Your Bunk in the Work Camp – T.L. Davis

The Second Amendment serves no purpose other than the right of the people to rebel against a tyrannical and oppressive government. During the gun-control debate I have heard every argument under the sun both pro (gun control) and con. The most disturbing statements made during the debate is over hunting. The Second Amendment does not protect hunting. It does not even protect self-defense. It protects the people’s right to bear arms against a government operating against the rights of the people. That we might use these weapons in our spare time to provide food for our tables, or defend ourselves against criminals, well, that’s just the “well-regulated” part of the right to keep and bare arms.

Here we are at the mercy of a tyrannical government which has militarized our local police departments into standing armies amongst us. They are no longer our protectors, but the stick wielded by the tyrants in office. To what degree these forces refuse to follow orders and side with the people will be welcomed with a great sigh of relief, but being charged with protecting us against the abuses of government is no longer in their charter.


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