A Special Place in Hell

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Lloyd Luthringer
3 years ago

I agree when do you allow the person who is the person handling the funding and who is complicit in the development of the BIO WEAPON. Then you have him as the investigator to make the determination. This looks like they want to cove.
When are we going to ask Fauci what is getting paid for his involvement in Vaccine production and how much has he invested in all the Vaccine companies. And ask to see his TAX RETURNS for the last 10 years.
Also ask for Obamas TAX RETURNS for the last Ten Years. And ask his involvement in the Vaccine companies over the last Ten Years.
We need to ask and ask and ask until we get the Truth. I don’t believe any of those who have any dealings with these companies are capable of telling the TRUTH.
If any are found guilty they need to go before a Military Court and let their punishment be carried out swiftly.

Bob T
Bob T
3 years ago

This is HUGE CHI-COM bio-weapon attack upon our nation and that modern day Dr.Faucci aka reincarnate Josef Mengele 2.0 will be having a whole chapter on his NwO role in the take down of the United States . The Wuhan madman is guilty of Crimes against Humanity , in the service of Cabal of Darness,. This group has many names and millions of minions .Faucci the Mad Doctor of Wuhan, is a sociopathic supervillain . He needs to be arrested , along with the director of the ccp-dc .
Soon after the summer of riots and terrorism , organized red army 4thGW will commence . be ready, be vigilant. be prepared. they are already here in our national forests and parks prepositioned..lockdown finished final details.
Sic Semper Tyrannis

3 years ago

Rand Paul is onboard with experimental gene therapy vaccines..

3 years ago

Isn’t this news a year old? Why is it being brought up now.

3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I meant the info being talked about. Not the actual interview.

Resist Tyranny
Resist Tyranny
3 years ago

Hell hath no flurry as reserved for he Father of Lies, Anthony Fauci. Burn in Hell scum bag.

3 years ago

Hunt. Them. All.

They are worse than terrorists, even worse than muslims.
Killing them is not murder, it is an obligation of self defense.

Hunt every last one of them down and execute them in public. EVERYONE who had any authority re: the Wuhan lab funding.
Everyone who signed even one document.
Everyone who authorized the issuance of even one dollar of funding.
Every last doctor, scientist, lab technician, politician, and media talking head who has contributed to or participated in the lie.
Hunt and execute them all, post haste.
Every last one.
Take no excuses.
Make no exceptions.

~The consequence of tyranny is always death. So be it