“You will own nothing, and you will be happy”? | The Great Reset

Sounds like the dark ages where the kings and the nobles owned all the land and the peasants were basically slaves.

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4 years ago

None of us should be remotely surprised at this. We were WARNED, some 2000 plus years ago, that this would happen and, because of our ignorance, we’ve been taken aback by what’s transpiring, today.
Damn our foolishness, our ignorance, and our apathy.

4 years ago

I have learned one very important saying to be a fact!
“There are three sides to every story, his side, her side and the truth!”
This plays the same in almost every case. Especially climate change!!

Last edited 4 years ago by FedUpFLman
4 years ago

Wes, that is exactly what it is. Our brave new world is neo-technocratic-Feudalism. Our reality is a combination of the dystopic novels A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and 1984 by George Orwell. Most are so drugged, like in A Brave New World, that they love their own enslavement. The government is Big Brother, like in 1984, with a boot stamping on our face forever.

4 years ago
Reply to  Rifleman1775

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4 years ago

The “Big Picture” is that once they get their global “cryptocurrency” controlled by the Bank of International Settlements, and with it the power to shut off any individual, company or country from transacting in any way, a small group of “bankers” will own everything. They will own the “company store” which you will be required to “rent” from. Misbehave or fail to cooperate and your assets will be frozen. The oligarchs they are working with are just tools they are using to facilitate their agenda and the ultimate enslavement of mankind.

The free market, with real money, is a much better solution for humanity.

And there is no climate crisis.