Obama Has Now Stepped in It

President Obama has made it clear this week that he will not tolerate a nuclear armed Iran. It is now becoming evident that Iran has developed nuclear explosive devices according to the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency. This breaking news on the Jerusalem Post will have interesting consequences after the meeting this week between Obama and the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Both leaders agreed that a nuclear armed Iran will be cause for preemptive military operations.

According to Foxnews, Iran is trying to attempting to cleanup up radioactive traces:

Satellite images of an Iranian military facility appear to show trucks and earth-moving vehicles at the site, indicating an attempted cleanup radioactive traces possibly left by tests of a nuclear-weapon trigger, diplomats told The Associated Press on Wednesday.

As we near the one year anniversary of the nuclear meltdowns of power plants in Japan caused by tsunamis, it appears that another nuclear event may be on the horizon.

David DeGerolamo

IAEA chief: Iran not telling all about nuclear program

Yukiya Amano tells CNN he fears Iran has nuclear facilities it has not declared to UN: We have information that Iran has engaged in activities relevant to the development of nuclear explosive devices.

Iran has not been forthcoming about its nuclear program and may have failed to declare some facilities to the UN, International Atomic Energy Agency chief Yukiya Amano said in an interview with CNN on Wednesday.

“Iran is not telling us everything. That is my impression. We are asking Iran to engage with us proactively, and Iran has a case to answer,” Amano stated.

Amano said that the IAEA has safeguarded a number of Iranian nuclear facilities which the Islamic Republic has declared to the agency.

“For these facilities and activities, I can tell that they are in peaceful purpose,” Amano said. “But there are also, there may be other facilities which are not declared, and we have the indication or information that Iran has engaged in activities relevant to the development of nuclear explosive devices,” he stated.

Amano’s comments came as six world powers that are poised to restart stalled talks with Iran sought on Wednesday to agree to a unified stance on the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program, diplomats at the United Nations’ nuclear agency said.


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12 years ago

Just one if our fleet ballistic missile submarines could blanket Iran with overlapping fields of bomb destruction . All we have to do is call their bluff and tell them = OK , So now you’ve got the bomb . BIG DEAL . Use it and we’ll wipe you and your friends off the face of the earth . Let them develop it . As a matter of fact let’s give nuclear weapons to every nation on earth . I’ll betcha the world would be a much friendlier place to live .