6 Nov 2012: Buy a Gun Day

Arctic Patriot has taken point on an outstanding effort, encouraging every Patriot to buy a firearm on November 6th…Election Day.

His choice of Election Day is superb.  November 5th or 7th could be spun by the media and anti-gunners as a commentary about a specific candidate.

But setting Buy a Gun Day on Election Day broadcasts an unmistakable message: Whoever sits in the Oval Office or seats of Senators or Representatives should take notice of Patriots.

As I write this column we are 274 days out.

If you set aside just $3 every day, you’ll go to your favorite gun shop with $822 in your pocket.  $2 per day will give you a budget of $548.  Even if you set aside just $1 per day and show up with $274, you have a decent selection of new pocket pistols in range, and who knows what bargain you might find in the used case.

The point is simple: Let’s make news by posting a BIG day for FBI NICS checks.  Let’s remind those who would be Masters that we have no intention of going gently into that good night.  Let’s have so many people buying on Election Day that when the MSM interviews AP he’ll be able to put the III on the national stage.

Mrs. Kerodin and I have decided to help promote Buy a Gun Day and America 527 by offering 6 cash awards.

Here’s how it works: Every $20 in donations or gear purchases you make atAmerica527.org or IIIGear.com will earn you one chit.  Buy $100 worth of gear or donate $100 to the 527 and you will get 5 chits, and so on.  You’ll earn chits from now until our drawing on Tuesday October 30, one week before Buy a Gun Day.

We’ll draw 6 names and the winners will receive a gift certificate to their local gun shop (or their favorite online gun spot) to help with their Buy a Gun Daypurchase.

Five people will win a $100 gift certificate and one person will win $500.

The money we use to buy the gift certificates will NOT come from America 527.  Mrs. Kerodin and I will contribute the gift certificate money.

We know you do not buy III Gear or donate just to win stuff, but when we can we like to offer something for those who support the effort of building the III Brand.

So – go to IIIGear.com and buy some swag or hit the donate button in the upper right corner of this page and help us build!  Remember, you get an entry chit for every $20 you buy or donate between now and the drawing.

Let’s rock the III Brand and make Buy a Gun Day a national news event!

Thank you, and good luck!


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