I am acting accordingly and will continue to do so. Voting is a wasted effort. The United States is now under the control of a dictatorship led by globalists behind the curtain whether a Biden, or a Trump or a Blinken or a William Barr or a corrupt Congress that takes $ under the table to stay in power. Go to hell!
Jane…well stated! We are a Banana Republic and I expect very soon we’ll see states move for succession (2025-2027). We know this since some 26-30 states recently attended Brics meetings to secure economic development funding with Texas and North Dakota spearheading since they already have independent gold backed treasuries(non Fed related).
I am a terrorist in the country in which I was born, I hold no allegiance to the illegal globohomo regime. Just look to the rats in DC that exempted themselves from the kill shot, they knew and they know what it was designed to do. TINVOWOOT, until they are all hanging from lampposts.
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago
I have said before that DC is corrupt, and everyone of the uniparty should suffer justice. They tax and spend, and allow you, the voter, to have nothing. Slavery is alive and well in the USA. No, I am no longer a citizen of our once great country!
Chris Mallory
1 year ago
Yes I am an American. My ancestors helped found this nation. The Federal Government does not get to take that away from me. The Confederates still considered themselves to be American. They called themselves The Confederate States of America. For the first two years they celebrated the 4th of July. It was only after the starvation blockade and terrorist shelling of Vicksburg that that celebration ended. Grant should have hanged for his many war crimes. They honored Washington and Jefferson. So HELL YES I AM AN AMERICAN.
The problem is that “they” have rendered the term “American” meaningless. All of the millions of illegals that have stumbled across the southern border are now “Americans”. They will not and cannot contribute anything to the country and they will not assimilate to become what was traditionally an “American”.
No thanks… I’m not an “American”, whatever that means. I am without a country.
Precisely. Me calling myself an “American” is no different than a modern day Russian calling themselves a soviet. The country I was born in, and to which my citizenship is ascribed, simply doesn’t exist. The contract (The Constitution) that created it has been broken, therefore it is nothing more than a historical artifact now. A dysfunctional shit hole bearing it’s name is still running around assuming it’s identify, but that means nothing except that the name has been purloined and misappropriated.
At this point, I’d prefer to come up with a new country and a new name for it, as the word “America” has been sullied so badly. How many people name their kids Adolf anymore? Well, the same sense of disgust that has made that name so unpopular strikes me when thinking about the name America. I’m long past being ready to dispense with it.
It is more akin to a Russian in 1920 still calling himself Russian instead of Soviet. Russian is the nationality. Soviet was the state. A nation is made of blood, not lines on a map.
Nation and country are two different things. The American Nation still exists, especially in the rural South. The Country of the United States is an abomination and has been since the regime of Lincoln.
You can’t assimilate into being an American. An immigrant and their descendants will never be American. American is in your your blood from birth handed down to you by your forebears.
In ‘America’, the actual nation (blood) is in the European descended founders of the Republic. Call them Heritage Americans. Same race. Same culture. Same language. We are now in the minority, or will be shortly. We’ve allowed it and we’ll pay for it.
People are what matters. Individuals. Content of character!
Have you ever seen content of character (lack of ‘morals’ )skip a generation? Good and evil do not follow nor adhere to “Blood lines.”
Maurice John Clark
1 year ago
All that is needed for Evil to triumph is that good men do nothing !!!!
All…well said. They (the globalist regime:UN/WEF/IMF/WorldBank/BlackRock/Vangurad etc) all have WEF’s Young Global Leaders School grads amongst every major national political party, including Russia and China despite being fed the lie we are at war with them-no, we’re in bed with them, in every high position in major corporations, ALL in agreement to the formation of a NWO. What was once clandestine, post WWII, League of Nations (UN), CFR (Council of Foreign Relations), TLC (Tri Lateral Commission), Committee of 300 (Dr. John Colemans 1980’ish Book details the memberships), worked under the radar until Kissinger and Kahn recruited Nazi born Klaus Schwab to groom him for position in the EEF (European Economic Forum-Davos,Switzerland) morphed into WEF (~1970) where they started the Young Global Leaders School (look up UN website and search global leaders) about 1974 cranking out about 1200 grads a year. Some notable grads include Macron, Trudeau, Gates, Newsome, Merkle, Chelsea Clinton, the list is actually 45-50,000+ long, so it’s not hard to imagine everyone coming to a rapid agreement in the precursor UN War gaming Event 201 in Oct 2019 followed by the biggest Scam-Planned-Demic in history where the disease was created for the cure (satan’s oldest play the Hegelian Dialectic). Which allowed the Big Club (George Carlin) to first, test our response, measure the control parameters, etc..
Sadly, we are already in a NWO, it’s just not “officially” in name. They are creating the already planned 10-World Kingdoms (officially “Divisions”), which can be viewed on the UN website. In March 2023, O’Biden, Trudeau, and the Mexican Pres (forget the name-who cares anyway?) signed the DNA Treaty (Division of North America) which flew under the radar. Also flying under the radar back in the 60’s while Americans were wrapped up in the Sex-Drugs-&-RocknRoll , Anti-war (Vietnam) societal culture, was the development of the Climate Change agenda, the Ultimate world control module, that will be the driving force for them to establish control parameters which, right now, are disguised as the UN’s SDG’s (17-sustainable development goals) to literally enslave ALL of us “useless eaters”.
And that, my patriot friends (and enemies) is the Readers Digest Version of why America is on our way out. The last remaining obstacle for the NWO Club is America’s (Mystery Babylon-my opinion) Second Amendment. Unfortunately, while we recognized their plan of development, Sal Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” (Obama and Clintons protégé) stirring up the “divide and conquer” technique using primarily racial divide to hopefully initiate Civil War version 2.0, where they could send in the UN Blue Helmets to quell the uprising, but they couldn’t get us to bite the deception. “Change the bait”, they had to resort to Plan-B. Flood the southern border with military aged men, (here comes the Trojan Horse), tell us, the people they just happen to be men trying to escape Xi’s CCP, who just happen to be about 30,000 men over the last 6 months , who “just happened” to convene in Columbia South America, who just happened to blend in with 150,000 other illegals who will not assimilate, and THEN offer them Citizenship with a 4-year stint in our Military! So let’s just hand over our best weaponry to 50,000 illegals that hate us so when we do finally revolt, the Blue Helmets will already be in place, holding OUR WEAPONS turned against us and will have no issue firing upon us and our neighbors (this Plan-B method is just my conceived opinion- connecting-the-dots). Most of us will fight to the death, but on the other hand, if they time it right, half of us won’t know what to do, we’ll be caught totally off guard because we’re still arguing R vs D during an election year. News Flash-we lost our systematic voting long ago, AND RvsD is still two wings of the same bird, in this case, that bird is the “Phoenix” (out of the ashes) having been disguised as the Eagle (look at the back of a $1 bill !-it’s not an Eagle).
Anyway, I just had to vent, get it off my chest. Y’all have a wonderful 2024, maybe if we repent our Heavenly Father might buy us some more time, but it won’t be much since, as a Country, we kicked Him to the curb a decade ago, told Him “we don’t need you anymore” (We need Him more than ever, but I just don’t see enough people coming together to pull it off. 2030 (the period the NWO wants all system events up and running by) is rapidly approaching.
I forgot about 50,000, LOL. But yes, Trumps and Kushners are in on the plan, a lot of Kabalah and plenty of atheists and even more narcicists fill out huge portions.
I am acting accordingly and will continue to do so. Voting is a wasted effort. The United States is now under the control of a dictatorship led by globalists behind the curtain whether a Biden, or a Trump or a Blinken or a William Barr or a corrupt Congress that takes $ under the table to stay in power. Go to hell!
One of your best postings, Jane. I can upvote that.
It’s a big party and you and I aren’t in it, George Carlin.
“The United States is now under the control of a dictatorship”
That’s been the case since 1861, and most especially since 1913.
Jane…well stated! We are a Banana Republic and I expect very soon we’ll see states move for succession (2025-2027). We know this since some 26-30 states recently attended Brics meetings to secure economic development funding with Texas and North Dakota spearheading since they already have independent gold backed treasuries(non Fed related).
Absolutely correct!!!
I am a terrorist in the country in which I was born, I hold no allegiance to the illegal globohomo regime. Just look to the rats in DC that exempted themselves from the kill shot, they knew and they know what it was designed to do. TINVOWOOT, until they are all hanging from lampposts.
I have said before that DC is corrupt, and everyone of the uniparty should suffer justice. They tax and spend, and allow you, the voter, to have nothing. Slavery is alive and well in the USA. No, I am no longer a citizen of our once great country!
Yes I am an American. My ancestors helped found this nation. The Federal Government does not get to take that away from me. The Confederates still considered themselves to be American. They called themselves The Confederate States of America. For the first two years they celebrated the 4th of July. It was only after the starvation blockade and terrorist shelling of Vicksburg that that celebration ended. Grant should have hanged for his many war crimes. They honored Washington and Jefferson. So HELL YES I AM AN AMERICAN.
The problem is that “they” have rendered the term “American” meaningless. All of the millions of illegals that have stumbled across the southern border are now “Americans”. They will not and cannot contribute anything to the country and they will not assimilate to become what was traditionally an “American”.
No thanks… I’m not an “American”, whatever that means. I am without a country.
Precisely. Me calling myself an “American” is no different than a modern day Russian calling themselves a soviet. The country I was born in, and to which my citizenship is ascribed, simply doesn’t exist. The contract (The Constitution) that created it has been broken, therefore it is nothing more than a historical artifact now. A dysfunctional shit hole bearing it’s name is still running around assuming it’s identify, but that means nothing except that the name has been purloined and misappropriated.
At this point, I’d prefer to come up with a new country and a new name for it, as the word “America” has been sullied so badly. How many people name their kids Adolf anymore? Well, the same sense of disgust that has made that name so unpopular strikes me when thinking about the name America. I’m long past being ready to dispense with it.
It is more akin to a Russian in 1920 still calling himself Russian instead of Soviet. Russian is the nationality. Soviet was the state. A nation is made of blood, not lines on a map.
Chris, you are absolutely correct. A nation is made of blood, not lines on a map.
Nation and country are two different things. The American Nation still exists, especially in the rural South. The Country of the United States is an abomination and has been since the regime of Lincoln.
You can’t assimilate into being an American. An immigrant and their descendants will never be American. American is in your your blood from birth handed down to you by your forebears.
In ‘America’, the actual nation (blood) is in the European descended founders of the Republic. Call them Heritage Americans. Same race. Same culture. Same language. We are now in the minority, or will be shortly. We’ve allowed it and we’ll pay for it.
Its about the people not the blood nor the blood lines. Is this not what got us into the mess to begin with ( Blood lines?)
This short video should make us all think. This guy also does a good series on Appalachia.
People are what matters. Individuals. Content of character!
Have you ever seen content of character (lack of ‘morals’ )skip a generation? Good and evil do not follow nor adhere to “Blood lines.”
All that is needed for Evil to triumph is that good men do nothing !!!!
[…] https://ncrenegade.com/youre-not-an-american/#comments Spoofy hitlerian clip about why Disease X: […]
All…well said. They (the globalist regime:UN/WEF/IMF/WorldBank/BlackRock/Vangurad etc) all have WEF’s Young Global Leaders School grads amongst every major national political party, including Russia and China despite being fed the lie we are at war with them-no, we’re in bed with them, in every high position in major corporations, ALL in agreement to the formation of a NWO. What was once clandestine, post WWII, League of Nations (UN), CFR (Council of Foreign Relations), TLC (Tri Lateral Commission), Committee of 300 (Dr. John Colemans 1980’ish Book details the memberships), worked under the radar until Kissinger and Kahn recruited Nazi born Klaus Schwab to groom him for position in the EEF (European Economic Forum-Davos,Switzerland) morphed into WEF (~1970) where they started the Young Global Leaders School (look up UN website and search global leaders) about 1974 cranking out about 1200 grads a year. Some notable grads include Macron, Trudeau, Gates, Newsome, Merkle, Chelsea Clinton, the list is actually 45-50,000+ long, so it’s not hard to imagine everyone coming to a rapid agreement in the precursor UN War gaming Event 201 in Oct 2019 followed by the biggest Scam-Planned-Demic in history where the disease was created for the cure (satan’s oldest play the Hegelian Dialectic). Which allowed the Big Club (George Carlin) to first, test our response, measure the control parameters, etc..
Sadly, we are already in a NWO, it’s just not “officially” in name. They are creating the already planned 10-World Kingdoms (officially “Divisions”), which can be viewed on the UN website. In March 2023, O’Biden, Trudeau, and the Mexican Pres (forget the name-who cares anyway?) signed the DNA Treaty (Division of North America) which flew under the radar. Also flying under the radar back in the 60’s while Americans were wrapped up in the Sex-Drugs-&-RocknRoll , Anti-war (Vietnam) societal culture, was the development of the Climate Change agenda, the Ultimate world control module, that will be the driving force for them to establish control parameters which, right now, are disguised as the UN’s SDG’s (17-sustainable development goals) to literally enslave ALL of us “useless eaters”.
And that, my patriot friends (and enemies) is the Readers Digest Version of why America is on our way out. The last remaining obstacle for the NWO Club is America’s (Mystery Babylon-my opinion) Second Amendment. Unfortunately, while we recognized their plan of development, Sal Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” (Obama and Clintons protégé) stirring up the “divide and conquer” technique using primarily racial divide to hopefully initiate Civil War version 2.0, where they could send in the UN Blue Helmets to quell the uprising, but they couldn’t get us to bite the deception. “Change the bait”, they had to resort to Plan-B. Flood the southern border with military aged men, (here comes the Trojan Horse), tell us, the people they just happen to be men trying to escape Xi’s CCP, who just happen to be about 30,000 men over the last 6 months , who “just happened” to convene in Columbia South America, who just happened to blend in with 150,000 other illegals who will not assimilate, and THEN offer them Citizenship with a 4-year stint in our Military! So let’s just hand over our best weaponry to 50,000 illegals that hate us so when we do finally revolt, the Blue Helmets will already be in place, holding OUR WEAPONS turned against us and will have no issue firing upon us and our neighbors (this Plan-B method is just my conceived opinion- connecting-the-dots). Most of us will fight to the death, but on the other hand, if they time it right, half of us won’t know what to do, we’ll be caught totally off guard because we’re still arguing R vs D during an election year. News Flash-we lost our systematic voting long ago, AND RvsD is still two wings of the same bird, in this case, that bird is the “Phoenix” (out of the ashes) having been disguised as the Eagle (look at the back of a $1 bill !-it’s not an Eagle).
Anyway, I just had to vent, get it off my chest. Y’all have a wonderful 2024, maybe if we repent our Heavenly Father might buy us some more time, but it won’t be much since, as a Country, we kicked Him to the curb a decade ago, told Him “we don’t need you anymore” (We need Him more than ever, but I just don’t see enough people coming together to pull it off. 2030 (the period the NWO wants all system events up and running by) is rapidly approaching.
Young Leaders… forgot one, Ivanka Trump.
I forgot about 50,000, LOL. But yes, Trumps and Kushners are in on the plan, a lot of Kabalah and plenty of atheists and even more narcicists fill out huge portions.