A Conversation I’ve Had Many Times…

I stick with 29 and eliminate that chance of error.

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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Most of my magazines are loaded to 25 rounds, I do this because most of those magazines are not used and stay loaded. I believe it is personal preference, good video. When that time comes, I will load to full capacity.

Last edited 2 years ago by tom finley
2 years ago

Like not filling up the gas tank in your vehicle; it’s not going to hurt anything but you are giving up some of the capability of your weapon. Seems silly to me but I’m not you.
Or… you could shoot an M1A and never have to worry about the issue again. 🙂

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Stuart

Yes I prefer the m-14, the m-16 is a proven battle weapon, but still only a high powered 22 round subject to wind and minor obstacles.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stuart

Anyone have feedback on the PLA QBZ-95 with its 5.8?

2 years ago

Just depends how ya run your gun.
Do ya run dry or Do you stay alert to expended Your Round count.
We/I was taught… whenin doubt RELOAD the girl and put your partial in your dump pouch.

I run DD mags, 32rds. Always.

Your style…may be different.

2 years ago

Modern mags have a built in extra space to deal with the closed bolt issue.

Ohio Guy
Ohio Guy
2 years ago

With the additional spring pressure of a fully loaded 30 rounder on a closed bolt, I have experienced some difficulty with mag changes. You really have to smack that mag hard into position. Not so with 29 rounds. Goes right in with a gentle upward smack of the palm of the hand. In a battle situation, time is everything.
On one of my heavy barrel setups, I have to remove the rear breakdown pin to install my 100 rnd dual drum. Perhaps if I only loaded 97 or 98, I wouldn’t have to do that, right? So, I definitely see the utility in loading 29 in a 30 rounder. Much less chance for error.
We should all be good enough shooters anyway to get the job done with 29 in each mag. It’s speed assurance in mag changes. Same same with 40 and 50 rounders, etc.
Btw, I don’t overfill my gas tank till it comes out the filler hole either. But that’s just me.

2 years ago

My 30-round magazines are always loaded and remain loaded, often for months at a time, some with range ammo and some loaded for bear. My acquaintances suggest that 28-29 round loads will prolong the spring life of a magazine. Your thoughts? As an aside, I personally have had a couple of handgun magazines (45 acp) experience spring failure after being loaded for long periods of time, and now, as a matter of habit I load handgun magazines short 1 round consistently for that reason, to prolong spring life.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  buffalolips

Most of my magazines stay loaded, handgun or rifle and I have never experienced a failure yet and the word is yet. Most if not all springs are piano wire grade.

2 years ago
Reply to  buffalolips

28 rounds per magazine.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Got it, in the process of doing so.

2 years ago
Reply to  buffalolips

Anyone advocating that magazine springs “take a set” is wholly ignorant of the science of metalurgy. If they have personally experienced it, it means they bought cheap mags that did not have springs made out of properly heat treated spring steel.
This is how improperly made products lead people to incorrect conclusions. A properly made spring will not permanently deform under its design load -- ever.

2 years ago

I keep my 100+ year old magazines empty, but loaded stripper clips near by. The after market 303 mags seem poor, but no problems with the Mauser.
If I had an AR 15, I would use stripper clips as well and keep all but one mag empty, till the show starts.

I suspect my rifles will be good for an other hundred years or so, long enough for the rebirth of liberty! I suspect the remaining liberals, won’t mind as both magazines are ten rounds or less, safe for civilized society, but then again fucx them!

Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago

This has been going on forever. I run a M1A and 20 round mags. I had a couple of mags sitting in my safe loaded 20 rounds of 173g Match Grade for 5 years. Son in law and I went out recently and I took them. Not a single failure to feed/jam. I only use OEM mags. And I don’t do reloads.