One of Bill Barr’s resume enhancers that contributed to the corruption of the DOJ and the FBI. The first time in our history that shoot to kill orders were issued just for being an adult at the site.
David DeGerolamo
One of Bill Barr’s resume enhancers that contributed to the corruption of the DOJ and the FBI. The first time in our history that shoot to kill orders were issued just for being an adult at the site.
David DeGerolamo
Murderous thugs, fat billy barr is a criminal, giving the OK to shoot on site any adult. They had already shot his 14yr old son in the back, never forget, just what a murderous bunch of RATS they are, from the bottom up. They shot Randy Weavers wife in the head while she was holding her infant baby.
I will not forget.
Same here, I will never forget the heinous crimes these lawless agencies committed . We must all watch and be vigilant because the entire government is run by satans minions as well as all of Washington, D.C.
Nor will I.
And Lon horiochi is still at large…
Only because We allow him to be.
Typical PBS propaganda, only needed a few minutes to see which way they were going to slant Ruby Ridge.
Hehebe, yeah, c’mon, you really needed to watch 5 minutes of it to know that?
No Feds were imprisoned for Ruby Ridge. None for Waco. At least they were stopped at Bundy Ranch … temporarily. They are above the law. They do as they please. Until or unless one or more of the states, or we the people stand up to them, nothing will change. Wake me when that happens.
Have you read ghat story by mike vanderboer (or something like that). 100heads to one. I like his style….
And then the govt MURDERED children, women and men in Waco, TX.
They are murdering thugs in those federal Leo’s, they committed murder back then and to this day committing the same murders against innocent Americans.These agencies must be shut down in there entirety and all be replaced with honest and moral people who live by a Christian a
ethical code. These are the protorian guard for every demon rat in this nation and a heavy hand must be brought to bear against each and every one of them.
No one has mentioned they “gave” Mr. Weaver the wrong court date for his initial hearing. He doesn’t show, doesn’t even KNOW he was suppose to show, and WHAM he’s violated a court order & subject to arrest. Sad, sad situation all around. How did they know Vicki Weaver was holding a newborn in her arms while shot by a sniper??? In discovery the defense got a “sketch” from Lon Horiuchi that he made after he shot Vicki. She was holding a baby in her arms when the FBI sniper shot her in the head. Absolutely criminal.
Excellent point.
Isaiah described the current state of affairs in this country perfectly in chapter 59 . Read it . And weep . For America and the Weaver family . And Hunter is still smoking crack and raping little Chinese girls .