Memphis Mayor Wants to Dig Up General Nathan Bedford Forrest

Memphis Mayor A.C. Wharton wants to dig up the bodies of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife and remove them from a city park in the latest and perhaps most despicable example of the anti-Southern cleansing spreading across the nation.

“Which African-American wants to have a picnic in the shadow of Nathan Bedford Forrest?” Wharton said in a Thursday press briefing.

In addition to desecrating the graves, Wharton wants to tear down a massive statue honoring the Confederate general who was involved in organizing the Ku Klux Klan. The bodies of Forrest and his wife would be relocated to a cemetery.


h/t cavmedic

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Monte Caylor
Monte Caylor
8 years ago

Bulls***, Leave our heritage alone.

The Willpower
8 years ago

Armed Confederates need to be posted at the grave site. Don’t let the anti-Americans take
over your country. These are Communists and in no way are American.

8 years ago

Well, Nathan Bedford Forrest, the first Grand Wizard of the KKK, really was a monster, an evil genius, the scum of the Earth.

8 years ago
Reply to  daveburton

what ever he was, it makes no difference at this time, the guy is dead and buried for over one hundred years. only Animal barbarians dig up graves and that’s what these sub human animals are. you need to see what has truly happened here, Roof was not as stupid as many people believe. For a 21 year old he knew just how to light the match to begin the 2nd civil civil war, and he has done it. the Northern states and the west coast states hate the southern states, they think down on the people, they believe they all have low I.Q.’s, and they detest them because they honor God and the Bible. But most of all Obama the sodomite hates the southerners also. you will be forced at some point to fight against these sub humans or they will murder you and your family. remember what Shabaz the black panther racist from Philadelphia just re-iterated once again, he wants the black race to murder all white cracker females and there cracker babies, and he wants to dig up the bodies of whites to trample on dead families bones. I can only speak for myself if anyone of the Negro race goes to my family gravesite to dig them up, I will remove the from this world for ever. and If I have to call people over from Europe ( do you get my point ) to hunt them down if my family gets murdered, hell will be unleashed on them.. Please, do not take there threats lightly any longer, these same animals have been playing the knockout game for 6 years now and murdering and severely hurting white people, , you need to watch is doesn’t happen to you and your family while your shopping or just out in the park or whatever.

8 years ago

These reason these communist fu*ktards are pushing so hard for removal of anything and everything related to slavery,the CSA,the battle flag of the army of northern Virginia,statues of famous civil war generals and other leaders is so that they can finish rewriting the history textbooks and portray ALL whites,especially southern whites as evil racists.
The reason they are pushing so hard now is that we have not yet pushed back hard enough against all their bullshit,and when we did push back-we were instantly labeled as racists.
We didn’t push back when they removed prayer from schools,we didn’t push back when they kept playing the race card,we didn’t push back when they began putting us down as clinging to guns and religion,we didn’t push back hard enough when they began their latest BS of kids being permitted to claim they are male or female,we didn’t say shit when all the “white privilege” garbage started,we didn’t push back hard enough on Obamacare,now known as SCOTUS care,we didn’t push back hard enough on gay marriage-now SCOTUS has made it “legal”.
Time to push back,time to march on D.C., march on every state capitol that bowed to the commie libtards.
We are not going to vote our way out of this.
Massive civil disobedience is the only recourse.
The LGBT freaks are about 2% of the population,black folks are 13% of the population,why are we allowing these very,very few people dictate this bullshit to the rest of us?
I’m in no way,shape or form racist-it’s the individual that matters.
The Shabazz idiot,and the entire NBBP are attempting to incite a race war when they are outnumbered by more than 3-1.
Morons like him,and Farrakhan do not have all that many followers-yet they want a race war? WTF?
We need to have massive displays of civil disobedience-all across FUSA-in every state,even the leftist strongholds.
Time to put an end to this shit.