… adultery, murder, theft, blasphemy, pride, foolishness, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness …

A prideful and foolish action by RINOs that has no chance to pass the Senate or the pen of the pResident.
McCarthy has delivered nothing of substance …
He is a Republican.
I’m confused by your comment …
I acknowledged above that he is a RINO.
From it’s inception the Republican party has done nothing but trample the Constitution. Do you expect them to all of a sudden change? Lincoln was tyrant, Teddy Roosevelt was the first progressive, Nixon gave us all kinds of big government organizations, Reagan committed treason (that is if Iran was an enemy), Bush gave us the Police state and Trump gave us the Mark of the Beast. This is just glancing over all a huge list. Not once have they done anything except throw the dog a bone.
You cannot call blue yellow and make it yellow. That party has been no lovers of America, just part of destroying it.
And the Democrats are giving us socialism / communism as fast as they can. Rigged elections completely insane thinking men can get pregnant for one -- who is leading the way to the edge of the cliff Thomas?
I seen no Republicans stopping it, only voting for it. Hack, the Democrats are only finishing what a Republican started. We cannot win anything until we understand there are R and D, they are all of the same party playing us like a bad fiddle.
Thomas -- I accept your criticism and acknowledge the points you made above. When I replied, I was thinking about the logic table (or Venn diagram): all RINOs are Republicans; all Republicans are not necessarily RINOs.
This was based on my personal experience with the Republican party as a Libertarian in the 1970s and 1980s … when I hated the demonrats and their Great Society, and forgave Nixon for actually working to extract us from Vietnam … when I was still drawn toward the “lesser of two evils” … before I became better educated about Lincoln, Roosevelt, Wilson, FDR, et al.
Another note, Johnson would not have passed what he passed if it was not for the Republicans.
I look at it like, you cannot be a part of something and not be it. You give your time, money and votes for a party ran by criminals, well, you are supporting the crime they commit.
I should have noted, I meant no ill by my comment. I just want people to see they have been played for a very long time. Since I am 52 I think I can say this. I am tired of the old people and their holding on to a past that never was and living in denial. Not saying you are, just I talk to a lot of people mostly older and when confronted by the truth, they go quiet and walk away. It is time we all wake up and stand up and the Republican party is not the way to go.
Another thing, I was not blessed with a solver tongue and sometime things come out not as intended. Well not as harshly as some take them. My intent is to get people to get angry and stand up and to do that we need to understand fully who the enemy is.
No offense taken, sir. I’m going on 73 and long abandoned alliance with political factions.
I doubt any long-time readers of NCRenegade will accuse me of walking away from issues …
… I am, however, purposefully less visible in public forums over the past two years or so.
McCarthy did nothing because a Democrap-controlled Senate will block the measure. What other alternative do you suggest that McCarthy implement?
The only chance the U.S. has it the house quite funding this bullshit in the future. The last is done . The demorats funded everything they wanted until about August of this year.
If the House removes funding, it does not matter what the pResident or Senate does.
I been saying this forever now. According to the law and financial bills have to start in the House. If the Republicans wanted to stop all of this, they just need to not fund it. This is the same ole, same ole.
People cannot see they have not stopped funding anything, including baby murder. Ten times the House has been controlled by the Republicans, not once have they failed to fund it. They have funded all that the Democrats wanted. Not once have they refused to fund any of the social programs. Why?
The last part is not meant for your David.
If it allows them to claim they’re at least trying to do the will of Da Peepul--ie, as a distraction, a bit of theater--then it will have served the intended purpose.
Guess you can say that about anything that the Republicans in the current congress attempt. The Senate will snub it and the resident-in-office will just fondle and sniff it.
McCarthy did nothing? Let’s see if Feeble Joe has an alternative plan to pay for those 87,000 IRS employees. All appropriations bills must pass the House of Representatives. Will Feeble Joe pay them out of the Oval Office coffee fund?
The Republicans will fund anything, just in different ways. The DOD cannot pass an audit and never will. Just saying.
First: Take over your local county. Get rid of Electronic Election machines.
Second: Read and understand the 9th & 10th amendments.
Always keep in mind, for now we are currently lawless.
There is only you. Someone must lead.
All true of McCarthy. And just as true of myself and most men I have known.. He was a RINO. However the last week of attitude adjustment and refocusing have created a very bright spotlight under which he and the party must stand and cannot hide. We have a list of their promises and goals. We are eyeing every move, listening to every word. Our stance must be—”We want to trust you. Now cut the cards.” Let’s watch closely and make them earn it.
If they don’t come through this time, it’s done. The Republicans should serve time. The Democrats should hang.