You Can’t Make This Up

Deborah Ross is an attorney and representative in the NC General Assembly who should choose her words more carefully. Since when it is discrimination to enforce the laws of the federal government? She is more concerned with the rights of illegal aliens than serving the people of North Carolina. And just to be clear, North Carolina is in the United States of America which is part of the North American continent. People who are citizens of this country are called “Americans” because it is the name of our country.

Mrs. Ross voted against the people of North Carolina today in favor of illegal immigrants. Fortunately for “Americans”, HB 33 was approved in this hearing. For those who have not been following the escapades of Mrs. Ross, she has been single handedly holding up legislation than restricts our rights under the second amendment. Here is one article concerning her “work” in last year’s short session:

Let’s hope that redistricting will take care of this politician in 2012.

David DeGerolamo

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Pam Reynolds
Pam Reynolds
13 years ago

What the crap is this? Which area of NC does she represent? I hope that the Repubs in the General Assembly can shut her down.

13 years ago
Reply to  Pam Reynolds

Unfortunately she is in District 38 covers area near Raleigh, which is in David’s and my district. (uggh). She is also a ACLU attorney who has argued against the NC home defense “castle doctrine” for years. We tried to vote her out last election but we live in a highly gerrymandered district.

Joyce Krawiec
Joyce Krawiec
13 years ago

Good Grief….this woman is NUTS. It figures though, she represents Wake County…what else should we expect?

13 years ago

What she does not understand is that Middle Eastern illegal alien terrorist are entering the United States of America from BOTH the Northern and Southern borders, then melting in with the Hispanic illegal alien population and forming terrorist. They have spent two years in advanced terrorist training camps in Iran, Syria, Brazil and Venezuela learning Spanish and English, along with advanced terrorism techniques.

13 years ago

Doesn’t it make you proud to be a North Carolinian when you see such displays of hateful rhetoric coming from your elected officials? Just look at the raw emotion she is articulating with her gestures, posture, and facial expression!

Don’t know about you other NC Renegade readers, but I am shocked and stunned that I have allowed myself thus far to call myself (and you) simply “American”. I never knew the latitudinal lines were so important, and I will try to be a better “North American” in the future.

Meanwhile, let’s start a fund to buy jester caps for as many District 38 voters as possible, because they surely will be appropriate for anyone who believes in this nitwit!

Tim Peck
13 years ago

Apparently, language is not as important to Ms. Ross as she claims in these comments. She is recklessly manipulating language with great disregard for specificity and honesty.

The term “American” in the context of the law refers specifically only to a citizen and resident of the nation of the United States of America. But Ms. Ross would have the term represent an inconsistent dual meaning: both a citizen of the U.S. and anyone who lives in any country within any continent that has the word “America” in its geographical description.

I can see why Ms. Ross chose her current profession — which often relies on the dishonest manipulation of language.

James Johnson
13 years ago

@Pam- I hope the voters of her district (Wake County) can shut her up! (ie: vote her out)

Bill Randell
13 years ago

It’s no wonder why “lawyers” (read that liars) were not supposed to be able to be legislators as well. Its too confusing for them and they get lost in their own little world.
With such definitions I’m not sure if I’m buying a pare of pants or a pear of socks. Can I buy a can of pairs? It creates nothing but confusion. Of course, for some of them, this is their stock in trade and has ignominiously become something we should expect.
However, from carefully watching this video, this woman seems genuinely concerned, but from what she has said, she is not qualified to be a “lawyer” let alone represent anyone in any district. She has a woeful grasp of the english language and hasn’t enough common sense to know when to quiet.
It reminds me of the old adage: “It is better to say nothing and be thought ignorant, than to speak and remove all doubt.”

13 years ago
Reply to  Bill Randell

…sorry to correct you Bill, but in this particular case I think you’ll forgive me…
I think the correct quote is “to be thought a FOOL”

Being the gentleman that you are, you likely were just reluctant to pin the tail on this donkey.

William Sterrett
William Sterrett
13 years ago

This representative’s ignorance is remarkable! In Liberty, Bill

13 years ago

I would ask this of D. Ross, when an Mexican tells a Guatemalan that they’re going to sneak into America, does the Guatemalan ask which one? Central or North?

No. The citizens of the various nations of Central and South America don’t call themselves Americans, South or Central. And unfortunately once they’ve illegally moved to THE America, they still don’t consider it.

Ross lost the pride of heritage inherited in her birth as an American. She lives in the heart of America, but America does not live in her heart. That’s what liberalism does -- makes the heart too small for nobility to dwell.

13 years ago

OK! I’ve watched this clip half a dozen times, and finally it hit me…Someone switched Rep. Ross and a Bobblehead replica of her in the making of this film! Watch it again and see if you catch the switch!

No! Wait a minute….Bobbleheads don’t talk… (Do they?)

13 years ago



[…] Ross’s comments as outlined on this site concerning “Americans” did not reflect the unintended […]