for future pedophilic thought.


2 years ago

The world will not be punished for what what it has done. This world is the punishment for what we have allowed to be done and it only gets worse from here on out. So it goes…

2 years ago

I’m a fan of the shows Yellowstone and 1883. While I recognize and call out the ‘woke’ parts, the obvious over-the-top use of ‘F bombs’, and the historically inaccurate parts, the one thing that stands out and draws me in is what I call ‘cowboy justice’. I really like the fact that these shows project men being men. Men doing what men need to do. When they see evil they smite it. They don’t call the sheriff or depend on the ‘justice system’, they smite evil. Some would call tis vigilantism. I call it men taking responsibility and not abandoning it to others. Any man who witnesses another man abusing a child like Hunter Biden is apparently guilty of doing should act. And I don’t mean calling 911.

enn ess
enn ess
2 years ago
Reply to  Malachi

A lot to that and the underlying theme that they are fighting wokism and the progressive crowd telling them they need to embrace the new world and change to living how they, the power hungry elitists dictate. And how to they do this? By destroying everything people that actually care about the earth have built in harmony with what the earth provides.

2 years ago
Reply to  enn ess

Agreed. The solution to the dilemma in the story line would be for John Dutton and the Indians to join forces and share the land. Cowboys and Indians … what a concept (lol)!

Tired of BS
Tired of BS
2 years ago

We save the trees, the whales, the snail darters, the gray owls, polar bears, wolves & the list goes on. We promote electric cars, more than male and female sexes, CO2 limitations and yet we can’t protect our children from predators such as this. We allow a corrupt and self serving group of congress critters to break all the laws they want and we don’t hold them accountable. Yet, we allow psychopaths such as this to prey on one of our most precious commodities, our children! I have to ask, who is at fault here? Us or the predator? We as a country, state, local governance and individual have failed in our task of parenting & protecting our families. And before I forget, where were the church’s in general? Where was the bar association and all the attorneys that swore an oath to uphold the law. Where was Dad and Mom watching over the family? I hate to say it folks but, WE have failed the system given to us to stop such predation. The responsibility was and is ours to stop such depraved behavior from top to bottom. We can continue to allow it or we can stand tall and stop it. CHOOSE!
It is not my intention to put all people in one bag or basket. There are those that are standing tall and working at stopping such sick behavior. What I am asking is, where is the greater population that is turning a blind eye, looking the other way & those making excuses as to why they can’t or won’t get involved at any level to bring this to an end.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tired of BS
enn ess
enn ess
2 years ago
Reply to  Tired of BS

You are right on target TofBS. I can attest that if I had followed in the footsteps of pedophile comrade slo jo and his progeny, my father & grandfather would have simply told all the relatives and neighbors that I simply ran away, never to be seen or heard from again.
This happens because we condone it. It’s no more difficult than that.

2 years ago

A pastor warned our congregation in the late 90’s that the legalization and acceptance of gay marriage would open the flood gates of debauchery and deviancy demanding tolerance…boy did he miss the mark on that one.

It all falls in our laps.


2 years ago

It’s Weimar Republic time…history doesn’t repeat itself but it sure does rhyme.

2 years ago

I won’t pray for the wicked ones who continue to shed blood and lies for there little god satan, there judgement is sure and hell is where there all going , these wicked ones have blurred all the lines between good and evil and these reptilian possessed people will all fall and hard they will. This demon party along with many republicrats have chosen sides against the American people and they will get what is coming to them. If the good Lord determines that we will enter into a civil war against these miscreants from the abyss then so be it, destruction is at there doors and the ignorance of all them they cannot even see it. I for one will go out with Christ on my lips and sharp rebukes to them. We are living in very perilous times now as the Bible has warned us about.

2 years ago
Reply to  Philip

Our pastor doesn’t come out and ask us to pray for the pResident, but it’s on the prayer graphic on the big screen. I understand that we should pray that lost souls find the Light, but when they’ve gone all in with evil I can’t see the point. They say God will forgive anything, but when it comes to sexual deviancy against children … well … just pardon me if I have my doubts.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

Jim is back up.
Yes, interesting site, read it regularly, but take it all with a grain of salt… couple weeks ago he had posted pics of various world leaders dressed in colorful kimonos and swore it was some new world order stuff from a trusted source. The pics were from a WEF meeting in Japan. The kimonos were part of the photo-op, it wasn’t some cult ritual. Now granted, WEF = cult, but …

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

If I can’t eat a burrito without having to apologize for “cultural appropriation” then those people have no business wearing kimonos. Did they pull on the corners of their eyes to make them slitty, and pretend to have buck teeth also?