I watched American Graffiti last night to escape the war propaganda leading us to World War III. As I watched the movie, I kept asking myself how we lost the American Dream. The early sixties as portrayed in the movie was the epitome of life in the USA. Freedom, fast cars and drive-ins coupled with minor sub plots of no life changing consequence. Growing up in Southern California as portrayed in the movie is a far cry from living in today’s West Coast sh_thole cities.
As I watched the movie that was released in 1973, I realized that I will never see my country regain its glory days in my lifetime. More importantly, even if we did regain control from the Deep State traitors, I do not see how our children will ever have the opportunities that were stolen from us for greed and power. Or maybe it was given away since we did not hold it dear.
Many people want a path forward before they “act”. We must have a new government structure ready to go has become a mantra for the weak minded. Our forefathers did not need a completed plan in order to act; they only needed to stand up for their Liberty.
- Unrestrained Capitalism with no taxes or regulations to jump start our economy.
- Gasoline cars with no government oversight for emissions, safety and tracking. In other words, cars for transportation and for fun.
- No DEI, ESG, cancel culture or racist divisions mandating how we “live”.
- Government restricted to 10% of GDP and mandatory audited budgets.
- No CIA, FBI or DHS dictating how we live.
The list could go on but let’s return to 1963. In the movie, there was one black couple at the hop and Wolfman Jack for “diversity”. The Hispanic culture was also limited to two Pharaohs thugs. All of the main characters were white, middle class Americans because that was what we wanted to see for entertainment. We do not want to see woke trash that has destroyed our morality, religion and country.
Sometimes, simple works. Hard work, morality, building things and a fair wage have to become the foundation of a new nation. In other words, get government out of our way. How do we start? By making those responsible pay a price that is so high, it will not be forgotten for a long time.
Think back to simpler times when we were both free and enjoyed Liberty. And this time, hold it dearly.
David DeGerolamo
There were few non Whites in the movie? That’s because America in the early sixties was nearly 90% White. We were a White country. Western Civilization was White Civilization. The new immigration act of 1964/5 changed all that. Today 55% of all children entering kindergarten in the US are non White. I grew up in the inner city of Chicago in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Our neighborhood had little crime. No one had an “assault rifle”. We didn’t need them. Back then. I went in the Army 66-69. When I came back my neighborhood was Mexican. Doesn’t take long. First they took the cities. Now they’re going to take small town USA.
Concentration of governmental powers, particularly at the federal level(original intent), needs to be heavily diluted. .gov needs to return to only the original 3 departments with each state legislature appointing a rep for each department with president appointing only the director. Each state legislature needs to appoint a Supreme Court justice with the president appointing the chief justice. 10 years max for any and all governmental elected and appointed positions. No benefits of any kind after leaving any government position. .gov paid for by tariffs. No income nor property taxes. 1 vote per county for federal elections. Political parties outlawed. Paper ballots, ID required, and a passing score in a US civics class to vote. A few ideas
Something to Consider -- What FEMA’s Training is Focusing on This Year -- American Partisan I also grew up in the 50s and 60s, joined the Army in 1968, totally different Country today. As David stated we only need to stand up for Liberty and only then worry after we have secured such worry about governance.
As to the economy. Remember Weimar Germany? How terrible, decadent and broke they were? Hitler and the Nazis came to power, and unlike with most other dictators, things changed for the better for the people both culturally and economically. The Reichsmark was backed by labor, not gold or silver. It worked. I’ve done a lot of searching and cannot find how they did that. I guess we know why. Those in charge today want nothing to do with something like that. And before anyone comments about what the ‘evil Nazis’ did to the Jews; first off, the Holocaust story is a fraud (do your research). Secondly, they had expulsion coming to them for what they’d done to the Fatherland. They’ve done the same to us. I’d hate to be Jewish when enough Americans find out who’s behind most of the trouble we’re having at present.
You haven’t a clue of what you are talking about. My experience with the holocaust. My mother was born in Poland. And in 1939 the Nazi’s invaded Poland. They came to her village with lots of troops and guns. Everyone was lined up. If you were to old or to young you were executed. My mom was a teenager then so she was spared the bullet to the head. Everyone was loaded in cattle cars with straw on the floor and a bucket. It took three days to get to Germany. In between stops they would throw in some moldy bread. If you wanted water you put your hand out side to catch rain. You either went to the death camps, the factories or the farms. My mom was lucky she went to the farms. I grew up hearing the most horrible things that people did to others. And you know the worse ones were the civilian collaborators who wanted to gain favor with Nazis. And these people could be your friends, neighbors and other regular people. The things she saw were beyond horrific. After read your ignorant comment I had to respond.
Wow, how brilliant a spokesman for Paganism. BTW you are quite aware of the Nazi connection in that “Modern Paganism”? If you like look up pagan tattoos on known Nazi’s and current Ukraine nazis.
First the Paper Reichsmark backed by labor not gold (LIKE THE REST of the Worlds Money of that time) was a printing press Failure as my Great Grandparents knew personally as well as my Grand Mother as she was 9 when they left Weimar Germany.
Maybe you’d like to explain the Jewish connection of the Treaty of Versailles that stripped the losing German side of Gold and other real wealth post WW1?
THAT’S why they had to print ever crazier amounts of paper BACKED BY LABOR (wow that’s rich!) Paper Reichsmarks. Are you aware that late Weimar they only printed ONE Side of their Reichsmarks to save on cost of printing so many.
Maybe NOW you can explain our CONgresses (spelling intentional) crazy deficit spending in Jewish terms…
And … I’m not depressed. The old Republic is lost. We need to accept that and move on. I, too, lived through the golden age of America. She’s gone now, never to return. But, we can build a new golden age. The same way our ancestors did … blood, sweat, and tears. We should be excited about the opportunity. We don’t need a continental country. We need a folkish nation (same race, language, and culture with defended borders). We can take a few state from FUSA and build that.
I miss the country I grew up in.
I think back at so much of what we watched and saw on TV and the movies growing up. None of which could be produced today. We lost our sense of humor among many so other things.
Yes, life in America was way better back then. But let’s not forget we did not have the internet. Most of us did not know the depth of the corruption. Now we know. And we just keep talking about the fact that we don’t know what to do. Standing for liberty is the answer -- in every situation presented to each one of us -- everyday. No matter how small or inconsequential the issue might be we must stand for liberty.