Look, St. Francis preached to the animals. St. Anthony preached to the fish. I’m going to try to give a friendly warning to the left. Who knows? Maybe I can save us a hard landing. Because they’re preparing a really hard landing.

Let me start by stating that however much the lunatics on the left think they want a civil war, they really don’t want a civil war. It’s not a matter of win or lose. They’d lose. No, listen, it’s not that I don’t realize a lot of them are armed. It’s the hardware in the head. They’re blood thirsty but not disciplined. And their idea of who we are is completely wrong.

Remember the Sad Puppies kerfuffle, where they assured us they were just waiting for us to die since we were so old? The person saying that is three years younger than I. And that’s just the beginning of their misconceptions. There is the “uneducated”, the “poor” and the “millionaires” (And only heaven knows how they reconcile all those.) oh, also the “religious” which is somewhat right, kind of, if you squint.

The thing is, if they go on the war path, they’ll mostly shoot up their own constituents: the elderly who trust the MSM, the rich who have gone woke, etc. And they’ll do it first, because they always believe they’re righteous and that justifies anything.

They don’t want a civil war. They suck mightily at reading the room, and even then the feel of our anger should be enough to tell them they don’t want a civil war.

We don’t want a civil war either. No, seriously, we don’t. It would be worse for them, but very bad for us. If we get to throw down, Starship Troopers might be a best case scenario. And while a dictatorship by Veterans bent on service is not the worst thing that could happen, it’s not the most likely either. The most likely is that whoever ends up on top will decide we need to do away with the left once and for all by…. inverting all their positions, so we end up with socialism from the other side.

As someone who lived both under national and international socialism, let me tell you it’s a tough choice. National socialism kills you slower (unless we go German-efficient, of course, G-d forbid) but makes you much, much poorer and less self-sufficient (no, trust me) in between.

I want the Republic and individual liberties back, not socialism of either stripe.

So, it’s really important that the left listen to this: WE SEE YOU. AND WE HAVE A MEMORY.

Yeah you think that “we see you” is affirmative, recognizing the “good” things you do. Not this time, bucko.

I’m not the only one getting bombarded by articles on how long it will take to count the votes. Apparently you put that in the speech of your zombie in chief, too. And I’m not the only one who’s seen articles on how the right will “appear” to win, but then when all the votes are in you’ll be proven victors.

Let me put this in terms you understand:

NO ONE BELIEVES YOU. Not even a little bit. If you could read the room you could sense that. All of these articles on how long it will take, how wrong the first counting will be is just making people pissed off.

Read the Whole Article Here…

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Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
2 years ago

We seemed to be hypnotized into allowing the left to draw first blood. They’ve been drawing blood for more than two years. I will not allow them to get the drop on me. Comport yourself loaded, legal or otherwise.

2 years ago

Makes me wonder how big this is going to blow. The leftists are playing the role they’ve been programmed to play by their babylonian masters, as they have since 1917. Expecting the worse for sure.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

The course the communists are on is a death march, they have pushed us into a corner. I will not live under the communist rule, I will die on my feet a free man, so help me God. We know what they have planned for the elections, I wouldn’t advise them to do what they have planned, because once unleashed, they will be asking once again for amnesty and none will be given, until your all dead and rotting in the sun.

Roth Harbard
2 years ago

Can’t say they haven’t been warned. However, I expect them to respond about as well to this letter and the sentiment it offers as to their response to Vlad Putin begging them not to push NATO to Russia’s borders. Our response will likely be required to mirror Vlad’s.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

“Returning to Sinai” — A Prophetic Call for Climate Justice
and Ceremony of Repentance
Sunday, November 13th, 2022, Mount Sinai
In parallel with the COP 27 UN Climate Conference

“Enough is enough. All new exploration and production of coal, oil and gas must immediately end,” said Cardinal Michael Czerny.

Hard to believe this is a coincidence: These people are literally returning to Egypt.
Sun worship much?