Yuval Hariri Tells You What The Vaccines Really Do

By Emerald Robinson

Let’s review what we do know about the new COVID gene alteration therapies that really distinguishes them from actual vaccines, shall we?

They don’t prevent you from getting COVID.

They don’t prevent you from spreading COVID.

They don’t limit the severity of COVID if you get infected.

In fact, they don’t do anything that vaccines are supposed to do. This raises aprofound question: what are they really supposed to do?

There happens to be an Israeli professor of history who has profoundly influenced Klaus Schwab and the global cartel of trans-humanist oligarchs — and he’s more than happy to tell you what the vaccines actually do. He’s the leading thinker, the arch-guru, of the Silicon Valley dictator set. His name is Yuval Hariri.

At one globalist conference, he explained exactly what the COVID pandemic was being used by the globalist elites to do: “COVID is critical because this is what convinces people to accept, to legitimize, total biometric surveillance. If we want to stop this epidemic — we need to not just monitor people, we need to monitor what is happening underneath their skin.”

Yuval Hariri has said similar things at many other conferences and lectures as well: “Maybe in a couple of decades, when people look back, the thing they will remember from the COVID crisis, is: this is the moment when everything went digital. This was the moment when everything became monitored — that we agreed to be surveilled all the time. Not just in authoritarian regimes but even in democracies. This was the moment when surveillance went under the skin.”

Do you see? COVID is not the “accidental” release of a bioweapon derived from a Chinese bat coronavirus — it’s actually an opportunity for governments and global corporations to create a total surveillance system around the world that will ultimately control every human being.

This sounds like science fiction. It is not. There are secret ingredients in the COVID vaccines like graphene oxide (that the corporate media tells you is a conspiracy theory of course!) that can transmit data outside the body — like your heart rate.

What do the COVID vaccines really do? They usher in the Age of Total Surveillance.

Professor Hariri explained this new and terrifying reality (that he wants to usher into the world) to the World Economic Forum in 2018 where our corrupt elites embraced the idea that they would be the immortal masters of the world while they enslaved the rest of us in their new “digital dictatorship.”

Read the entire article here…

About Hammers Thor

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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

These people are demons and serve their master satan, this is not a conspiracy theory either. The kill shot also changes your God given DNA, you lose your connection with God, so is this the mark of the beast? It very well could be, have the two witnesses been killed and left where they are and rise up? Alot of things have to happen before the Lord Jesus Christ returns, remember if you do not have a sword sell your cloak and buy one. Are you a part of the army of GOD? Get a good edge on that sword.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

It is the mark.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Interestingly along the mark lines… this kinda really sealed it for me: New Covid “vaccination” is a nasal spray. It goes all the way back there where they did testing in its own delivery system.
Mark in the forehead stuff….. just sayin.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Aime Hart

The mark of the beast, you serve him mentally and the hand signifies serving him with your actions.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Aime Hart

Also it allows you to function in society. They are stating that if you do not receive the shot, they want to make it so you cannot. It is world wide thing. The shot also changes you at a molecular level. In the video they are talking about linking all people together. There is talk about the shot giving off a MAC address, this means if it is so, you can be connected with via some RF signal. Yes, a MAC address is a number. They are unique numbers and a sequence in them determines who the device came from. When put together, it meets all the criteria. Just saying, a red balloon is a red balloon.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

Thomas A., we’re on the same page. My best friend decided to take the shot. She’s a nurse and not quite ready to retire. Based on reading about SE, I’ve kept notice. First it was a tickle in the throat. Constant throat clearing now. She was the one to never forget too… but that has dramatically changed. Preferences and favorite things have changed too. The shot really does change people.

2 years ago

This video appears to only be available on youtube, which (I) cant download.
This sort of …..Complete and Utter Psychotic Confession needs to be Preserved.
And Youtube Can Not Be Trusted.

Maybe i am missing something but I can no longer downpoad
Youtube videos.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

youtube-dl is the answer.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

Another Linux brother I see.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor


2 years ago

this man is in need of a vaccine against sociopathy, I would suggest a high velocity cupro-lead therapy.

Tragedy of the Commons

I knew there was more to these vaccines then saving lives because they are too desperate
for every one to get one and it ain’t because they care or are
concerned. Just the opposite. The bodies, you see, don’t matter. They
never really matter. This is assuming this guy is telling
the truth.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

And he still draws breath.

2 years ago

“when I was 21, I realized…”. Now it all makes sense.

2 years ago

Part of this sounds like judgment, in that the American populace could not really expect that roughly most individuals would not get the covid-19 injections, as submission to authorities has been ingrained in them, systemically throughout institutions, such as churches (many of which apparently had mobile vans administering the covid-19 injections to their congregations). People should quit expecting sturdy, hearty, strong-minded individuals, when the population at large, has learned the way to get ahead is through submission. That’s where the money, social status, and power is in many people’s minds. If an alternative is desired, then a different methodology is needed to influence minds and according lifestyles. Another aspect of this seems like natural decline, albeit with an intent behind it. Although with no counterpart what can be expected?