36,144 refugees admitted to US in first seven months of FY2015

This map by Casey Cupp is warped to show which states take on the highest number of refugees relative to their population. For example, the densely populated New Jersey takes in a far lower rate of refugees than that of the two Dakotas. What the map shows is that the distribution of refugees looks very different when considering state populations as opposed to strictly the number of people living in each state.” http://www.humanosphere.org/basics/2014/02/map-day-refugees-accepted-us-states-population-adjusted/

States which received over 1000 refugees in the last seven months (in descending order):

Texas (3,865)

California (2,974)

New York (2,008)

Michigan (1,696)

Arizona (1,667)

Ohio (1,591)

Washington (1,464)

Georgia (1,410)

Pennsylvania (1,384)

Illinois (1,383)

Florida (1,381)

Minnesota (1,250)   562 of those are new Somalis!

North Caroina (1,211)


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9 years ago

Those that are not reduced as enemy combatants will have to be eliminated through the process of collateral damage. They chose to come here as an act of jihad, and have thereby placed themselves on the battlefield. We cannot allow any trace of this invasion to remain.

“A little leaven, leavens the whole loaf.” Therefore,

Kill every last muslim.
Burn every last copy of their demonic book.
Erase even the recollection of their presence from our society.
Nothing less will suffice.