Tyranny. What Will Be Our Solution? Either We Fight and Possibly Die, or We Die at the Hands of These Tyrants.

I haven’t written an article in a while and I apologize for that. I’ve had a lot going on personally and have been frustrated beyond belief. Seems every time I sit down to write, some news breaks and just ruins my train of thought.

Ecclesiastes 1:18 For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.

I’ve done my best trying to educate friends and family. Seems I’m crazy, until I’m not. I’ve had some heartbreak lately with people being affected by the jab. Not much I can do about that. They made their choice. I just pray that things will be ok even though I know it’s a long shot. Seems this jab is starting to ramp up in its death march.

Then my mother decided to have at me again yesterday. Long story short she basically wants me to agree to disagree, her words, and accept her insanity so that she can see me. I told her yet again that I have never worn mask, never social distanced, will never take the death shot, and according to people like her I should be dead. I haven’t had so much as a cold in these two years. I told her I felt sorry for her and the decisions she had made, but I would continue to fight and live for freedom, screw her safety concerns.

The other issue that hit me last week, is that my employer said that they needed everyone’s vax status and cards to be put into their personnel file. Seems they are preparing to uphold Brandon’s illegal vax mandate for employment. We’ll see what the Supreme Court has to say today. I won’t be holding my breath. Honestly I kind of hope the Supreme Court upholds the mandates. We are after all a lawless nation. It just might be what our side needs to get motivated. If these unconstitutional mandates are upheld, well my future becomes a little clearer. I really have never expected any favorable rulings or legislation out of DC for some time now. Will people fight? That is the question.

Now we have Washington state proposing Australia style internment camps and laws that would allow them to round up the unvaccinated. Shocking? Nah. To be expected while living under tyranny and communism. What will the people of Washington state do if such laws are passed? Funny how they only try this kind of stuff in the Democrat strongholds.

I don’t know what else there is to say on the evil and tyranny that we are faced with at this point in our History. People seem to have lost their collective minds and insanity seems to rule the day. I’m confronted with it on a daily basis now. Everywhere you look strange and evil things are happening, yet we wait. We are now living under tyranny, yet we wait.

Why can’t we band together and fight against this tyranny we are faced with? Our founding fathers were much better men than we are. They sacrificed everything for the cause of Freedom. We seem to think someone is going to come in and save us. Are we better men than our founders? Hardly. Don’t give me the excuse of our government is too big and too powerful, we can’t fight against that. Tell that to the Afghanis, Iraqis, or the Vietnamese, etc.

None of this ends well. What the hell has happened to the American People? I am floored at the lack of concern by everything that is going on. All I’ve been hearing lately is about the Red Wave that is coming in the mid-terms. People are going to vote more harder. Come on. Really? That is our solution? That is how we’ll fight and win against this tyranny? They stole our country from us and we have done nothing. They have held political prisoners for a year now, and we have done nothing. I am only one man. While I am willing, I am not going to throw down alone. It seems many are not willing to stand. Life is still comfortable. Seems we are going to wait for it to come to our door. That will be too late, and then all that prepping will have been for naught. It appears there is never quite enough Tyranny.

Our world forever changed back in January of 2020. TPTB unleashed their evil plan and they have no intention of stopping. Nobody wants what is coming. Nobody wants to possibly die fighting. But we are at War and we haven’t even joined the battle yet. We didn’t stand up when the whole world watched as our country was stolen. Will we stand now as they try to exterminate the vast majority of us with their poisonous jab and their unconstitutional mandates? 80+ million could be affected by the Supreme Court today. The thing is, even if it goes our way, it’s just temporary. We’ll keep trudging along until the next red line that seems to forever be moving.

I really don’t know what else to say. It’s sad that it has come to this in America, but here we are. As I’ve stated before, nothing is going to stop it now except the elimination of either us Purebloods, or them. So we have a choice, either we fight and possibly die, or we die at the hands of these tyrants.

Either way I feel I will die fighting this tyranny one way or another.


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Jackie B
Jackie B
3 years ago

I agree with what you have said. I must say that I am sad to accept the fact that we as a country allowed this to continue on to this point where we cannot do anything but watch it happen. I believe that evil is behind all this and the takeover of the world. Luciferian influence is obvious. God is our only hope.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Jackie B

If the mandates come down our only hope is lead.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

You bet Rob, and a wall of it so thick there will be nothing left to bury.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

comment image

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Thanks Rob, just remember if you want to to Az we are here.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Jackie B

We do not need to accept the fact or keep sitting on our tired asses, we can stand up and fight.

Last edited 3 years ago by tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

The trick is getting enough to stand up with you. Otherwise you’ll just be a one off and labeled another domestic terrorist.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Matt

“In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.”
-Mark Twain

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Matt

So be it, I stand alone then WTF.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

You know you won’t stand alone but there will be VERY few of us in the beginning.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

I will stand with you and everyone else that will stand.

3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

I’ll be the guy with the grey beard,Oathkeepers body armor,tricked out M-4,and USMC digital camo clearly struggling under all that weight. Shit wasn’t that heavy 45 years ago:)

3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Whether we fight alone or together, as long as we are standing against this tyranny our deaths will be honorable. Perhaps we’ll be remembered, perhaps not. But we will die free !

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  ChuckInBama

I don’t care if I am remembered. I just want to succeed.

3 years ago
Reply to  Matt

They are still going to die and have a choice of standing like men or on their knees like cowards, crying and begging.

Foot in the Forest
Foot in the Forest
3 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Did you ever consider the fact that you will be labeled a domestic terrorist anyway? Which part of the J-6 speech where you were labelled any of the following did you miss. 1 You are a white supremacist as bad as southerner slave holders from the civil war. 2 You are as bad as a Japanese militarist from WW-2. 3 You are as bad as a fanatical Muslim terrorist on 9/11. I would be willing to bet that a lot of folks are preparing to go it alone. I AM

The Late Billy Brown
The Late Billy Brown
3 years ago
Reply to  Matt

They’ve already labeled us conspiracy theorists, science deniers, domestic terrorists, insurrectionists and more… ALL without cause.
There IS a conspiracy, They AREN’T dealing in real science, THEY ARE the terrorists and have been carrying out an insurrection for the last few years at least.
They are like the little brat who pokes you and pokes you until you poke back then they say “He poked me”
it wont be long.

Bonnie Kinney
Bonnie Kinney
3 years ago
Reply to  Jackie B

I know how you feel!!! I try to warn my family but they just sit there and laugh at me. I will never give up. American is the 7th King and it must fall so that Israel will have nobody but God to turn to. That is happening before our eyes. It is God’s will. We have grown fat and happy and believe no government would do that to their people. People are getting paid big bucks for what they do, to dumb down the people. Hang in there, especially hang onto GOD he is MORE INPORTANT THEN ANY FAMILY MEMBERS.
Rember what God Said, He that endures until the end. Learn a Parable of the Fig Tree, which usually stands for Israel in the Bible. When it tender branch go forth with leave know that it is near even at the doors. That stands for when Israel becomes a Nation… Which happened in 1948.
That generation will not pass away, what generation, the generation that saw Israel become a nation. The 1948 generation. The Rapture is very near even at the doors. How long is a generation PS 90:10 tell us. God said: your life will be three score and ten years, 70 years or if He give us four score but with labor and sorrow. That generation has passed their 70 years and the Rapture is near!

3 years ago
Reply to  Bonnie Kinney

Next only to Jesus Christ is our Family then those around us if they will listen.
Started a letter to my family which became a website. Money has no value there, nothing for sale, no trips to Alaska…no none of that nonsense and the only one to follow is not me.
If nothing else at the top of the home page read from Gods Family and Gods Church.
Best to you and your loved ones as we enter the latter days of which we have been forewarned.

3 years ago
Reply to  Daniel
3 years ago
Reply to  Daniel

Thank you, Daniel. It is a wonderful website!….I am looking forward to checking it out more 🙂

3 years ago
Reply to  Daniel

Great website. I shared also.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
3 years ago
Reply to  Bonnie Kinney

Yeah, no. Put down the Scofield Bible, It’s heresy.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bonnie Kinney

another thought, Gen 15:13 thru Gen 15:16 states a “generation” is 100 years. This was stated after the flood. Also,in 1 Cor 15:15 Paul tells us when the Rapture will be: “at the last trump”. There are seven trumpets in The Revelation. The seventh trumpet or “last” can be found Rev 11:15. Don`t pack your bag, a lot remains to happen I think.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jas

There is no “rapture”. That is some peak-boomer level BS.

There is only death. Then either you are saved, or you are not.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bonnie Kinney

That’s dispensationalism, AD 70 already happened. Tune into Joggler66 channel on YouTube to hear the truth. The Church has not told the sheep the truth.

mickey d
3 years ago
Reply to  Bonnie Kinney

The US and Britain are Israel, better get an education.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bonnie Kinney

You keep waiting for that dispensational lie of pre trib rapture. It was created by the same satanists so that many would be unprepared thinking that they will get sucked up before all the tribulation and lose their faith when it doesn’t happen. Kinda like what DJT did to all of us It is a lie. But you won’t believe that you will believe the lie as most in that realm do you are much like the normie’s out here that do what ever the TV tells em to do. Read your bible without all the dispensational lies and prepare cuz you are going to be here!

Bear Claw Chris Lapp
Bear Claw Chris Lapp
3 years ago
Reply to  Jackie B

We need to finish what they did not finish after October 1781. They left all the loyalist inplace and look where we are today.

Dave of Oregon
3 years ago
Reply to  Jackie B

AMMO, AMMO, AMMO, COURAGE, AND THE WILL TO MOVE AGAINST TYRANNY, You must find like-minded folks to charge forward with, The FIRST SHOT fired with a strike on some poor dumb soldier following unlawful orders, with a hit will be the beginning. So I hope our soldiers, marines, and airmen will be smart enough to refuse to follow unlawful orders. DO NOT BEAR ARMS against American citizens performing their constitutional role of resistance against tyranny.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

It is just this simple, we kill them or they kill us, the CDC website says they have the power to quarantine you and use police power to do so, if you are stupid enough to believe that they will not, your either a moron or you cannot think or reason logically. What is it going to be? Should we cower in fear in our little hobbles like slaves, or stand up like men and kill every last one of them.

3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Killing is work most men do not attempt work unless it is necessary for whatever reason

Val Valiant
Val Valiant
3 years ago

YES, we must band together! I unfortunately do not have a collective group of neighbors or friends that I personally know who are awake and dedicated to freedom’s call. Has me concerned.
Wes, I hear ya brother. I’m praying if you have to leave your job you may find one that isn’t tainted. I myself have not found worthwhile employment in a long while and I worry too that if the mandate becomes the law of the land, then we may be screwed! Pray for me too ok….running out of money and options, but job or no job, at least I have peace too knowing I never took the jab or wore a mask or accepted their false premise of social distancing. It has always been my choice. And for that, they’re pissed and there is a reckoning that is coming. TPTB know exactly what they are doing. But so do we, and it won’t be pretty for them.
Any like-minded, God-fearing folk in SC…reach out! Could use the friendship and help in the coming days.

Last edited 3 years ago by Val Valiant
NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Val Valiant

If the mandates come down we are all in the shit but there will be a lot more people that will need help. Don’t forget us in NC, we might be able to help as well.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

We will not forget Rob.

3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Agreed, NC Rob, probably in your area, Oxford, NC. Reach out to me, if you are willing, not sure where you are but doesn’t mean we cannot talk and see what options we have? Respond if you are up to it and will give you my email to reach out. I am an RN and have NOT taken the mandate, got a temp reprieve with a religious exemption but not sure how long that will last.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Susan

Unfortunately I am in the Statesville area but Wes might know more. Fortunately for us we have a RN on our side…we will need you more than ever.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Val Valiant

I am in NW Az and am praying for you and Wes and like minded people, sorry to hear about what you are faced with, but it is not just happening to you if that helps at all. I am retired since 2017, If you need to re-locate Az is still somewhat free, could use more brothers like you. God bless.

3 years ago
Reply to  Val Valiant

Look for construction work, small contractors are good friendly folks and typically patriotic American. It is good work,takes your mind off the problems that separate us from God. Paul was a tent maker.

No Thanks
No Thanks
3 years ago

Folks the Writing has been on the proverbial wall for quite sometime now. So what is it going to be -- Continue being a bunch of do Nothing pu$$ie$ or finally say enough is enough and fight the hell back via any means necessary. Do Nothing is NOT a viable option my friends.

3 years ago
Reply to  No Thanks

Problem is, what is our first line of action besides defiance? We cannot go out there without knowing who we are really going after? Really it is Soros that is instigating this who has the backing of BLM and Antifa gophers doing his bidding.

Bear Claw Chris Lapp
Bear Claw Chris Lapp
3 years ago
Reply to  No Thanks

Tell us where you will strike we will be right behind you.

3 years ago

We are being pushed, starved and robbed by the Luciferian Elite with the goal of World War, Civil War and Religious War. WE are Americans, our DNA was designed by God to be Free and to Fight for those under tyranny so that they may have Freedom and Liberty. The NWO must destroy Americans to create their NWO Tyranny…as long as one American is alive their New World Cluster-Fuck will fail for the Spirit of Liberty and God cannot be squelched! As we know “We” just want to be left alone but when you take our freedom, threaten our children and deny our Liberties our tolerance becomes reactionary…we are here! The time to Lock-n-load could be days or weeks away. Semper Fi and SI DEUS NOBISCUM QUIS CONTRA NOS! (‘If God is with us, who can be against us?’)

3 years ago
Reply to  OPM


Bear Claw Chris Lapp
Bear Claw Chris Lapp
3 years ago
Reply to  OPM

Death is a glorious thing if our heart and mind are in the right place.

3 years ago

From personal experience much of Eastern Washington (and particularly N.E. WA.) has much more in common with us here in Idaho than they do with folks west of the Cascades. It is very possible CWII could kick off in WA. if the law is passed.

Gunny HiWay
Gunny HiWay
3 years ago
Reply to  Quatermain

IDK about that.
I am in Spokane.
Spokane USED to be VERY conservative.
My kids are long grown and one is already dead, but i just looked up the 2021 school board election and it was unanimously LIBERAL, GAY and COMMIE. THAT is a BAD SIGN.
No one that I know in Spokane is ready to fight for anything.
Jay Inslee is a commie scumbag and Washington State seems to love him.
Anyone else but me willing to ventilate whatever they send to my door?
Carry On,
#GardasilKilledJessica ~ 12/1993-12/2013

Last edited 3 years ago by Gunny HiWay
3 years ago
Reply to  Gunny HiWay

Gardasil is the first shot that opened my eyes to what they are doing and refused to get it for my daughters as I was seeing what it was doing to the young girls. That is THE only reason when I heard about these “vaccines” did I start researching them and found out right away that they were no good. Sorry for your loss, My eldest was born the same year as Jessica.

3 years ago
Reply to  Gunny HiWay

I agree on Spokane, but then almost any large city seems to go that way. I spoke primarily of rural E. Washington.

3 years ago
Reply to  Quatermain

The remnant within western washington is indeed small, no more than 10% i suspect. A person must be careful what they say and to whom, even within the church, which are led by mostly lib-progressives teaching Romans 13. There always seems to be just enough controlled opposition to render a gleam of hope to stay violent reaction, although that may change after recent trump vax double-down and upcoming scotus double-cross. A difficult environment to organize within and to identify others of like mind willing to make the sacrifices needed, but wearing a mask does allow one to blend in and gather intel.

Gunny HiWay
Gunny HiWay
3 years ago
Reply to  nomadman

Spokane is 300 miles EAST of Seattle and only 15 miles from the Idaho border along I-90.
Spokane is more “Idaho” than Washington, yet we have been completely taken over by woke folk from California and the 5 liberal Universities that reside here including the Jesuit Gonzaga University that my son graduated from in 2010.
These liberal institutions have destroyed the Spokane area.
We now have homeless, Trannies and drugs everywhere.

3 years ago
Reply to  Gunny HiWay

Boise is not that far behind Spokane, and it’s only a matter of time before same type libtards and their destructive policies assume control over Idaho legislative and executive offices…Washington is a lost cause, maybe Idaho can be saved if the people wake up and stand up now…

3 years ago

“Why can’t we band together and fight against this tyranny we are faced with?”

Because of the class warfare. It makes people strangers. If the class differences were naturally-occuring, such as much of the poor not equating to poverty, but more of an income and social status that afforded upward and inclusive mobility (essentially ‘poor’, being a choice to have less responsibilty for instance, such as not owning a home, or having a professional position per se, but being able to relax in one’s status and achieve when and if desired). Not all people are movers and shakers, but if they like their country enough, a likely outcome is that they’ll fight for it. Take some of the islanders for instance, they might not have much materially, but they have natural foods, are not nutritionally deficient, have fresh air, are outdoors, and really are without lack. If they needed help in other ways, some of the more well-to-do people of their country, or perhaps local governments would most likely help them. It’s more reciprocal. This is an observation, but most likely with merit.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

Class warfare? No way. Left vs right? Yes. “Vaxxed” vs unvaxxed? Yes. The reason people haven’t stood up yet is because they fat, lazy and complacent. If things get tough (inflation, lack of jobs, etc.) and they can’t feed their families you will see more violence.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Exactly Fuuk class warefare that is NWO doublespeak, when your starving it won’t matter.

3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

You may perhaps underrate the numerical divisions; it’s not merely left versus right, vaccinated vs. non-vaccinated, but economically, socially, medicinally, with regards to religion, academically, relationally, and in many other ways. There is a reason why America is governed top-down. ‘They’ understand the efficacy of wielding economic power; i.e., trickle-up economics (upward and outward and away from the people). This is why conservatives and patriots were bound to fail in terms of the loss of their country.. Their vote couldm’t prevent industry leaving the shores and being sent abroad, it couldn’t sustain a respectable living wage, it didn’t ptevent or stop abortion. Yet many of them continue to tout voting as their ‘go-to’ method of purportedly changing the devolving landscape. There is no governing without economic policy, a tenet that conservatives and patriots have yet to grasp. That is why they will primarily be the ones fighting this coming internal and external war; they are largely the ones with vested economic interests, as well as territorial. Ultimately, people ‘shut down’ after a certain point of entropy. If their altruism is spent for instance, where do you think this energy will come from to fight?

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

God, he prepares my hands and fingers for war, 10,000 will fall at my side, no mercy no quarter.

Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Hey Tom SCOTUS Rubicon,

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Irod Folsom

Yes sir, we will see if they cross.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

I didn’t say those were the only two divisions, I merely gave two other examples. It’s not class warfare (rich vs middle class vs lower class vs poor), it’s everything else under the sun (race, religion, gender, sexual preference, etc. etc.) rather than what it should be: US vs the government. The TPTB are taking away our rights, not people. And every country is governed top down (and all governments are evil).
“If their altruism is spent for instance, where do you think this energy will come from to fight?”
Hunger. Seeing their kids starve or get dragged away for medical procedures against their parents’ will. Political prisoners (J6 anyone?). Losing their jobs and homes. And maybe some good ol’ fashioned love for liberty.
“Their vote couldm’t prevent industry leaving the shores and being sent abroad, it couldn’t sustain a respectable living wage, it didn’t ptevent or stop abortion.”
Of course not, voting NEVER WORKED. The dog shit we sElect to DC always fuck us.
“There is no governing without economic policy, a tenet that conservatives and patriots have yet to grasp.”
What in the hell are you going on about? Let’s rid ourselves of the swamp (the right way) and then worry about the rest of it. Otherwise we will just remain slaves.

Last edited 3 years ago by NC Rob
tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

I do not care how you vote if we control the money it does not matter, Rockefeller. When they put in the federal reserve your vote no longer mattered.

3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

As long as folks are comfortable(food, shelter, jobs, TV)they will not fight. When their comforts are gone, there will be plenty that will fight.

Sniper -
Sniper -
3 years ago
Reply to  ChuckInBama

Yes, and don’t forget… smart phones are number 1 on their list. Smart phones, Dumb people.

3 years ago
Reply to  ChuckInBama

Dumitru Dudamans prophecy and warning. Look it up

3 years ago

I don’t ever see any type of armed group resistance forming. Protesters and rock throwers, yes, but armed miltia, no. The communication and observation grid is too omnipresent for any meaningful collaboration to occur.
Instead, I see a solitary individual insurgency by the thousands that will be vilified by the MSM, portrayed as pedophiles, murderers of children, and perish in a lonely and desperate struggle.
This will not end well….

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Anthem

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
― Samuel Adams

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Anthem

I don’t know where you live, but in our small town we have 12 or more active militias. I think when it goes down, once the politicians and bureaucrats start dropping like flies there will be no place they can hide. There propaganda press will not save them.

J. Arthur Learned
3 years ago

My two cents worth in the video I just made…

Leslie O
Leslie O
3 years ago

Many people are going through everything you describe. For those of us who see through the lies… it is one WEIRD moment… when you realize that one’s closest relatives and friends believe all the propaganda. And we thought we knew them! Even the Native Americans have queued up for the jab! This has been one big lesson in human nature. The good thing is that everything is getting “equalized”. Can we really blame the Germans for embracing Nazism? At least they had an excuse. They were starving. Can the indigenous people blame the white man when they have bowed to their masters and willingly taken the jab? [sigh] We are seeing reality for what it is. And what a mess!
Your posts are very insightful. Thank you.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
3 years ago

In case no one can figure it out…..When they tell you that you can’t come to work because you don’t have a Vax…..well then, no one gets to work at that place. Shut it down. If you can’t go into a store because you don’t have a Vax…..no one gets in the store. Hospitals? Same thing. Understand? These are your individual battle grounds. No more waiting for someone else to take you by the hand. Do it or shut the f**k up.

3 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

Strong point on strategy.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

If I can’t buy food then no one can. If I can’t vote then no one can. If I can’t get what my family needs then no one can.

3 years ago

Stated clearly in the article: (my view)
Whe you have nothing to lose, you will lose it. That’s when the fight begins.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

The Fed Reserve now has $8.7 trillion on its balance sheet. They have bought $2.7 trillion in mortgages or 24 percent according to what I read today. After you own nothing you will not be happy. That is when the war begins.

Brad Thorlton
Brad Thorlton
3 years ago

You are so right on ! God Bless you Brother. People are so disappointing, won’t stand up for anything. Gods letting this happen to force them to show there hand.

3 years ago

I expect to die fighting this tyranny…I am resolute. My life will be expensive. Scorched earth, burn baby burn.

Donald William Huttle
Donald William Huttle
3 years ago

Time for the 2md amendment! This is exactly what is was made for. Its just that simple!

3 years ago

And Trump led us here. He is a globalist and a Zionist

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  gre81

He didn’t lead us here but he sure as hell didn’t stop anything and probably helped it along.

Sniper -
Sniper -
3 years ago

This will definitely go kinetic, no doubt about it. Maybe some of you think I am crazy, but your mind can kill you. The most important part of training is your mind. We are going to have to get ourselves prepared mentally for what is coming. My advice: Load your backpack and Train, and keep training, with your weapon(s) of choice, because the “window” is closing fast. We as a group are blessed to have like-minded individuals that train together at least every other day. Remember, do not fear these globalists SOBs, including these gutless leaders who will use jack-booted Nazi thugs that will breach your door at 3:00 -- 5:00 am in the morning and take you and your family to a concentration/death camp if you don’t take the death shot. Let all of the obedient COVIDIOTS go their way and be good slaves if they want (including family members). Locked & loaded.
BTW, I have always believed in competing with the Government. I have been prepping for the past 18-20 years because they have been doing the same damn thing.
Some of you may have already seen this regarding 1,000 of body bags in a FedEx location: FedEx is storing thousands of body bags -- YouTube

3 years ago

I think it’s in Ezekiel where it says there is a book of remembrance and in it are all those who mourn over what is happening. I know God is in control and at the appropriate time He will show himself mighty through His people. We draw near to Him and at the right time we will do what we are told. There is a vast harvest to collect and we do it according to his will not our own. This is the end the age- and with that put away all your own imaginations. Do his will and not your own. We are so very close. If you lose your job- so be it. You’re in God’s hands and again, we are so very close.

3 years ago

, I know we’ve discussed the question many times, and it is still very much worth asking: “Why can’t we band together and fight against this tyranny we are faced with?”
One thing that occurred to me, reading this blog, is that today most of us are much more isolated from our neighbors and immediate community than in times past. I look back to the early part of my 50 years and there is a profound difference in how well I know the people of the community now compared to then and I live in a very small town of about 140 residences total. I do not know my next door neighbors as well as I did growing up.
Back in the days, prior to WW2, people were largely much more self sufficient, but also depended upon each other in their local community to pull together to accomplish more than they could on their own. We do things differently today and instead rely upon govt for stuff and on 3rd party solutions and services.
The perception of our livelihoods being intertwined, the sense of community, just isn’t there.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Matt

The social engineers have been at this a long time, we have just started to get the ball rolling in our fight against the usurpers. God help them once it starts because I will not, no mercy no quarter.

3 years ago

We need to get together soon and have dinner!

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
3 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

You know we’re in.

3 years ago

They (up there) must want death is my only conclusion. They know how evil they are and are so lazy they want you to k ill them. Disgusting people.

3 years ago
Reply to  Leethal

They’re so narcissistic they think they’re untouchable.

3 years ago

Where? How? When? … do we band together. I’m ready.

3 years ago

Wes, first, let me say that I’m sorry to hear of the strain the jab is putting on your family and career, and I hope for the best for you and your loved ones.
To your rhetorical question about why we do not fight, it is because we still have respect for the law, even though the system charged with administering it has become so corrupt as to be lawless itself.
Had President Trump invoked the Insurrection Act based on the obvious theft of the election, and had Jan 6. been a muster of the militia on the National Mall at his order, then tens of thousands of armed patriots would have answered the call. But he failed to go far enough.
You see, without the legal authority of a muster by a duly elected sheriff, governor, or president, then to fight, meaning to initiate violence, is a criminal act according to God’s law and man’s, and our side respects the law.
As I have seen no news of a rash of home-invasion murders, coincidentally happening to journalists and politicians in NC, then I think I can safely assume that you and your tribe are not fighting either.

George Kumpf
George Kumpf
3 years ago

I’m afraid America has crossed the line with God. There is no doubt that God has had enough with America and her sins and judgment is now falling on our nation. Look what happened with Israel and how God allowed her enemies to overcome them as King Nebuchadnezzar surrounded them and destroyed their temple and their nation because of her sins. It’s our turn.

3 years ago

perfect --I love this

Baron Bodissey
3 years ago

In all fairness to your countrymen (and mine), the patriots in our Founders’ generation were not massively infiltrated by British intelligence (whatever the equivalent of MI6 was in 1776).
In contrast, whenever three patriots gather today in the USA, at least one is an FBI infiltrator. That helps explain a widespread reluctance to band together in resistance.
Such gatherings tend to lead to arrest and indefinite incarceration without charge in solitary confinement.
That’s a heavy price to pay for the adrenaline rush of joining the organized resistance for a brief moment.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Baron Bodissey

That has worked so far for them, but I think those days are over for the stazi. They will not be returning to their comrades or families the gig is up.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Baron Bodissey

Just remember to dig the hole first.

3 years ago
Reply to  Baron Bodissey

25+ years ago during that militia movement we were experiencing similar things. This was around the time of Ruby Ridge. We had the Fed. Marshals at our door yelling and threatening us. Things only got worse.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

comment image

3 years ago

Wes, ole buddy, I feel you. My trigger finger is itching every bit as much as yours. However, independent action at this point is suicide. Now, it may well come to that, but not yet. I agree voting is a waste. Ted Cruz? Mr. Super Conservative? On our side? Well, now we know his true colors. I’m actually hoping that Washington State or the CDC go ahead with their door to door mandatory shots or their round-up of the un-vaxed to send to the camps. Now THAT will get the ball rolling. THAT will free up trigger fingers all over the country and we have a target rich environment. Remember, only 3% fought the British. I think we have well North of that percentage. Take heart. It ain’t over.

strider 777
strider 777
3 years ago
Reply to  Malachi

It ain’t over.” You are absolutely correct about that. It’s just getting started.

3 years ago
Reply to  Malachi

Right on! See my post 4 doors down.

Carl Chadwick
Carl Chadwick
3 years ago

Have you been Authorized? … jn what you think, say, and do?

The vast majority of our Founding Fathers first learned to read and write by their mothers teaching them from the 1611 Authorized King James Version Holy Bible. It taught lessons of Law, Family, History, Politics, War, Prosperity, Wisdom, etc. … Successes and Failures.
Many of them went on to study Latin (and other foreign languages), Law, Architecture, Agriculture, Music, Religion, History, etc. and well read in many books.
So, when the time came and they were challenged with tyranny, oppressions, thefts, and a host of other evils, they could easily recognize the rights from wrongs. In other words, they had a common foundation from which their “Higher Authority” was written and built upon … the Authorized King James Version Holy Bible!

You want to know “What Will Be Our Solution?”
Your understanding in this comes by what King David admonished:Psalm 111:10 “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever.” (KJV)
In which the Lord Jesus Christ also admonished us:
John 14:15 “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” (KJV)

Become “Authorized” in what you think, say and do!

3 years ago

I too have little confidence in the Supreme Court as evidenced by their ridiculously stupid questions and mistaken assertions. My path too will become clearer with a decision against my rights to my own body.I just hope we can recognize each other when the SHTF.

3 years ago

When the tyrants like Jay Inslee here in the Soviet of Washington State and their lackeys attempt to come after us and “round up the strays,” then it will be open season on their worthless hides and they will be annihilated. It’s foolhardy to test the mettle of millions of gun owners, most of whom are military trained.
“When people are oppressed by their government, it is a natural right they enjoy to relieve themselves of oppression, if they are strong enough, whether by withdrawal from it or by overthrowing it and substituting a government more acceptable.” -Ulysses S. Grant
Romania, Christmas 1989 is a good example.

3 years ago

Vote in more libtards and go to the camps, enjoy your stay sheep.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
3 years ago

I feel ya man, really, but… What? Hiw? How many men? Of course that is rhetorical, but you get the idea. In part the enemy has not given up a target.

3 years ago

if you all are waiting for the GOP to take over in the midterms, forget it. They are all paid off by Big Pharma and the Banksters. NOTHING will change, Tillis, Murphy and Burr just say “shut up and get vaxxed” Why do you think 80 GOP congressman voted for the vaccine tracking, the equivalent of the Patriot act. Kevin Mc Carthy will be voted in as speaker and he will sell us to the highest bidder.They all have to go or we all have to leave. I am sick of being a serf.

tommy lee
tommy lee
3 years ago

Destroy the stock market and you kill the beast & the Fed that run the country.

3 years ago

Nothing that needs to be said can be said online.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago

“Purebloods” people that think like this are not seeing clearly. You are following their(evil) lead.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

We think clear enough to know pacifism is evil and immoral…

3 years ago

I think DJT and all the hopium surrounding him was by design to keep us from panicking. That and most do not even know what communism means. they think it means everyone gets a free cell phone and they don’t have any bills.
Well they are going to F this up too there simply is not enough man power to do what they want. If 10% of us stand up and confront them they are as good as dead. the know it they chykneese they keep a war doctrine based on deception rather than brute force. They want to prevent us from using our weapons but they will fail as we are planning too.
People can learn to live with war but slavery will never be easy here they have a lot of people to kill before they can declare their utopia

Last edited 3 years ago by Bubba1

[…] Apparently, I ain’t the only one,,, […]

3 years ago

If one or more of us take up arms without direct provocation (i.e. -- not in self defense), we will be labeled as domestic terrorists and/or nutcases.

If it comes down to a shooting war, it will not be because we’re a top-down organized army -- but because each of us take up arms when the alarm is sounded, to put down the approaching menace when it will not back down.

The strength of this approach is that it’s spontaneous -- and can’t be directly contained nor it’s actions predicted with any serious degree of accuracy. Once fighting back ‘goes viral’, there’s no stopping it -- because our army is one of diverse and dispersed partisans, who’s very existence depends upon success. Once this starts there is only succeed and live, or die fighting. There is no surrender -- as those who do will be killed anyway.

The weakness of this approach is that the first defenders are going to likely loose everything -- wealth, family, liberty, and their lives. It’s a sad truth -- especially if it’s you paying the price, but in war -- fighters die . If that is too much for you to stomach -- stand down from the front lines and find another way to support the cause, because the enemy doesn’t care what you think, or the size of the price you’re being forced to pay. They just need you eliminated -- because you stand in the way of their eventual goals.

I’ve had more than enough of this internal bickering, complaining that the other guys on our side are all just bluster -- and that if it was their choice, lead would already be flying. All that does is divide us internally. We need to be strong and resolute. When the time comes to let fly, you will know -- and as others hear of your actions, it will become clear to them that they must act now as well. If it’s not clear to an outside observer that ‘it’s time’, then it’s not.

There is an enormous pent up energy of those just waiting to pick up arms -- much like a dam about to burst with the energy of millions of patriots hearts. There’s a reason for the old adage to ‘hold fire until you can see the whites of their eyes’ -- and it’s not just to be sure that you don’t miss or that you could use your bayonet if your gun jammed. It’s to ensure clarity as to who is the aggressor and who is the defender -- and to build an explosive energy within those who are defending.

And…. I see that the attempts to kill the filibuster and pass the ‘Federalize Election Cheating’ bills have both failed. We may yet have a chance to out-vote the cheat. I sincerely hope so, because once the range goes hot both ways, it’s *real* hard to stop it.

In closing -- a prayer for our Nation:

Heavenly Father, our country needs You.
We have turned away from You and evil
forces are pervading out land. Pour Your
Holy Spirit on us. Open our eyes and ears to
the evil around us. Raise up leaders who
love and follow You. Give us courage to
speak up so that we can once again live as
one nation under God. Unit us. Protect us.
Forgive us. We ask all this in Jesus’ name.

Last edited 3 years ago by Brian_E