DHS Is Getting Wearable Radiation Detectors: Are They Prepping for the Next False Flag?

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8 years ago

Anyone who wants to can own a NukAlert for about a $175. This is very nearly equivalent to the warable monitors DHS is procuring, except for the cost.

I bought my first Nukalert in 2006, before deploying to Louisianna after Katrina, and bought additional units for several members of my extended family after the Fukushima event. I highly recommend them for anyone living in a metro area susceptable to an act of nuclear terrorism, and for everyone living within the down-wind pattern of a nuclear power plant.

The governments first interest is not your personal or family safety…it is maintaining order. As such, there will always be a delay between the occurrence of a nuclear release, and the public announcement to seek shelter. That period of delay could well be the difference between your family’s survival, and becoming a death statistic for the evening news.
Politicians are somewhat like generals -- they always discuss “acceptable losses” after a disaster event. It is partially to assuage heir own guilt, and more so to justify their choosing the “best course of action” for the political system in which they place their faith.

Disclosure -- I have no association with or business interest in the Nukalert products, other than being a satisfied customer for the last decade.