19 Facts That Prove Things In America Are Worse Than They Were Six Months Ago

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Has the U.S. economy gotten better over the past six months or has it gotten worse?  In this article, you will find solid proof that the U.S. economy has continued to get worse over the past six months.  Unfortunately, most people seem to think that since the stock market has rebounded significantly in recent weeks that everything must be okay, but of course that is not true at all.  If you look at a chart of the Dow, a very ominous head and shoulders pattern is forming, and all of the economic fundamentals are screaming that big trouble is ahead.  When Donald Trump told the Washington Post that we are heading for a “very massive recession“, he wasn’t just making stuff up.  We are already seeing lots of things happen that never take place outside of a recession, and the U.S. economy has already been sliding downhill fairly rapidly over the past several months.  With all that being said, the following are 19 facts that prove things in America are worse than they were six months ago…

#1 U.S. factory orders have now declined on a year over year basis for 16 months in a row.  As Zero Hedge has noted, in the post-World War II era this has never happened outside of a recession…

In 60 years, the US economy has not suffered a 16-month continuous YoY drop in Factory orders without being in recession. Moments ago the Department of Commerce confirmed that this is precisely what the US economy did, when factory orders not only dropped for the 16th consecutive month Y/Y, after declining 1.7% from last month

#2 Factory orders have now reached the lowest level that we have seen since the summer of 2011.

#3 It is being projected that corporate earnings will be down 8.5 percent for the first quarter of 2016 compared to one year ago.  This will be the fourth quarter in a row that we have seen year over year declines, and the last time that happened was during the last recession.

#4 Total business sales have fallen 5 percent since the peak in mid-2014.

#5 S&P 500 earnings have now fallen a total of 18.5 percent from their peak in late 2014.


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8 years ago

we are in deep, deep poop and the American people are still in denial and brain dead.

8 years ago

What we face, Philip, is Judgement. His. Righteous. Judgement.

And it is going to be very, very painful for us to endure… all of us. Remember, He uses fire to test the gold, and gold to test the servants -- well we are both His treasure and his servants, and thus shall we be tested by both --

We have already faced the first half of the test by Gold -- our prosperity bears witness against our society, for we reveled in our prosperity and forgot the source of it, that it comes from God by His decree, and can be withdrawn by His Word at any time. Thus, now is the second half of the test by gold -- the withdrawal of prosperity… the Seven Lean Years which follow the Seven Fat Years as told by Joseph.

But even as the seven lean years are testing us, we shall also face the test of fire -- every hatred and jealousy shall be stoked in the hearts of men, and they shall all fight, each against the others; and every understanding among them shall be undermined; there shall be left no accord anywhere amongst the nations; and the greatest part of Charity shall be destroyed, and even the least part of her shall be held back from the stranger who comes along the way.

And many will be found wanting in His eyes, and shall go down into the fires of perdition. And even amongst those who do not go promptly down, there shall be suffereing of which the world has never seen the like; the good man shall hide his goodness, and the scrupulous man shall cast aside his rules and his order; the husband shall deny his wife even her portion of wine, and she shall likewise hide his meat from him at dinnertime; and parents shall bemoan their children for a burden, and shall wish they had never been born, for shame that they cannot feed and raise them; and evil and violence shall be everywhere, not only in the dark wood and along the road, but even the cities shall burn with it, even in broad daylight, the likes of which the world never has seen, nor shall ever see again.