
One of our worst enemies is the lack of operational security. The comments on this site can easily be used to imprison people for political reasons as the J6 detainees well know. I have to admit that Mark Thompson made some points that should be addressed instead of being dismissed.

My personal belief is that the United States was overthrown in a bloodless coup and the Republic has been replaced by a puppet government. The goal is to bankrupt the country and its people which we see daily. We also see something that we do not want to admit: they want us dead.

Looking at the comments in that article, I would like to make some observations:

  1. It is not treason to restore the rightful government of the people. The other side knows this fact which is why they implemented their “Ministry of Truth”. Why do I say this is a fact? If the people did take back the country, would not the people responsible for multiple stolen elections be charged with treason? Obviously treason is defined by the winners and if I am called a traitor for fighting to restore Liberty, is that really the truth on Judgment Day?
  2. From Mark Thompson: It’s over. It’s been over for a long time. We lost. It’s just that simple. I believe he has a valid point that needs to be addressed rather than attacked. Let me ask everyone: If we took back the government today and had to implement a new Constitution, what changes would we make? Changes like term limits, using political office for personal gain, lifetime appointments for the Supreme Court, election reform and citizenship would all be revised. Does this mean it is over? The framework was sound in the Constitution but no man or group of men could have foreseen the level of evil that we now face. And if we truly look into our souls, can we admit that we let the Great Experiment fail for personal reasons like greed, apathy and lack of Faith?

Let’s go off on a tangent at this point: what are your personal metrics that would convince you that the country is over? You must first decide if the country is the same as the government. For this article, I will assume that the people (country) are not the same as the government. I will also assume that the definition of the county being over is when the SHTF.

So let me ask some questions concerning the SHTF metrics:

  1. At what point is gasoline cost prohibitive? When you cannot afford to drive your vehicle, how does this impact you?
  2. At what point is the cost and availability of diesel impacting your life? No diesel means no rail or truck deliveries. No diesel school buses for our children. No farm equipment to grow, fertilize and harvest crops.
  3. How much higher can food go before you go hungry? Is it SHTF when you have to start opening your food stored preps? Our babies are targeted by the “government” now. Is it SHTF when the government takes baby formula to feed illegal aliens and our babies go hungry?
  4. Is it SHTF when the government takes us into WWIII to cover up the Obama/Biden family criminal acts? Obama and Biden instigated this war. I have always said that we are in a war of good vs. evil. The United States is fighting on the side of evil in this war.
  5. Is it SHTF when Supreme Court judges are intimidated for supporting the sanctity of life? These illegal “demonstrations” are supported by the DOJ and the executive branch. That means the law is not valid which means the Republic is not valid.
  6. Is it SHTF when manmade pandemics are released to destroy lives, sterilize people and remove all faith in the medical community?
  7. Is it SHTF when our country’s security is reorganized to support an invasion?
  8. Is it SHTF when our government ships our oil and natural gas to other countries to cause an energy crisis for the people?

Whether we discuss whether it is over or whether we are in the SHTF we knew was coming is not relevant. How we act is the point. Our forefathers showed great patience with England until they realized the truth. Our truth is the Republic is over: evil stole our Republic and our Liberty. Now it is coming for our children. Recognizing that something is over should not be considered a negative. Giving up is not the option but a new beginning is the option. We must look into the mirror with Sacred honor and fight. The true American people will not kneel to evil. And we should never allow our military to fight for evil.

I would ask that you sit down with your family today and decide. Are we in the SHTF according to your personal metrics? If not, what will it take to meet your definition? Time frames are important because their biggest “tell” of their timeline is the formation of the “Ministry of Truth”. Lies and deception are the work of Satan. We must recognize who is in control of the government. And if Satan is in control of the government, then yes, the government is over. The country is over only if WE say it is over. And I will NEVER submit to evil.

God judges His people. Fighting for evil, murdering unborn babies, trying to starve our babies, manufacturing pandemics to make transhumans, limiting food production with a Great Famine and trying to implement the Great Reset to replace God are all good reasons for making the case that “It’s Over” or the SHTF is now here. Fighting evil and restoring Liberty is not treason. It is walking back into God’s light.

David DeGerolamo

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Joan Thomas
Joan Thomas
2 years ago

I’m not throwing in the towel. I’m getting ready to have my 74th birthday. People need to set fire to their recliners and TV’s.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

SHTF has already happened and is happening, a good majority of the people do not care as long as they abdicate their responsibility for what is taking place. We all have a part in what has happened to our fallen Republic. At this point it does no good pointing the finger at we the people, it only matters that we take action. What type of action? It is written in our founding documents, the founding fathers knew this day would come, they studied history and the human condition. 3% participated in our first revolution, then others joined in the fight. If we could organize say 20 men in every city in counties across the country, we have over 100,000 cities in this country, do you think 20 men per city is out of reach? That would be close to 2 million, more than enough. There is only one way to stop this tyranny and it works, that is proven throughout history. May God help us to act, and be in obedience to his law in our fight to bring God back into the fallen republic.

Last edited 2 years ago by tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Idk Tom… i think everyone is feeling defeated and scared to be first 20 in there city. Sad..just watching her fall apart piece by piece! I’ve watched people die slowly with illness. This is that same feeling of helplessness! Sucks

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

We have to try FedUpFLman, we have not even got off our knees yet.

2 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

FedUp, It doesn’t take much. Run silent, run deep as the saying goes. eyes and ears of the go vt. You know spies in the skies so to speak. cameras, odd things on poles. You know what they are. Do what you can whenever you can. At this point anything you can do helps. Don’t brag, don’t say a word.Keep your mouth shut at all times now. Remember it doesn’t have to be a stellar performance. Little things. After a while they will add up. Keep the faith. Good always prevails.

Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
2 years ago

Iam not ready yet few things need doing, but! I am not dead yet so it aint over yet!

2 years ago

I am 73 and working on the new garden, that is all I can really do any more.
If you like to eat grow food, all else is meaningless if you starve.
The system is nearly broken even without nukes, and most will likely starve in the next several years.
I am all for throwing out the TV, but I still need my recliner, the dog needs some where to nap.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

Denying reality does not stop reality. Denying the Titanic was going down didn’t stop it from going down. There’s no reason to give up because God Almighty can change the course of events at any time. However, there’s no way to know if He will intervene.
Ephesians 6 tells us to stand against evil. It doesn’t say to defeat evil. Just keep standing. That’s our job. Don’t try to do God’s job.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

No one in a 50 mile radius of me is ready to party. That’s not to say they won’t. They are too busy dealing with illegals using LE and BP and legal recourse that is condemned from outside our community. Yes, we actually have some politically incorrect legal initiative operating. I know, from two sources close to me, that folks here will fight; but they likely will do it locally by opposing intruders (that means anyone). Now it might be said we already have intruders. True, except we are trying to handle the situation legally in opposition to federal intervention. I think the prevailing mindset has more to do with letting the system collapse to the point that zombie apocalypse tries to enter our territory at which point we will become united. That may seem like an oxymoron, though I see the rationale. This area is not inclined to free the republic beyond our sphere of influence. In other words, we are not handing out “Have Gun, Will Travel” business cards. I gather that we have tentative plans of operation that are not discussed in public openly. Sort of a back burner thing.

Stan, you make a valid point. I’m quite familiar with what you are saying. The bible is explicit in detailing what we are facing. We who call ourselves Christian are in the refining process, and the world in in the judgement process. We seem to forget how our founders managed to succeed in organizing. It was only after individuals were indiscriminately murdered by government ops and after armed villagers awaiting the redcoats were killed that the incentive to declare war prevailed. So far, we have only seen the indiscriminate killing of individuals. The government has not yet marched against our armed and ready community. I bring this up for a reason.

“Whomever lives by the sword MUST (that’s the key word) die by the sword.” None of us, unlike the government and it’s jackboot thugs, lives by the sword. If we start the process, we will have to live by the sword as opposed to letting them start it and we act in self-defense. That self-defense act includes a declaration of war by us. It is only then that we can call upon our Creator for assistance and direction. Self-defense and the desire for freedom and liberty are just causes. We are not afraid. We are only at odds as to application.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

Tremendous response. Many thanks. Weather warfare is now available to our enemies. Not so years ago. They drought out a place like CA and flood places like the Midwest. Crop failures result and end up curtailing the food supply. Starvation, not nuclear bombs or soldiers shooting at us are the plan. For more info, Dane Wigington at

2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

I happen to be blessed living in a location that has a multi-distance shooting range that is supported by 150 + members plus BP and LE. I think we can get the job done when necessary.

Janice P
Janice P
2 years ago

Replying to Tom Finley below and to David G: Spot on. Exceptionally to the point. Twenty men and women who will stand against evil in 100 cities? There are more than that. We are the men and women who just wanted to be left alone. I think we are at SHTF and way past turning back. There’s no more time to change minds and get consensus. Like minded men and women are connecting, but still tapping the brakes because we know how terrible this fight will be. God help us.

2 years ago

It’s not over the real pain is yet to come. We the people are Divided along the lines of our personal beliefs. Right wingers, left wingers, independence and libertarians are all divided… can’t find people that agree on any single truth from each of these sides. So what’s the plan? Are we going to start a war for the republic? Who’s going to show up…prepers with guns a blazing? I think that will die quickly. What’s the plan …. vote them out so far that hasn’t worked the last 40 years. We’ve got Politicians in place for over 40 years. Perhaps we can have a march and demand that our government step down. I’m sure that will work. The only way to win this war is to disengage. Refuse to cooperate refuse to participate refuse to engage the enemy in any conversation. Just sit and let the system collapse. Then when the dust settles the working ‘we the people’ will get to work and rebuild our country.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gregory

Right on, I am too old to do anything but Galt out.

Lu-Lu Belle
Lu-Lu Belle
2 years ago
Reply to  Gregory

The only way to win is on our knees.
2 Chronicles 7:13-14 I believe is for this time in His-story:
When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
Just like in times of war throughout the bible, we must seek His face, and then He will give us the game plan. Just because He hasn’t yet, doesn’t mean He wont… it’s all in His timing, and He said to persevere. 💪
Here’s another good one to encourage you all:
Daniel 7:21-22: “I was watching; and the same horn was making war against the saints, and prevailing against them, until the Ancient of Days came, and a judgment was made in favor of the saints of the Most High, and the time came for the saints to possess the kingdom.
WooHoo! It’s time to pray more — not give up. Our prayers will be poured out upon the earth, remember? (see Revelation 8:1-5)
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.” — 2 Corinthians 10:3-6
So much more to the story.

2 years ago

Good Food for thought.
We are in uncharted waters.

2 years ago

Ultimately, as has been well said, this is a war against God. If one looks at what is going on with this paradigm it all makes perfect sense.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
2 years ago

I’m happy to say this in public anywhere any time. No Op Sec required . Five reasons you aren’t getting anywhere and feel like giving up.
Laziness, If you aren’t even willing to run for local offices and do that job, you won’t do anything harder or the myriad of thing that would be required to make things better . Too many guys don’t do the work. and just want to be left alone which is failure
Lack of Ideology , in essence unless a set of ideas and goals are agreed upon, people won’t organize to act . Even J6 idiots had a core idea, fix the elections. Be ideology forward and if you can’t get tha than at least agree upon “we want new boundaries and new nations” And note you may have to. A lot of people me included won’t support your Bible based theocracy lite
Lack of Leadership, Lead , Follow or Get out of the Way doesn’t work when all people want to do Get Out of the Way. If the most radicalized people who can be in public won’t lead no one will , Again J6 and Charlottesville, the hunger for leadership is go great people followed idiots as no one vetted the leaders. Follow a money/deal guy like Trump? Are you kidding ?
Lack of Benefit. Imagine we were having a secret meeting somehwere, all vetted, no phones no feds (note to the assigned Fed guys, its not real) You want me to join. What is in this for me? A lot of younger guys have no family or prospects for one. Unless you guys are going to give them that, they have no benefit in helping.
Lack of willingness to Suffer and Die. No one really wants anything enough me included to suffer and die for it. Even terminally ill people would rather die at home than in a hail of glory much less healthy folk like me. The lack of clear goals and gains is crippling What do I die for and what do I live for are fundamental questions. While no one here would voluntarily die for clown world they also wouldn’t die for anything larger than “the family” that is not a recipe for success.
As always I’ll give the same advice I’d give anyone, run for office, use the primary system to fix the Republicans (1 in 5 this alone is enough) and work on goals
Not just personal ones (get hard get good) but group ones. Build the group to those ideological goals (the political experience helps here) don’t be distracted by a fiver under the nose (c.f the Tea Party) and carry on.
Do this and you can take power if very lucky by elections.

2 years ago
Reply to  A.B. Prosper

Not gonna happen A.B. All the good guys running for office are early eliminated before the general election. It’s planned that way. Has been for decades. Elections are a crap shoot at best. You do make some valid points, however. Vast majority of folks just want to maintain status quo ’till it just doesn’t matter anymore. Gonna take a hard kick in the ass before the party starts.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
2 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

As I said about 1 in 5. The Republican Party in a limited way does respect the Republic . That’s a slight chance but it also buys you time and moral capital.
If you won’t run for office or even try and note their is a lot of low hanging fruit you can take you’ll lack moral or social capital for a war.
I means she isn’t perfect but Marjorie Taylor Greene got in and there is always local local local too
If you can’t d this than learn to organize for political goals. Its important enough the Left pays people to do it
I also know this works since Roe v Wade might well be on the block. That took decades of work, people willing to kill and die and go to jail for that cause.
We don’t have time, probably didn’t have time in the Waco years but the tools and skills would be of benefit.
If you aren’t willing to hunt and I’m not nor telling others too than do that. Buying more guns , food and ammo is only marginally useful if you don’t have enough trigger pullers and you don’t.
Also I wouldn’t count on a collapse to save you. As Adam Smith said There is a lot of ruin in a nation and frankly if there is a collapse and you aren’t organized, you die.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

what about “quiet write in” votes? Would it work??

enn ess
enn ess
2 years ago

Anyone seen the fat lady lately? And is she a singer? Then it ain’t over., It will never be over until it’s over. Hint; The worlds population becomes inept they cannot figure out how to survive after being handed a book on survival.
We all die. How many can you take with you? That’s the $64,000 dollar question.

Robert Orians
Robert Orians
2 years ago

Thomas Jefferson would not so much as even sleep overnight in the Capital . He stated that cities are a scourge upon the land . He rode his horse 11 miles each way to go be the president every day in DC . I predict that as soon as the gubmint starts flowing scarce resources into their precious cities for those reliable votes and starving the good ole boys and their children in the outback things will change . Where does the electric , pipelines , rails, and everything else to keep those voters happy in the big cities transport through ? The very same outback boys territory . It won’t take long when the cities run out of food ,fuel ,and electric and those reliable voters are cold , hungry , and mad as hell . Nobody will have to plan , lead , or direct . It will be spontaneous and quite natural in its occurrence. May there be enough of us that love America and God left to pick up the pieces in an orderly manner . But then again , maybe tptb have figured that out and will be coming for you . Make sure they remember it in hushed tones as Saint Vanderboegh stated , May God rest his and Saint Randys souls .

Nathan Lahue
Nathan Lahue
2 years ago

Alexander Fraser Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee was born in October, 1747. He was a Scottish historian who served as Professor of Universal History at the University of Edinburgh. Tytler is often credited as predicting the fall of America, suggesting that America will only last ~200 years. (SEE PIC).

Point being -- we are rounding the circle into the next “1776”. This “America” is done, and has been done for quite sometime. We haven’t elected a president by constitutional standards since 1796. George Washington died in 1799….notice thats how long it took to start departing from the “supreme law of the land”.

Senators are elected by the people instead of the states (how does one hold a US Senator accountable to 20-40 million people? They are supposed to be accountable to the State’s Governor & State Legislators….far easier to recall and hold accountable!)

The Constitution also states that there can be no more than one representative in the House for every 30,000 citizens -- thats okay -- 1911, they capped that to 435 congress critters -- Each House member now represents about 710,000 people. How do the people hold their representative accountable? Answer: they dont. TPTB have found that its easier to control//bribe 435 people instead of having approximately 11,400 US Representatives…..(could you imagine???).

So its time we grasp this truth. This cycle is almost done. We need to prepare for the inevitable. As a whole, the nation is in DEPENDENCE, and soon will enter into BONDAGE. After this, man will seek God again and will enter into SPIRITUAL FAITH, then COURAGE, and into ABUNDANCE……But make no mistake, the night has just begun….and it will only get darker. It will be most darkest before the dawn.

There is no more rule of law. You are accountable to God, and to God alone now.

2 years ago

The Constitution is just a piece of paper. As written it is perfectly adequate….for a moral and god fearing society. The problem is America long ago ceased to be either. Words on paper are totally worthless without ACTIONS to hold those who violate those words accountable….PAINFULLY and PERSONALLY accountable.

2 years ago

Regarding metrics leading to an end-all war, there is only one listed that is inherently social in nature (and it was dire when women were forced to go on welfare, perhaps struggling for nutritional needs, and more recently forced into the workplace, often unable to breastfeed because a man would not take financial and social responsibility for his part in the procreation of a child).

“How much higher can food go before you go hungry? Is it SHTF when you have to start opening your food stored preps? Our babies are targeted by the “government” now. Is it SHTF when the government takes baby formula to feed illegal aliens and our babies go hungry?”

All of these metrics are indicative of being governed and controlled, rather than governing and controlling that which should be the purview of the people (based on their often purported form of government). Because the people lack social doctrines other than those set by the policy-makers and establishment trendsetters, all of the above and more will be increasingly foisted upon the populace. Why is it always someone else (on the satanic side), who understands culture, and is able to make decisions and implement policy based on their financial, social and spiritual directives, such as “he who controls the oil controls the money”, and “he who controls the food controls the people”? Why don’t Christians for instance, have any kind of vision for their people as a collective? Look at what the Frankfurt School was able to accomplish by studying Americans, Christians, churches and religiosity, how men and women interacted and related with and amongst each other; the dynamics that could be worked and reworked in culling a population? The trojan horses here are very much the churches that could have functioned in a way to counteract all of this, but deliberately did not (emphasis on local economics, dynamics between men and women). Of course, there seems to be little to no recognition that the institutional takeover already indicated the fall of America decades ago. The facade of calling this country a republic or representative democracy is laughing stock for most other countries. They know the people don’t have the cultivation for either, rendering the political to more of the likes of the same.

2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

The apostasy in the churches and downhill slide with male /female/family relationships began about a hundred years ago; when the churches started to accept divorce and remarriage.

2 years ago
Reply to  Quatermain

You may have heard… Target stores are going to sell merchandise for LGBTQ+ kids starting queer month. Chest binders and crotch-padding for girls to look like boys. Not sure what they’ll sell for boys to look like girls. The company that owns Target has been rotten since forever. But will Americans stop buying from them? Maybe a handful. Target did not go out of business when they announced their store toilets were available for whatever chose to go in them. All the stores have been on the side of evil for decades but they still thrive. Kroger and Meijer taunt us with their rainbow flag/colors displays now, in honor of perversion. Their management does not fear angering people like us. They curry favor of perverts and their admirers. You mention churches. There’s no talk in churches about what is happening and no urging to avoid shopping in the iniquitous stores and certainly no urging the flock to speak out against the horrid businesses. The pastors must be afraid they’ll offend their members who condone such perversions. “Just be positive” is their motto.

2 years ago
Reply to  Quatermain

These churches have very much shown themselves to be houses of poverty being steeped with submission-minders to maintain that no thinking and expression outside of the prescribed doctrinal expectations could possibly influence others to a different viewpoint, applicable with regards to a mega church or small church, the relational poverty is abundant -- many often don’t know who sits to their left or right during or after the service, as a matter of ‘how church is done’, they reportedly have the highest divorce rates in the country, people routinely stay in devolved living conditions while receiving small helps (an often chronic and ongoing situation without resolution), and the church leadership often seems to thrive upon the oppressed status of many of its attendees and congregants in that they keep returning, which perhaps ensures their perpetual state funding, that also may enrich some more than others.

Another perspective:

“”Christianity” and the Christian Religion Is NOT Found in the Bible -- the Person Jesus Christ Is”

“Not only is the concept of a “Christian” religion and the institute of the “Church” not found among the followers of The Way in the New Testament congregations, neither is there any centralized authority figure as we find today among the “clergy,” the professional Christians referred to as “pastors,” “priests,” and other honorary titles.

All the leaders in the early meetings of those belonging to the way, including the “apostles” who spent the most time with Jesus while he walked on the earth, were referred to by their first names, with no official title before them.”

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago

More people will notice when they raise the price of alcohol or it stops being delivered.

2 years ago

In my opinion (based on the definition of SHTF)
A. Question 3 – when low-income (EBT) and working class / low middle-income people go hungry. SHTF triggers are urban violence and suburban stealing from stores. 
B. Question 6 – rephrased: when people see facts reported by the MSM that the US Govt participated in the release of bio weapons upon its populace. Anything less, the Sheeple will not revolt when attacked (see Covid)
C. Question 5 – rephrased: “That means the law is not valid which means the” …the government can enter a person’s home without legal permission, confiscate their possessions and or kidnap / murder the person(s) AT WILL. (including turning off electronic money and kill switches on cars)
I believe C will cause the county to go SHTF and fight back.

2 years ago

Just one point: Treason is the only crime that is defined in the Constitution.
Article 3 Section 3
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. 

Last edited 2 years ago by MntnMole
Bud Crane
Bud Crane
2 years ago

Dave, I agree with everything you say EXCEPT for a ” New Constitution”. Our Constitution is the only thing left blocking the Traitors. If a Convention of States is held to rewrite, amend, fix they will put forth a Wholly New Constitution WRITTEN TO BENEFIT THE TRAITORS. Our Constitution is not being FOLLOWED. We the People can still demand our elected Reps Abide by it. Go to JBS.ORG

Hammers Thor
2 years ago

I would ask that you sit down with your family today and decide. Are we in the SHTF according to your personal metrics?”

Yes. I would concur the S has HTF.

Not only that, every time we turn around, another “leader” has caved. Example for today… Jim Jordan indicated he would support Kevin McCarthy for Speaker. One by one they fall, and soon not enough will be left to even matter, and certainly not enough to make a difference. At this point I believe surviving to fight another day takes precedence over “voting”, protesting, civil disobedience, or reaching out to representatives.

Or going to war with them. It is not 1776. Back then, most people just wanted to be left alone to live their lives. Not today. Half the population today would rather see us dead than just leave us be. No, we will not be fighting today for rebuilding the country. It has to collapse, and the evil that has infested half the nation has to self-purge first.

No one is coming to save us, so it’s on us and us alone. I thank God every day that He lit the path for us to be out of the city and into a preparedness lifestyle. 2008 was a wake-up call. 2022 will be the wrecking ball that smashes our nation into hundreds of separate infernos, and sees the final collapse of the shell of a republic America used to be. One thing we need to remember is that Antifa, the pro baby-murder monsters and the inner-city dindunuffins will do the vast majority of our work for us in burning down the current system. Then they’ll starve to death, or eat each other, then starve to death. Long before then gas will be gone, and they’ll not be traveling to the rural areas on foot, so most of us who are not in urban or suburban areas will be relatively safe and able to sustain ourselves and survive.

Only after that can we even consider rebuilding the country. You cannot rebuild a house that has burned halfway to the ground. You have to clear the debris away first, then build a new house.

2 years ago

The S will well and truly HTF when Joe sixpack no longer gets his 6-pack and sportsball.
99% of the US population doesn’t even know what the Constitution is, let alone what’s in it.
Our biggest mistake over the years has been to assume most people want and understand what freedom really is. They don’t. They don’t care one whit about freedom.

Elder Son
2 years ago

The side that wants to win will always beat the side that just wants to be left alone.