Your noisy generator can get you killed in SHTF….Sound proof it now and test it.

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2 years ago

I have seen where a generator was installed at the bottom of outside basement entrance. Concrete steps went down to a landing where basement door was located. Generator was placed on the landing.
The sound was diffused upward, and while one could ear the noiise, it was attenuated and the hearer might not be able to pinpoint the sound source unless close to the stairwell.
Some baffles on the steps might have also helped diffuse the sound.
This potential solution (outside basement stairwell) might be something to help. Just another idea to try….

2 years ago

And it could always just be used as bait in the trap, if it can be placed in a good defensible position. During times of crisis, people who steal generators, or any other survival supply, deserve the FMJ treatment.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

In some areas of Cook County, Il., thieves would show up with a tow truck, in broad day light, and steal your central air unit.