2022.06.18 IMPORTANT—A Message for Americans

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2 years ago

Considering all the Propaganda, maybe, maybe not.
But I know what I think of it and I tend to believe it.


2 years ago

I hate to say it but…. this could actually be the catalyst to start our own operation. It would occupy our own troops offshore and prevent UN intervention. Of course, it might leave an opening here for the Chinese to come in and play. But that is really a better situation for us because all is fair in love and war. This doesn’t bother me if it will start the ball rolling. I can only hope our leaders are stupid enough to go for it. I’m ready. Let’s roll.

2 years ago

This is really bad news! Lots of good political and $ reasons for war with Russia, the only problem is we will loose and probably loose badly, glow in the dark badly! I just hope they ……

2 years ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

Lt. General McMasters has publicly stated that the US military can not fight a peer-to-peer war against the Russians, and that our military lacks the training, physical and tactical ability to wage war.
Another warning came from the NATO simulation of a war against the Russian, it took all of two and a half hours for the Russians to defeat NATO.
Problem here is that bidum likely knows that but does need yet again another distraction, as we are seeing daily.

Roth Harbard
2 years ago
Reply to  Kal

Agreed. That and our military is exhausted and depleted from 20 years of war in the sandbox and has turned totally ‘woke’. The Russians will eat it for breakfast. Damn the US government to hell.

2 years ago

I believe Ukraine is losing. I believe Russia was ptovoked into this conflict. I believe the US government uses provocation with all of its enemies, including us, in order to shift blame for outcomes.

That said, I never watch this person’s videos. This is carefully prepared professional grade propaganda. There is undoubtedly an element of truth contained, as propaganda starts from a factual base; it can be something as simple as “the sky is blue”, however after that you have no way of knowing.

Notice the authoritative tone, the certainty. Also notice the posture and the closeness to the camera. He is talking down to the camera from higher, as a father would lecture an errant son, in your face telling you what you need to know, correcting your adolescent stupidity.

Would you buy a used car from this man? Me neither.

Roth Harbard
2 years ago
Reply to  Swrichmond

OK, but we are adolescently stupid.

2 years ago
Reply to  Swrichmond

So far he’s been far more accurate as time goes by than most other sources. I take notes and do the research later.
BTW he’s using a I-phone (my best guess) set on a desk as his communications. Thus the angle. He’s a one man show no professional camera crew following him around, no green screens like most propaganda.
I’m more concerned that the USA managed to get little Lithuania to block Russian access to their Baltic Sea base.
Snip: VILNIUS (Lithuania): NATO member Lithuania, which has borders with Russian ally Belarus and Russia’s exclave of Kaliningrad on the Baltic Sea, has declared a state of emergency effective early Thursday afternoon due to the situation in Ukraine. The decree signed Thursday by Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda steps up border protection.
As they ARE NATO, this is a direct effort to force Russia to “Violate” a Article 5 NATO member.
Snip: Collective defence -- Article 5
Collective defence means that an attack against one Ally is considered as an attack against all Allies.
The principle of collective defence is enshrined in Article 5 of the Washington Treaty.
NATO invoked Article 5 for the first time in its history after the 9/11 terrorist attacks against the United States.
Russia has a LONG history of unlimited response once Mother Russia is threatened.
I expect that Lithuania either back off (like buying Russian oil through 3rd parties) or canned Sunshine is on the menu.
Judgment of Judah level leadership here. Isaiah 3 read the whole thing.
Brace for impact.

2 years ago
Reply to  Michael

Totally agree the west is provoking everything, as a means for excusing themselves of the consequences. Fed dot gov is desperately provoking Americans to violent revolt so martial law can be declared and, IMO, bring in foregn “peacekeepers” willing to do the dirty work of kicking in doors in the US, and they will say all the economic consequences of the civil war are the fault of the deplorables. An economic collapse had been baked in the cake for yeard and they were hoping to blame it on anyone besides themselves.

All of this crap is cover for their failures.

2 years ago
Reply to  Swrichmond

Well, I have been listening to him all along and he has been 100% correct.
You may prove this to yourself by listening to his archive… but you won’t.

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

People with good “reputations” can’t be propagandists?

I’m not saying he isn’t mostly correct. I am saying the state-sponsored propaganda is so thick around this event that you and I have no fucking idea what is actually happening or what the actual widespread ground conditions are. When people like this guy adopt superior tones and try to lecture me the effect on me is always negative.

Is he traveling widely? Reporting from many fronts? Nope. Why should I (or you, for that matter) believe him? Why should I believe he’s not immersed in the propaganda as deeply as we are? Being in the conflict zone makes the propaganda less thick? Do any of you believe that?

His overconfident tone could be explained by overcompensating for fear. Living in a war zone for months has got to be terrifying.

I am not hoping he is wrong. I simply don’t think he is credible.

Last edited 2 years ago by Swrichmond