Once Again, The Lines Are Clearly Drawn

President Barack Obama on the Golf Course

I would be dancing like the pResident in the picture above if I was able to steal money from people to buy votes to stay in office to steal more money to buy more votes….

Well we get the picture. At some point, people will stop playing the redistribution game. At that point, Civil War II is on. Restoration of Liberty is not Revolution.

David DeGerolamo

CBO:Top 40% Paid 106.2% of Income Taxes; Bottom 40% Paid -9.1%, Got Average of $18,950 in ‘Transfers’

The top 40 percent of households by before-tax income actually paid 106.2 percent of the nation’s net income taxes in 2010, according to a new study by the Congressional Budget Office.

At the same time, households in the bottom 40 percent took in an average of $18,950 in what the CBO called “government transfers” in 2010.

Taxpayers in the top 40 percent of households were able to pay more than 100 percent of net federal income taxes in 2010 because Americans in the bottom 40 percent actually paid negative income taxes, according to the CBO study entitled, “The Distribution of Household Income and Federal Taxes, 2010.

“When refundable tax credits, such as the earned income tax credit and the child tax credit, exceed the other federal tax liabilities of the households in an income group, those households are said to have a negative average tax rate,” said the CBO study.


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