A Time to Kill

private-60This essay was originally published on 12 January, 2013.  But it seems the time has again come to remind some folks, that there is a line they must not cross…

I am a soldier.  I know what war looks like, what it sounds like, smells like, what it feels like in my soul.

I stand today in the twilight of my nation’s grace, looking into the darkness of impending war.

My sleep is troubled, knowing what awaits, yet the ignorant and the ‘true believers’ sleep easily in their delusions, and I am saddened by it.

Daily, I see the Blackhawk and Apache helicopters flying over my city, the military vehicles which appear so frequently now on our roads, often with ‘guns up’ in violation of Posse Comitatus, and I know why they prepare, that it is not far off.

Nightly I hear the report of gunfire near my home, the noise angry men make as they prepare to boil over.  These are not soldiers – they are but angry men.  And though I share their well-justified anger, I am cautious with them, for they are not disciplined, and they know not the face of war, nor the burdens it imposes upon mind, body, and soul.  Because of this, they are dangerous, and I am saddened by this – that dangerous men should roam the streets near my home, full of anger and the lust for vengeance.

All about me are the ceaseless murmurs of soulless politicians and media propagandists, who wear their agendas on their sleeves as a badge of superiority, and the boundless echoes of their contrived ‘message’ assaults me from all sides, even repeated from the mouths of dear friends, and I am saddened by it.

soldier-fighting-position-m240I bear witness to the fact that throughout my lifetime, the lifeblood of my republic has been drained away by greedy and self-serving men, from high to low, who contrive nought but deception against their neighbors and countrymen, and who fail to consider that their children and mine shall share the same fate, the same future, and I am saddened by it.

But I am a soldier, and I know what must be done; and so I shall put away my sadness and I shall harness up the bitter steed of war, and gird myself up for the battle; and I shall ride out to meet the enemies of Liberty; not in rage, not for anger sake or the hope of vengeance; but because I swore an oath before God, to jealously guard our Republic and its Constitution against all enemies; Him I shall not disappoint, for He is my Hope and my Trust.

Therefore, as much as my soul laments against the harsh truth before me, I make this declaration to my enemies who press me into this battle, that none shall be able to afterwards say “I did not know, you did not warn me”;

I do not care why you took that job with the government, or why you continue to hold it.  I only know that you have become Judas and sold yourself to an oppressive state – your government office buildings and vehicles are part of the battlefield, and as a soldier I shall act accordingly.

I do not care why, as a journalist, you choose to spin and corrupt the news, rather than report the plain truth and let the people judge for themselves.  I only know that you have violated the public trust in the most vile and seditious manner, and thus your homes, offices, studios, vehicles, and any other place you may find yourself are part of the battlefield, and as a soldier I shall act accordingly.

I do not care why you signed that union card.  I only know that you pay dues to a communist organization which conducts treasonous works against my Republic daily – and so your union hall and your work-sites are part of the battlefield, and as a soldier I shall act accordingly.

I do not care that you only voted for the traitor because you are elderly/disabled or otherwise dependent upon government largess.  Are you so ignorant and/or disinterested that you could not see through their propaganda, to the fact that your sustenance was assured either way?  What have you gained now that the public housing areas you live in, and the public facilities you depend on are part of the battlefield?  Though I am a soldier, I can afford you little protection, for you have placed yourselves on the battlefield.

sniper-fiftyI know that all of these places and all of these people are part of the battlefield ,not just because I am a soldier, and have experienced a few battlefields in my day; but also because our President declares that even our own homes are on the battlefield, whether we wish them to be or not, and I have no choice but to believe him; it’s not just that the NDAA passed – a battlefield is not defined by law; it’s the profound build-up of martial power and resources across my once-great nation which tells me a battle is being prepared here.  Over two billion rounds of ammunition procured by DHS and its sub-agencies in the past 18 months, plus machine guns in the tens of thousands, armored vehicles, combat aircraft, drones, and other implements of war being staged throughout our nation, our home – how do you explain that except as the preparation for battle?

Private-AI will fight not because I desire it, but because I cannot justify any other course of action – when the enemy attacks, you must fight – you must kill or you will die. 

I smell you, my enemy; I can feel the ambush you have laid for me and my true countrymen, all about like a sticky spider’s web, yet we will not back down; and though you will kill some of us, you will not get us all before we have finished with you.

I stand here, ready, on the eve of battle, and I ask God why I have been brough to the threshold of this battlefield, about to be thrust in, when I though my soldiering days were through; and I am reminded that there is by His decree, a Time to Kill, as well as a Time to Die…  who am I to question why?

This essay was originally published on January 12th, 2013.  But considering the circumstances, I believe the time has come to remind some folks that there is a line they must not cross…


~Those who abuse Liberty, sentence themselves to Death!

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12 years ago

Well said and posted.

12 years ago
Reply to  brocktownsend

I will stand

12 years ago
Reply to  MikeBinNM

I will stand.

12 years ago
Reply to  brocktownsend

i am a vet and i will stand

Frank Love
Frank Love
12 years ago
Reply to  bob

I am a Combat Veteran, I have Stood and I continue to Stand!

RB dog
12 years ago
Reply to  Frank Love

amen brother.

12 years ago
Reply to  bob

I am a combat vet and I will stand with you!

12 years ago
Reply to  brocktownsend

LISTEN up guys,THE LORD has shown me the war from start to finish,DO NOT GO ANYWHERE FROM THIS POINT IN TIME ON,..WITHOUT YOUR BEST BATTLE WEAPON,”WITH YOU”,AND PLENTY OF AMMO FOR IT,THERE going to hit US without warning,many will be caught out from home without their weapons and will be shot on the spot,CARRY YOUR PISTOL AT ALL TIMES,I have seen guys coming out of walmart and killed in the parking lot, guys at the circle-K and shot as they came running out to their car to get their guns(they didn’t make it),they are going to use every dirty trick they have to take down america,”BE READY”………………..

12 years ago
Reply to  Arizona

At what Walmart or Circle-K have you seen people killed in parking lots?

12 years ago
Reply to  Prospector

re read what he said…it was a vision

12 years ago
Reply to  Arizona

I had a dream the other night where I looked out my window into the street and saw U.S. military trucks pulling into the neighborhood. Troops in brown uniforms (they looked foreign) jumped out and started kicking in doors and dragging people out. One man was executed, and then gunfire broke out everywhere coming from all the houses. I don’t remember grabbing my rifle in the dream, but suddenly it was in my hands and I was shooting at the troops too. In what seemed like seconds there were dead bodies laying everywhere in the street, most of which were wearing the brown uniforms.

Oddly enough my wife had a dream the same night, but in hers she heard what sounded like a roaring wind outside and saw a continuous wall of flames rushing past our bedroom window.

We both felt the dreams seemed unusually real and unsettling.

12 years ago
Reply to  thane762

Hallelu YAH !!!

12 years ago
Reply to  thane762

What are the odds that I have shared the same thought/dream in the last two days with those in my AOR; Trucks and troops in the neighborhood, no knock warrants, executions on the spot, to which the neighbors are returning fire. That day of reckoning is coming closer…

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
12 years ago
Reply to  Arizona

AND PLENTY OF AMMO FOR IT,THERE going to hit US without warning

The word is “THEY’RE”, not “THERE”. Learn to speak and write English.

Fighting Grandma
Fighting Grandma
12 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Big Deal ~ we understood what he meant…meaningless post! And we have much bigger fish to fry than nonsense in spelling at this crucial time for our country!

Fighting Grandma
Fighting Grandma
12 years ago

Oh, and I will DEFINITELY STAND!!!

Harry Kerylidis
12 years ago

I agree. You know what he means so care about meaningless dribble like spelling mistakes.

12 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Joe Blow you are correct but the eloquence of this letter brought tears to my eyes. We had all better be prepared for the horror about to descend on our heads. As Churchill said, “…it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

12 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow


jane snyder
jane snyder
12 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

judgmental jerk

Pastor Terry
12 years ago
Reply to  Arizona

ARIZONA — We walk in The Spirit and desire to know more about what you have seen from start to finish. Please contact us at memilitant@yahoo.com. Please place THE CHRISTIAN MILITIA in the subject line to avoid being ignored by our spam blocker. Thanks for your time and God Bless.

12 years ago
Reply to  Arizona

A close friend and I have shared our visions of the past 2 yrs. or more and discussed them with others who have also had these “dreams”. We feel that a lot of what we have been given are simply possibilities as to what could happen depending on the choices we and the “others” make. However, I am in no way down-playing what you have been given — it could easy be what awaits us. For my part, I feel your advice is good — besides, an ounce of prevention is never a bad idea.
I would love to discuss this further with you and like-minded others.
…………. and yes, I WILL STAND.

12 years ago
Reply to  brocktownsend


wesley bryce
wesley bryce
12 years ago
Reply to  brocktownsend

I will stand

12 years ago
Reply to  wesley bryce


12 years ago
Reply to  brocktownsend

They’ve taken our jobs, our cars, our homes our split families asunder with their greed and abuse. I have nothing left to lose, nothing left to be taken. I will stand.

12 years ago
Reply to  brocktownsend

Amen. Sad, but necessary. This vet will defend his square foot of ground to the last.
Peace and Hope… May things not come to this…

12 years ago
Reply to  brocktownsend

Evil Only flourishes when Good Men do Nothing.

12 years ago
Reply to  P

Amen my brother and sister in Christ

12 years ago
Reply to  brocktownsend

I WILL stand, as will my family.

Tim Smith
Tim Smith
12 years ago
Reply to  brocktownsend

I will stand

12 years ago
Reply to  brocktownsend

I WILL STAND. One must stand for something or he stands for nothing. We must fight for Liberty everyday. Sad but true but look at the leadership that was in the White House the last four years and then re-elected for four more. We Patriots must be prepared today because tomorrow is to late!

12 years ago
Reply to  brocktownsend

200+ years ago This country was taken from tyrants by our forefathers who were ordinary citizens who had been pushed to far. They used muskets ,sticks and rocks, I WILL NOT let the blood shed by those patriots be in vain. I WILL STAND!

the great patriot James Jones
the great patriot James Jones
12 years ago
Reply to  brocktownsend

I will stand then, now, and tomorrow

Walter Zoomie
12 years ago

Great stuff, brother. I couldn’t have said it better. I’m old and cranky and slow…and it’s been 21 years since I wore the uniform…but I’ll be damned if I lay down and die without a fight.

12 years ago
Reply to  Walter Zoomie

I’ll second that, Walter. I never expected to live this long, but since I’m still here, I’ll stand and give the best accounting of myself that I can. Semper Fi. Doc J

12 years ago
Reply to  Walter Zoomie

I am old enough now that if I died tomorrow I would not be missing much. But I am still young enough to put up a hell of a fight. Guys like us are expendable. It is our children and grandchildren we will fight for. Bully. I praise God for opening my eyes to this over thirty years ago. I praise Him for preparing me all this time.

Keith Cameron
12 years ago
Reply to  GrandDaddy

Exactly my thoughts. I am beyond caring for myself or the vanity of life. I do however love my children and my grandchildren yet unborn enough to give all for our Republic.

Nathanael Hale
Nathanael Hale
12 years ago

Patriots! Remember that not all who wear the uniform are the enemy!!!
There are those of us who are Patriots and III% on the inside of the military!!! We remember our Oaths and will force the issue when the time comes.

12 years ago
Reply to  Nathanael Hale

Thank you for your service, sir! I, too, have taken the oath……I am an Oath Keeper, and I will stand against tyranny! There is no expiration date on our oath!

12 years ago
Reply to  Nathanael Hale

I echo this sentiment from Hale, there are also those in government and law enforcement who are awake and waiting for the balloon to go up. There are those in government who sincerely do their best with what they’ve got, keep the peace, and honor their oaths. I will stand. Semper Fi.

12 years ago
Reply to  Nathanael Hale

Thank you all for all your sacrifices.. but I do not trust many any longer. What do those of us who are not prepared do?.. I am a middle aged lady and I live in fear daily!!

Bill Soper
Bill Soper
12 years ago
Reply to  Kat

Kat: these things we are facing may seem overwhelming. If we stand for righteousness, surely the Lord will see us through. Please understand, good people will stand together but our focus should be on the Lord. Apart from him we can do nothing! Jesus Christ will return. He promised. He cannot lie. He told us these things would happen and to not be troubled. Turn to Jesus Christ and trust him completely. He will give you peace. This is a blessing to live in a time to see the Lord return! GOD SPEED PATRIOTS! THIS AMERICAN WILL STAND!!!

12 years ago
Reply to  Kat

Not everyone needs to be a high speed grunt. If or when this comes, logistics will be imperative. There will need to be safe houses, resupply points, medical treatment in someone’s barn or tool shed, radio relay stations. Even just a ordinary person carrying a coded message from point A to B. Find people in your area of like mind and begin organizing.
Everybody will need to help in someway. The most important thing is find people you trust now and plan what you will do.

j. johnson
j. johnson
12 years ago
Reply to  LT

I may be old, but uncle sam taught me to hit what I aim at back in the 60’s, and I am a better shot now than back then. I will stand as will my family members against the coming oppression and tyranical leaders. I swore an oath in 1967 and it still stands today. My answer to Obama and his gun grabbers has been spoken hundreds of years ago by the spartans when they were told to lay down their weapons..MOLON LABE.

12 years ago
Reply to  j. johnson

Beautifully said. Thanks!

12 years ago
Reply to  LT

On my feet

Horace Smith
Horace Smith
12 years ago

I took the oath in December 1956 and have never put it aside for one moment. At 80 years I’m ready to fight, if weakly.

12 years ago
Reply to  Horace Smith

Thank you Sir, you and others of your generation may well decide the battle.

12 years ago
Reply to  Horace Smith

I’ll stand with you any day sir.

12 years ago
Reply to  Horace Smith

Brought tears to my eyes….thank you kind sir for defending our beautiful country and its ppl. I’m just a mommy and a wife, but I will stand, too.

12 years ago

Excellent and very accurate article. Would like to know the source for your quote at the end and would you mind if I use it?

12 years ago
Reply to  LT

LT -- This is the quote I was asking about: ~Those who abuse Liberty, sentence themselves to Death!

LT Bob
LT Bob
12 years ago
Reply to  LT

LT,my troops once affectionately called me LT and i remember those comments with reverence and respect in the field.While I never saw combat we trained for it daily.As an Infantryman I took my oath twice.Once as an enlisted man and once as an officer.You’re words spoke what I have been feeling for several years.While I am no longer full of bravado I too will stand right beside all my brothers and sisters.God bless and God speed.Pray to Jesus for forgiveness and his armour in the fight to come.

12 years ago

Wow. This is incredibly powerful and encouraging to know that there are soldiers on the side of the people. Thank you for being brave enough to stand up and speak out. I have hope because of men like you.

12 years ago

Kendra, have hope in that and in the fact that YOU are awake enough to know and see the truth. You’ll be there shoulder to shoulder with the rest of us when needed. This requires every single individual to make that decision and stand firm.

12 years ago
Reply to  Lordchamp

I Think most of us are God fearing people, and thats the only person we should fear, “For God hath not given us a Spirit of fear, but of Love, of Power and of a Sound Mind.” 2TIM1:7

12 years ago


Outstanding. Although I was not able to serve, I too have witnessed angry people with little direction.I have heard them spout off without truly reflecting on what they are saying…they don’t understand what they are saying or they wouldn’t be talking they way they are. I decided some time ago that I would NOT be a liability to those who will defend liberty. I have made it a point to invest time and money in training as well as equipment, I have renewed my EMT status, I train to stay fit and continue to work in the combat martial arts, I have minimized my lifestyle to grow accustomed to simplicity…it is my sincere hope that we come back from the precipice, but should it come then I will watch your back, or give you quarter, or maybe even save your life. Either way, we will work together and I will do what I can for all of us. God be with you and all of us.

12 years ago
Reply to  Jared

Yes! We are not all capable of doing the soldiering…but we can do all the other stuff needed to finish the job. And we will watch your back, oh yes we will.

Yank lll
12 years ago


Yank lll


[…] A Time to Kill | NCRenegade. […]

Ivy Mike
Ivy Mike
12 years ago

Being that you’re a soldier in the Standing Army, it’s time realize you’re part of the problem.

“What, Sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty…”

~Rep. Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts, spoken during floor debate over the Second Amendment, I Annals of Congress at 750, August 17, 1789

The 2A was meant to EMANCIPATE America from a Pentagon military-industrial-complex’s Standing Army, Swiss style.

“The inhabitants of Switzerland emancipated themselves by the establishment of a militia, which finally delivered them from the tyranny of their lords.”

~Representative Jackson, first U.S. Congress, when it met and turned to defense measures in 1791

alan brent baird
alan brent baird
12 years ago
Reply to  Ivy Mike

Ivy Mike
so removing anyone with patriotic tendings in this “standing army would somehow be the solution rightt?Really? Really? Really Mike?

Sgt. C
12 years ago

I dread it. Its not anything like you see on movies. I hate the thought of my young nieces & nephews, and son having to see their country going to hell in a handbasket. I’m old, BTDT in Iraq. But if I have to, I will stand on the line again. Someone has to.
Our future generations deserve the chance to live in a nation that holds as much promise as the one we grew up in.

Kevin J J Kehoe
12 years ago
Reply to  LT

Actually I believe GOD never needed and Oath just that your yes is yes and no is no.
We have honor and will keep our word and GOD will decide.

The lawyers
I hope where they go but the Lord is my Judge and theirs

12 years ago
Reply to  LT

The greatest service you and other vets could provide to the people of this nation is in training. If you have not done so already, I encourage you to involve yourself in your community and train your countrymen to defend themselves.

12 years ago

Well said, Sir!

12 years ago

Powerful words. Why are they needed at this point of time?

Yup, yet another veteran here still recalling his oath. I’m hoping all this blows over, but what are the chances of that?

We all will do what must be done when the time arrives. I’m at peace with my Lord, and my family.

I’d love to live to see my 80th birthday. Well, life is tough at times. The fact that forces not in my control are ready to destroy this country saddens me beyond belief. I’m too old for this crap, but I’d be honored to stand next to Mr. Smith.

Well, like Forrest Gump said, “$hit happens.” I’m worried about my kids still in the military …

You all stay safe, and thanks for the article LT.

12 years ago

There are a whole lot of people who feel exactly as you do so you are not alone. This post needs to go viral. I even printed it out so my wife can take it to her salon for others to read.
Obama made a mistake when you claimed we cling to our bible and our guns. He of course left out the Constitution.

George Proctor
George Proctor
12 years ago

I will stand..George A. Proctor Jr., U.S.M.C/ 1970 -- 73

12 years ago
Reply to  George Proctor

Semper Fi, Devil Dog! Doc J, 1984-1992

12 years ago
Reply to  George Proctor

Semper Fi, Marine!

Alvie D. Zane
12 years ago

I will stand.

Steve Dunn
Steve Dunn
12 years ago

I am sorry to say that I’m not a veteran but I will stand.

12 years ago

I will stand… albeit a little crookedly -- my legs don’t work as well as they did 40 years ago, but if I’m needed, I’ll be there.

12 years ago

I will stand

12 years ago

Talk is cheap. We’ll see who does what. Be aware that when the Regime strikes, it will be sudden, brutal, and w/o warning. Sleep light, and keep the weapons and ammunition within instant reach.

Kevin J J Kehoe
12 years ago
Reply to  StukaPilot

Tough to take my SCAR 17 into the can and shower so my glock will have to do.

I love all you crazy American rebellious bastards and bitches.

12 years ago
Reply to  StukaPilot

I’ll have to agree, I feel too many say “I will stand” very quickly. I have been very concerned. I am an Active Duty Soldier. We talk about this at work, we are all uneasy. Been having bad dreams too. I’ll do my best to defend the constitution. We will see what happens, it has been my experience that the biggest “talker” winds up being the biggest coward. Haven’t seen that here, and this essay really verbalized my feelings. I just believe in being a little cautious ….

Fred Jones
Fred Jones
12 years ago

I will stand. Amen to what you said.mesagoatman

12 years ago

I owe a debt.
I will stand.
Not one more inch.

request permission to distribute?

12 years ago
Reply to  shadowfane

You are welcome to distribute this article. Please give the appropriate credit to LT.

12 years ago

I feel the exact same way as the author of this article!


Let it begin here

Written By: Bob -- Jan• 07•13

Easing into my 40s, I’m finally starting to understand the urgency of time, and
the appeal of leaving a lasting legacy. What will I leave behind to my
daughters, and my nieces and nephews? What can I do for my grandchildren before
they’re even born, so that they have an opportunity for a life as blessed as
mine has been? What is worth building, protecting, and passing on?

I, for one, cannot stand the thought of bowing my head for decades more, only to
look back from the twilight of my life at my gathered children and
grandchildren, knowing that I failed to act to protect their most precious

Then it struck me; do I love my children any less now, that I would not
sacrifice all that I am for them at this moment, if that is what liberty

Politicians in Illinois, New York, and Washington, DC are incapable of grasping
the true meaning of that word, sacrifice.

To them, “sacrifice” is what someone else must give up in order for them to have
their way. At best, “sacrifice” to them is having to delay their desires, of
having to steal away what they would take from us in partial-measures, buried in
massive bills that we have to pass to find out whats in them.

Word has come down in recent days that the President of the United States may
attempt to gut the Second Amendment via an executive order, reclassifying
popular self-loading firearms as Title II weapons the same as hand grenades,
rocket launchers, and crew-served machine guns. In doing so, he would force you
to register your firearms with the Federal government, pay a draconian tax for
merely keeping what you already own, and shred your right to privacy, allowing
the federal government into your home unannounced to “check up” on or confiscate
your guns at any moment they see fit.

From NFA ’34, to GCA ’68, to FOPA ’86, and the ’94 Crime Bill, the federal
government has chipped away at the rights of gun owners in the name of “public
safety.” Tellingly, the safety they’ve sought to protect in each and every one
of those laws has been their own, attempting to defang the people so that when
the people finally realize they have been cornered by their would-be masters,
they have nothing left with which to strike back in their own defense.

Not one step more. That is what I pledge to my children.

I will accept no executive orders that reclassifies the most common and popular
sporting rifle in America into a de facto “machine gun” just because a
narcissist son of a drunken communist claims it is his right to do so.

I will not accept a ban on any firearms, or magazines from a self-absorbed
Congress or any other imagined superior.

I will not give up one more cartridge, one more inch, or one more right so that
statists in either party can constrict our liberties yet again in the false
claim of safety, a claim that only serves their desire for absolute power
without consequence.

Captain John Parker was a veteran of the French and Indian War when he ordered
his troops of the Lexington Militia—not Minutemen, mind you, but the normal
regular militia—to muster on Lexington Green. Parker was dying of advanced
tuberculosis; he’d be dead within six months. His orders to his men as he faced
700 approaching regulars with less than 70 men are recorded for posterity.
“Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a
war, let it begin here.”

I can chart the path forward for no other man, but I will contest to their last
breaths the desires of petty tyrants and their co-conspirators if they cross
this red line that determines that the soap box, ballot box, and jury box have
failed, and that the cartridge box is our last resort.

I will go to my death if this time comes to pass, orphaning and widowing those I
hold most dear. For that I am truly regretful, just as I regret the lives I must
attempt to cut short so that my children will breathe free. I know that in my
sights will be another mother’s son or daughter, likely with children of their
own. But they will have made their choice of whom to serve, and I have made

There is no desire for bloodshed in my heart, but if they want a war, let it
begin here.

12 years ago
Reply to  1stCavRvn11B

Awe inspiring, and very well written, sir. You are not alone, there are many patriots who feel the same way. UNITED, WE STAND!

12 years ago
Reply to  1stCavRvn11B

rescued d these posts, it is very difficulty to hold back tears….tears of gratitude for men and women like you. It is amazing to wend your way through all of the internet sites and sense the massively growing wave of this intense patriotism. People all over this land sensing inside themselves this ache over the loss of something precious, and coming face to face with the reality that “I MUST STAND AGAINST THIS TERRIBLE LOSS”. I must, even at the expense of my life. I cannot do otherwise. It would be shameful to do otherwise.
A short while ago, I felt I was odd, feeling this way. But it seems there are many who feel this powerful need to stand against this evil in our country. Thank you dear friends for being willing to make whatever sacrafices are necessary. I love you all. God bless America.

12 years ago
Reply to  rescued

“I do not care why you signed that union card. I only know that you pay dues to a communist organization which conducts treasonous works against my Republic daily”
So you stand with the bankers and other global interest against workers, you are brain washed by the same media you claim to want to hold accountable. I’m not talking government unions.You have shed blood for tyrants the same tyrants we fight the everyday. As they steal our resources, enslave our people and take away our constitutional rights. You were the ones who made it possible. Now you want to pretend you did it for the republic? You were misguided then and you’re still misguided.

12 years ago
Reply to  1stCavRvn11B

Awe inspiring indeed! I will stand.

12 years ago

I will stand. I have posted.

Daniel Kenoyer
12 years ago

I stand, and will continue to do so.

Ricky Ross
Ricky Ross
12 years ago

I am ready to mount up! Let’s go…the longer that we wait, the more our enemy prepares for us. This should have happened days after 911…never mind that, let’s give the TYRANTS the war that they want and deserve!

12 years ago

It’s been 40 years since I served, but I can and will stand.

Bulldog 4
12 years ago

I will stand. Hooah!

12 years ago
Reply to  LT

I will Stand! May we as GOD’s people repent and seek HIS face.and ask JESUS to be our KING again AMEN.

12 years ago

You do not stand alone.

12 years ago

LT, I am much like Jared and Shane, never having served. Time and circumstances…….but this Republic has been good to me, and I want that same freedom for my children theirs. I will stand.

Oscar cochran
Oscar cochran
12 years ago

This Salty Dog (BM2)SAR
will stand with you, even now that I am 50 I still can hit a target.

12 years ago
Reply to  Oscar cochran

8 sideboys and a boatswain to pipe me aboard in hell. At least. This old HM1 (8403) is still good for at least that many.

Neil Kemp
12 years ago

I WILL STAND & very well said.

Beware the Guerrilla Wife
Beware the Guerrilla Wife
12 years ago

The Book of Judith. They will never see me coming. I WILL STAND.

John Rogers
John Rogers
12 years ago

I will stand

Steve E
Steve E
12 years ago

Never surrender!
I stand with my brothers

Iver Jacobsen
Iver Jacobsen
12 years ago

I will honor my oath until my last breath.


[…] A Time to Kill […]

12 years ago

I didn’t serve, the draft missed me during the Viet Nam war. I give thanks & praise to all of you that served. My father is 91 yrs. old, served with the 101st in Europe, his brother, a Silver Star recipient was killed in Saipan, my youngest son is USMC. Well written and I will stand, I would rather die standing then live on my knees!

12 years ago

I will stand.

12 years ago

Paramedic, state and nationally certified for 32 years, I will join you regardless of tomorrow.

stuart perry
stuart perry
12 years ago

Godspeed, patriots; but be clear that a trap is being prepared. Follow this interesting analysis:

This is in line with the War College scenario that describes putting down a Tea Party Rebellion. As always, there is more to the battlefield than what we see. The current initiative is only the bait. King George has three more years to force a confrontation, bleed the enemy (us) then move on to the real prize. Know the Great Deceiver is shrewd, and we are all being played. Think strategically.
Tread carefully.

The One
The One
12 years ago
Reply to  stuart perry

Remember Fort Sumter?

Frank Tehako
Frank Tehako
12 years ago

So sad and yet, so true

12 years ago

Excellent. Old men can die first I say, and I’m one of them so let me at em…

Angry Drunken Dwarf
12 years ago

I will stand.