
Evil needs to be held accountable for what they have done to us.


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8 hours ago

Since I never followed ‘Q’, what are those 4chan drops saying now that Trump is in office with his hand picked team. For anyone that follows those posts, what are they saying now? After all, for the period when the usurper was in office I heard all the ‘wait until he is in office again and what would happen to all those traitors, etc.

8 hours ago

A repost just done when this came up.

I too want Accountability however like the toddler screaming about that bright candy that Daddy isn’t buying for him..Why is Daddy so “mean”.

Maybe he’s trying to pay the Rent, keep real food on the table, gasoline in the car so folks can go to work and a dozen other factors that the Toddler KNOWS NOTHING About.

If you’re not the toddler, take no offence.

Onward to why I suspect NOT EVERYTHING that has been screwed up for 8 F*ing YEARS HASN’T been RESTORED in a few WEEKS.

Seems they released the Epstein Files. The ever loyal (sarc) 3 letter agencies sent redacted to death trash. a nice F U to Trump and his voters.

Yet we blame Trump for this?

Who do you trust to watch the watchers? Seems even the Romans had that problem. Before some chest thumper speaks about sending in marines and Trump in plates to get them.

Who do you trust to run this operation, requiring stealth and precision coordination across several large sections of the US Government?

A fish rots from the head. Miley wasn’t loyal, how far down the trail is this rot?

Failures in doing this properly will make Watergate look like a kindergarten spat.

Countries run on FAITH. Money Runs on Faith in the Country. If you disbelieve that please let me sell you a few trillion Zimbabwe Dollars, a REAL DEAL ™ just an ounce of .999 fine Au please.

After all WE TRADE about 3000 pretty bucks with dead presidents on it for that same gold, yes?

FAITH. That’s WHY Mr. Ruckus Joe 6 Pack isn’t irrelevant. He runs the trucks that supply our stores, keeps the power grid working and so on.

He does it because despite being bombarded by CNN propaganda 24-07 he has Faith that the US Government and its money is worth his trust.

Destroying that Faith only gives the Party of Chaos (who wants to burn it all down, like some patriots around here oddly) AND the Globalists the thrill of seeing American Nationalism (Another word for FAITH) Killed off.

But go ahead blame Trump incessantly 24-07 just like CNN for the folks fighting him tooth and nail.

8 hours ago

I continue to pray the new people in charge are gathering evidence to arre4st or publicly fire. I prefer arrest as there needs to be real consequences. They can start with James Comey, Mueller then move up to Biden and Obama

8 hours ago
Reply to  Crawfisher

A good prayer. Well inside the scriptures:

1 Timothy 2:1-6
New King James Version
Pray for All Men
2 Therefore I [a]exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, 2 for kings and all who are in [b]authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and [c]reverence. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time,

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
8 hours ago

I am willing to give Trump and the DOJ a little more time because it takes time to build solid cases. It would be foolish to make arrests and rush to trial without having every legal jot and tittle in place. Remember, in some instances they might have to present their cases before corrupt judges. Trump must be as sure as he can that there will be no chance that charges can be thrown out.

7 hours ago


tom finley
tom finley
7 hours ago

Judicial Coup: Radical Leftist Judges Wage All-Out War Against President Trump and the Nation — 129 Legal Challenges Filed in Two Months, MORE THAN ALL US PRESIDENTS COMBINED! | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft It was expected wasn’t it? I stated I would wait 100 days to see the rotten fruit shaken out of the rotten tree, but in my opinion one of the top of the list is prosecution of the criminals in the uni-party and the bureaucracy. There is no other way to restore the Constitutional Republic other than CW. That is why to this day I continue to prep for war, I believe President Trump needs to draw a hard line on rounding up the criminals, we will see.

tom finley
tom finley
3 hours ago
Reply to  tom finley
4 minutes ago
Reply to  tom finley

It’s very generous of you to “give” 100 days.

Could you spend a few moments researching how long it takes to get a case reviewed by the Upper courts about a Lower Courts actions?

The add on some research about average time to get from an Upper Court to the US Supreme Court if needed?

After you see just how much SAND in the gears of our legal system is involved and time burning Lawfare is involved…

Now let us know what amazing success *might* cause you to “Grant” Trumps team an “Extension” for your gracious 100 days delay before you..well what?.

BTW Tom, when was the last time You’ve ever been run through the Legal System? I’m not referring a minor Misdemeanor situation, something that the other side “LAWYERED UP” to fight you.

I suspect that took far more than 100 days to resolve unless a “Deal” was cut.

It took more than 100 days for me as a landlord to handle a lawyered up eviction for cause.

wv citybilly
wv citybilly
5 hours ago

I don’t make excuses for politicians.
1) If they don’t make any high profile arrests
2) There’s 40 million illegal aliens in this country, and if they don’t make a dent in that number
Then you know it’s all theater. Pretty simple.

5 hours ago

It will be difficult to prosecute just one party. They have to prosecute the guilty in both parties. And that’s a big problem. Both sides know the dirt on each other. They know if they go after someone, that person can bring down a powerful person in the other party in retaliation. That’s probably why no one important ever got prosecuted before. They’re all dirty.

4 hours ago
Reply to  Nobody

I thought they did a good job prosecuting Donald Trump

The Southern Nationalist
The Southern Nationalist
5 hours ago

I too want justice to be done and as everyone else, we want it now.
However, I do understand what president Trump is up against and the deep state is huge.
Look at the resistance he is facing from these federal judges just to do what he has already done.
My hope is he and his team are moving slowly on these matters making sure they have the evidence they need for a slam dunk conviction on these criminals.