Your Tax Dollars at Work

I believe this is called malicious compliance. The new sign for Apex Friendship Elementary School in Wake County, NC is shown above. Not much to say for the level of education in this country.

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2 years ago

Tee hee hahaha hoho oh yeah ahh haha. Oh well.

2 years ago

We just need to spend more on education, that has worked so well in the past!

I had my grand son (Yankee) down for a week, he just finished his masters and CPA. He is a great kid, but just a product of his education and environment.
We talked some about the bill of rights, about which he knew next to nothing.
He wants more gun control, and he lives in Chicago, go figure?

2 years ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

Did you take him out shooting or to a muster during his visit?

… just asking.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

Don’t they know how to spel,… or is it sppel,… or is it spell????

CTR Wolfman
CTR Wolfman
2 years ago

(in my best Chinese accent)
“Thazs Eggzakry wha we whant”!