A Possibility Which I Do Not Want to Consider

No one questions the political prowess of Nancy Pelosi. So what was the purpose of impeaching a President if she knows it will be dismissed in the Senate? What if she does not submit the impeachment request to the Senate until after Donald Trump is reelected? At that point, she could claim that his election was invalid because he was still under a pending House impeachment.

You may think that the Supreme Court would be the final arbiter in this scenario but the Supreme Court cannot rule on an issue that is not covered in the Constitution. In other words, they cannot legislate from the bench so Trump’s election could not be validated even if the Senate takes up the trial after the election.

Let’s pray that Nancy’s hatred of Trump has some depth and that this is just idle speculation. On the other hand, this is the only scenario that makes sense of the fact that the Democrat Party has voted themselves out of office in 2020 with this baseless impeachment. I do not want to consider the consequences of a Deep State coup under the control of Nancy Pelosi.

If this premise is correct and the 2020 re-election of Trump is thrown into question, who will be in charge until this is resolved? After the expiration of Trump’s first term in January, both Trump and Pence would not hold office. The Constitution then appoints the Speaker of the House to be President.

David DeGerolamo

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5 years ago

David -- -- I believe that the DemonicRats don’t care if the Senate boots their sham impeachment action without considering it. The DemonicRats will then scream that the Senate=Repubs are covering up for Trump by not having a full hearing. Fake news will report this as truth non-stop.

They also think that even if the Senate throws out the sham action that later on they will discover something else to bring up (remember that the subpoenas for Trump’s income taxes is a case pending before the Supremes…).

If the Senate has an extended impeachment trial/hearing, the DemonicRats will get the opportunity to call witnesses who may have all manner of fictions created by then and “supported” by the faked scenarios of the Deep State. Fake news will report this as truth non-stop.

Also, they hope that some calamity will happen that they can blame on Trump such as a stock market crash or banking meltdown. Such events could put them into competitive presidential election chances.

Lastly, the Moocher, Michelle the Tranny, may run after the present candidates screw up and fall out of favor. I can easily see WoeBama, The Indonesian Usurper, appearing at the DemonicRat Party convention in July and telling them that the only way they will get back the White House is for Moochelle to be the candidate. That way he can be returned into the White House and many blacks will vote for the Moocher (“it”) because of him.

Their hatred of us is so strong that they just do not care what happens to the Nation. Expect ANTIFA and labor union thugs to create civil conflict in Republican areas or at Republican events, just like Hitler’s Brown Shirts did before his election. Then the police response will give them the opportunity to claim Trump is a heavy handed dictator.

Patriots, spicy times approach. Gear up! Prep as if your lives depend upon it…..because they do, especially if one lives in or near a metropolitan area.

Francis W. Porretto
Francis W. Porretto
5 years ago

There could be some deep calculation here. The Democrats have lost heavily in opinion polls and pre-election canvasses because of the impeachment farce. Their strategists have undoubtedly gathered to discuss how they might alter their approach to recoup. The current standoff, in which a thin margin provided the vote to impeach the president and a thin margin will likely acquit him, provides all sorts of fodder for speculation.

1. At this time, the impeachment can be cast as a purely partisan move. Should the Senate dismiss the charges on a party-line vote, the Democrats would have a stick with which to counter-flail the GOP for partisanry. Of course, at this time there’s still a possibility that one or more Senate Democrats would join the Republican caucus in dismissing the charges or a summary acquittal, but no one can be certain about that yet.

2. The Senate’s rules for the trial mandate that witnesses can only be called by a majority vote. That displeases the Democrats, who very much want to have the “Kavanaugh strategy” – a stream of unending allegations to prolong the proceedings indefinitely – available to them. Should McConnell concede on this point, the trial could conceivably last right through the 2020 elections.

3. Pelosi’s gambit about not submitting the articles of impeachment to the Senate until the rules are changed is a second string to the “drag it out” bow: should she succeed in delaying the trial well into 2020, it would provide the Democrats with campaign-season fodder. No doubt their media handmaidens would rush to their assistance.

4. Further, media involvement could arise through interviews and publicity granted to “witnesses” who are not permitted to “testify” to the Senate. As the media are wholly enlisted in the anti-Trump movement, this is more likely than not – and would permit the fomenting of public suspicion about a “cover-up” of presidential wrongdoing.

5. One final thought: The significance of the “Star Chamber” as a term of condemnation arose from two characteristics of its use under the Stuart kings. First, defendants were summoned to trial without being informed of all the charges they would face, which of course made it impossible to prepare a defense against them. Second, the King could use the Star Chamber, whose powers were limited in no significant way, to persecute dissenters from his policies, and the Stuart kings often did exactly that. Similar prospects have the Democrats eager for a Senate trial in which they could call an arbitrary number of witnesses to talk about whatever they might fancy whatever the Democrats think might damage President Trump.

There’s much to think about – and to fear – in the current situation.

a follower
a follower
5 years ago

Thought the same thing David.
Here for the show. One day at a time.

5 years ago

In this case, the speaker would NOT be Pelosi--no way the Dems could garner a majority under such conditions…

5 years ago

What if….. The trial is held up with the intent by Dems to impeach after the election, only to discover that Trump calls for Martial Law (due to NATIONAL EMERGENCY) before the election…. Marching all of the opposition out of Congress in handcuffs

Sniperbait66 RVN
Sniperbait66 RVN
5 years ago
Reply to  Bob

As long as their Traitor asses are taken out to a summary, Drum head Tribunal, and Executed as soon as they’re adjudicated GUILTY.
I want to see those arrogant Traitor’s faces when they’re found guilty of Treason and the Death Penalty in less than an hour is announced. The wet pants and pale frightened features, whining voices demanding to be released, the arrogant demands to be released are met with shock stick and a kick to the groin….

5 years ago

It’s time to lock &load!

Charley Waite
Charley Waite
5 years ago

Maybe Ginsburg is dead and this is stall so they can claim POTUS can’t install another judge while impeached.

5 years ago

How can an impeachment trial interfere with the authority of a sitting President? He is innocent until convicted. (Lying A-hats.)

5 years ago

I think the President should get a 3rd term due to the Harassment, Stalking, Spying etc,etc done by the demonrats…..

Sniperbait66 RVN
Sniperbait66 RVN
5 years ago
Reply to  VEE3

After all the Dems are executed for Treason and Sedition, there won’t be a live DemonRAT left to run against the sitting President. We’ll have to have an Election to choose replacement Scumbags…Unless there are none who could meet the criteria.

old bat
old bat
5 years ago

and why would trump’s reelection be invalid if no impeachment trial. not like he was found guilty and booted. does the constitution specify this?

Sniperbait66 RVN
Sniperbait66 RVN
5 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

If their Treasonous behaviors cause them to be Executed. They won’t have ANY say anyway…THAT’S why Traitors are Executed swiftly and NOT given jail time.

Justan American
Justan American
5 years ago

I think you are incorrect on the Supreme Court getting involved. I believe the President has to ask them to look at if the charges are constitutionally valid.