Hamas Global War Effort: London PHOTOS Thousands of Muslims and Leftists Demonstrate Against the Jews

london jewhate1

This, too, is part of the Islamic war on the West, using the Jews as a club — knowing what they know about the world (and particularly Europe) and the Jews, it is a devilish and brilliant strategy.

The British government banned Robert Spencer and me from speaking in the UK because of our pro-Israel support and our opposition to jihad. They feared we would “not be conducive to the public good.” They have ceded the field to the terrorists and their handmaidens. Is this the public good? Is this who they are rooting for? Good luck to them.

But they don’t protest the mass slaughter of Islamic State or Boko Haram. They don’t protest honor killings or clitordectomies. They don’t protest the punitive sharia against Christians. They only violently protest the Jews. And the world agrees with this genocidal bloodlust.

“‘In our thousands, in our millions, we are all Palestinians’: Global anger grows as 15,000 protestors mass outside Israel’s London embassy,”  By Sam Webb, Daily Mail, 19 July 2014


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10 years ago

The British Commonwealth plays both sides to create situations where they might benefit financially. The British Empire, gone undercover, still seeks world domination, so that their Lords and Princes can live in luxury.