Where is Abdul Rahman Alharbi?

A dark-skinned man

So where are we concerning the Boston Marathon bombing coverup? Glenn Beck’s initial program on Monday night (April 22nd, 2013), was a letdown compared to the buildup from the previous week. However, more information is leaking out every day.  Here are my observations:

1. Glenn Beck is releasing information over a period of time to either build ratings and/or to get more people to come forward. The reasons are not relevant: we must keep following this story.

2. There is no question that our media is being controlled by the government. The censorship and propaganda that is now normal operations is a hallmark of a tyrannical government. The article below comes from Canada Free Press.

3. Janet Napolitano has perjured herself in Congressional hearings concerning Abdul Rahman Alharbi.

4. Saudi Arabia is controlling our government’s actions at the highest levels.

5. This administration has delivered our country into the hands of Islamic extremists including the Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR and al Qaeda.

6. This administration is supporting al Qaeda in Syria.

7. Our government officials are living in fear. It is only a matter of time before this story takes down the administration. 

8. The CIA and FBI have been compromised with Muslim leadership, oversight and sensitivity training.

9. The people’s rights in the United States are now equivalent to NAZI Germany or Stalinist Russia. The militarization of the police is complete and what we witnessed in Boston has emboldened the administration’s plans.

10. Right now, there is only one question to ask: where is Abdul Rahman Alharbi?

David DeGerolamo

Plot Thickens in Saudi National Case

Radio talk show host Glenn Beck is continuing to investigate Abdul Rahman Alharbi, the Saudi national initially identified as a “person of interest” in the Boston Marathon bombing atrocity.

Beck kept up the pressure on Tuesday as well. He said that “more attention should be paid” to Alharbi, based on information he claims was given to him by government officials “at the highest levels,” some of whom have been “threatened with twenty years in prison…to get this information to you.” Beck dropped another bombshell on his show that night. He told his audience the DHS has “no idea” where Alharbi is currently located. He further noted that Alharbi’s student visa “only permits him to be attending school in Findlay, Ohio, but he never enrolled.”

Yesterday, Beck put far more credence behind the reality that Napolitano is utterly disingenuous and Starnes is onto something. After beginning with a brief review of the timeline during which Alharbi went from a “person of interest, to witness, to victim, to nobody,” the radio host presented information obtained by what The Blaze website described as a source who “directly read the original event file, and multiple government sources with knowledge of the case and files (who) contributed their knowledge.”

In short, Beck had allegedly obtained a copy of the original event file.


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