30 Days ~ The Search for Remains Continues

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1 month ago

Sad. My heart weeps for those who lost loved ones but cannot have the closure that a funeral can help to bring.

And sad for the teams that are making the discoveries, digging through polluted and chemically contaminated mud and debris to recover someone’s lost loved ones.

The Apostles were warning of man’s inability to be humble and now mankind has been humbled…it is a story repeated for millennia (Consult your Bible for specifics). Not implying that the innocent ones sheared from their mountain homes/cars and drowned are the cause of God’s wrath. But He speaks and we imperfect beings fail to listen.

Sinners weep, because we should.

Balanced Rock
Balanced Rock
18 days ago

The response to this disastor is so wrong in almost every way. There are still, thankfully, some good Samaritans in this, but it is not enough. There was overwhelming response to help after the 911 disaster. Why not do at least as good for the Helene victims? If we are forced to sponser a whole war in the ukraine, can’t we help our own people? I would like to see every household that suffered loss receive at least 500K each. No government interferance, delay, or stumbling blocks put forth. We need a central website to register and find out who was and is still here or where they are now.This is so heartbreaking. Pray, pray, pray.