Why Is the CDC Lying about Ebola?

Volunteers prepare to remove the bodies of people who were suspected of contracting Ebola and died in the community in the village of Pendebu, north of Kenema August 2 , 2014. REUTERS-WHO-Tarik Jasarevic-Handout via Reuters

Eight people who came in contact with Patrick Sawyer on an air flight to Lagos, Nigeria are showing signs of Ebola. The mode of transmission can only be attributed to an airborne vector. But the CDC continues to state that Ebola is not airborne. Why?

David DeGerolamo

Bodies dumped in streets as West Africa struggles to curb Ebola

Relatives of Ebola victims in Liberia defied government orders and dumped infected bodies in the streets as West African governments struggled to enforce tough measures to curb an outbreak of the virus that has killed 887 people.

In Nigeria, which recorded its first death from Ebola in late July, authorities in Lagos said eight people who came in contact with the deceased U.S. citizen Patrick Sawyer were showing signs of the deadly disease.


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