
A portion of a comment on this site:

Our children and grandchildren should ask us the question “Daddy what did you do to stop this?”

Current NC Renegade Blog answer “I didn’t vote in dirty politics”.

People beg the question, troll, cause division or just have preconceived assumptions concerning other people, issues or power structures. I am not making any such claims to the above but I do want to address some points that I should have addressed more often.

  1. People have to understand that operational security should be your primary responsibility. Why should anyone need to know your plans, supplies, community resources or communications networks? Anyone who asks or try to provoke you to gain information is not to be trusted for obvious reasons.
  2. Do not let yourself be badgered into making bad decisions. You can always walk away from an evil government, a weak church, bad people or any bad relationship. Stating that you have no other viable choices means you do not have the strength to change your circumstances. Free will is a cornerstone of a good people: do not waste or marginalize it.
  3. The longer our overlords rule us through tyranny, the harder and bloodier the impending war will be. Look at how easily we are controlled by lockdowns, laws, regulations, taxation and inflation caused by government waste and overspending.
  4. Our selected political class is evil. I will point out one glaring aspect: we are on the verge of WWIII caused by the Obama/Biden criminal network to enrich themselves financially and take unbridled power. The latest response of Congress was to take a five week vacation.
  5. Consider what the people in charge of the “free” world are willing to do if they would assassinate a former President, make the current pResident step down from the election, place a candidate in for President with no qualifications as his replacement and unleash a pandemic across the world. No one can even tell us who is in power and that is why the government, military, judicial system and law enforcement are the problem.
  6. It is now common knowledge that the 2020 Presidential election was fraudulent. EVERYONE who is and was complicit needs to be held accountable. If evil is in charge, what are our options (see item 1).
  7. Voting is not the solution to destroying evil on the magnitude of this scale. It may postpone the inevitable which is the collapse of the dollar and world war. Does that mean we should not vote?

I have not voted since I “held my nose” and voted for John McCain. I made the decision that voting for the lesser of two evils is still supporting evil. The Word of God teaches us to hate evil, not support it. But the corollary in the back of my mind kept telling me that my vote had no impact when the elections are fraudulent.

Which brings me to this election. Speculation as to fraud, cancelled or postponed elections, future assassination attempts and even the imprisonment of Donald Trump are rampant. I believe we are at the cusp of total destruction or postponing the inevitable for a few years. But then my hope in good people who have edified their faith will overcome and we can have a new Renaissance. The technology that has been misused has great potential for good. We can revolutionize our educational system at a fraction of the current costs. We can develop new sources of energy and understand that the cost of energy is inversely proportional to freedom. We could have health care that is not controlled by big pharma, big ag, health insurance and poor doctors. In other words, we could be free, healthy, better educated and guided by faith.

Donald Trump’s attempt to unite a coalition of different people may be an attempt to accomplish this dream. I did not forget how naive he was when trusting his advisors for COVID, the mRNA gene therapy and foreign leaders. I pray that he has learned the depths of evil that must be confronted and destroyed. Can J.D. Vance, Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy, Robert Kennedy Jr., Tulsi Gabbard and other form this coalition and win? This election is not about voting for the lesser of two evils: it is about good vs. evil. While I have my doubts about our future, I will be voting in this election for what may be our last hope.

What does that cost me but maybe an hour’s time. My personal plans have not changed but I do not know if I will be alive to rebuild from the ashes. Hope for the best but plan for the worst is a sound strategy. If this coalition succeeds by destroying evil, I cannot imagine what the future holds for our children. I do know what the future holds for them if evil wins yet again: tyranny and death.

My children will never ask me what I did to stop this. They already know what I have done for the past sixteen years.

David DeGerolamo

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Balanced Rock
Balanced Rock
4 months ago

I appreciate and agree with all of this.

4 months ago

excellent summary!

especially point # 1

it does appear that Trump is the last bloodless hope to turn this ship around,
and withholding a vote may contribute to the problem.

however, I am concerned that he is an actor, just using words to pull anti-left groups under him…

some of his intended policies are patently unworkable, and others will only prolong America’s problems.

Is he a shill? I don’t know. He still claims ‘fathership’ of the death vax, he admits he is not a Christian, his donations come from banksters…

and there is the question of ‘consent to be governed’ by participating

I understand your position, Trump’s team may be able to stop this. WE obviously can’t. So is it worth a shot?

4 months ago
Reply to  anon2

This! You took all the doubts running through my mind and put them in your post. Thanks for that.
To say that I (we) are conflicted is to massively underestimate where decent Americans find themselves with the election looming.
I can pray for guidance but I have not yet heard back from God (no sarcasm here) and we do not have a lot of time left.
While our Nation is likely controlled by The City of London--the entity, not London per se--the 545* in D.C. (and the bureaucracy [deep state]) who purport to rule us all are directly responsible for our economy, wars, social upheaval and the invasion of the Southern border.
*435 congress, 100 senate, 9 justices + 1 executive.

4 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade
tom finley
tom finley
4 months ago

I voted in the 2022 election, Kari Lake was running and lost to the communist shill hobbs. I called Mojave election board and they stated Mojave votes were three to one for Lake. I have been going over and over about voting in the upcoming election, still not sure I will decide on election day. As to operational security it is at the top of my list, as to the tyrants ruling over us, they become more confident by the day. As to 4,5 and 6 we do not have any control of is my belief, the reason for this is our unwillingness to organize and fight.

4 months ago

Does anybody really believe it will be a cake walk when Trump wins? The enemy is at the gates, hell, they are in trojan horses in towns and cities across America. There is no way we are getting out of this mess without sacrifice. Take it to heart and let it sink in real good, we, the old guard Americans are the only thing that stands in the way of their plans, period. Ponder this today and try to comprehend what it means for us, our families, our communities, our nation, and our future.

4 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade


4 months ago

comment image

While I’ll never disagree the lesser of two evils in a Federal election is better. I will not even grumble too loud that your simply making it easier for them to cheat.

BUT the folks in Bolder Colorado *Might* WISH they had paid a LOT more attention to LOCAL POLITICS.

Now they must shoot their way out of their hades. Venezuelan gangs DON’T allow Voting THEM out.

What happens in California, NYC, Chicago, and now Bolder WILL Happen much easier if you simply SURRENDER the Ballot Box to the Socialists.

And While I AGREE Operational Security is IMPORTANT. Been called a coward once or twice about that it seems almost Amusing to LISTEN to folks here ranting they are “Going to DO this or that” for SUDDENLY OPSEC is somehow “important”.

I think everybody here understand my take on IF Harris VS IF they CHEAT to Put Trump in office.

The results of the economic and social Collapse will happen. We’ve been kicking that can too far and too long.

Madros Once and seems Current President of Venezuela uses gangs to run parts of his country for the government.

Like the infamous “Roman Tax Collectors” they help him collect taxes and keep the “peace”.

Looking at the Colorado news about the Governer, Police Chief and Mayor of Bolder, maybe they already have an “Agreement” with that Venezuelan gang?

If you’re going to DO anything 1st SHUT your Keyboard down. Quit Bragging, the internet never forgets.

4 months ago
Reply to  Michael

And on second reading David. Please remember I respected your previous efforts.

The “What are you going to tell your kids” wasn’t aimed at you.

More at the “I’m Gonna” crowd.

4 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade


4 months ago

I intend to vote for Trump in the upcoming election. I figure I have nothing to lose by doing that.
Having said that, I believe that eventually, no matter who is elected, America is heading for some kind of an extremely violent and prolonged, nationwide civil war. If and when that happens, I intend to be ready; spiritually, mentally, physically and materially.
I pray for God’s blessings and protection upon all his people.

4 months ago

“Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known GOD.”
Corie Ten Boom, Dutch protector of Jews (see movie: The Hiding Place)

Hammers Thor
4 months ago

While I have my doubts about our future, I will be voting in this election for what may be our last hope.”
I cannot tell you how happy I am to hear this. I never believed that Trump was evil, but I was pretty certain McCain was, and I knew Romney was. I also knew that by comparison, Obama was/is evil to the nth degree, so I voted in those elections because I believed that it was better to try to buy us some time. I don’t regret that decision. I also have no doubt in my mind that both of those elections were stolen, just like 2020 was. Having said that, it may turn out to have been better to have suffered the damage of last 3 1/2 years so that enough people awakened to finally observe the army of Marxism marching relentlessly toward us.

Most people STILL do not understand the truth about Marxism, present readers excepted (I know this is deviating from the point of your post). They do not understand that Marxists are not human. They cannot fathom that true Marxists’ ultimate goal is to kill as many people as possible and destroy everything that makes our society function, because they are consumed by their hatred of themselves and of us. They are so damaged and possessed by evil that they are absolutely unable AND unwilling to consider reason. THIS is who is running and destroying our country. I believe President Trump has some understanding of this, as do the people he is surrounding himself with. THIS is why I will also be voting in this election.

I believe anyone who does NOT vote has already surrendered to what they believe is inevitable. This is their right. What they miss is that the future has not been written yet, but their inaction may contribute to the future they fear. If President Trump does not prevail in November, the horror that we all face is beyond comprehension.

tom finley
tom finley
4 months ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

Well as Stalin stated it does not matter who votes, it matters who counts the votes. Nothing has been done to secure and stop the cheat, the mail in ballots were added because of the scandemic and they are still using electronic not connected to the internet ha, ha dominion cheat machines, So one more into the abyss vote for good luck, I am pretty sure I am not going to cast my vote this election.

Hammers Thor
4 months ago
Reply to  tom finley

Tom, I understand your frustration and your commentary, but indeed a great deal has been done to secure and [attempt to] stop the cheat. This is evident on it’s face simply by observing the response from hysterical demoncrats who are sueing every entity attempting reform, voter ID, etc. Will it be enough? I don’t know, but I have grave concerns. That will not stop me from voting and supporting everyone who is making a bone fide effort to fix the issues, which include, but are not limited to faulty (criminally negligent and misfeasant) voting machines, forcing districts to demand proof of citizenship, and much more.

By not casting your vote, you are admitting defeat. Please don’t do that.

tom finley
tom finley
4 months ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

Thanks for the reply, the DOJ is suing a county in Wisconsin for hand counting ballots, in the 2022 election the hobbs administration told the supervisors if that did not certify the election results they would be arrested. I am not admitting defeat, I just will not participate in a corrupt process.

Last edited 4 months ago by tom finley
CTR Wolfman
CTR Wolfman
4 months ago

Hear, hear!!

4 months ago

Please, please, do not forget what has been sacrificed for us, above all we must repay them by doing whatever we can to save their dream.
this is our last chance, Tulsi knows, RFK jr. Knows, Elon knows, Col. Mac Gregor knows, Vivek knows, Rick Grennel, knows what to do, let’s give them a chance.
its not just the demon crats , it’s the GOP, they are all rotten, stupid, paid off and for themselves. We can do this, we have to. We have nothing to lose

4 months ago

I understand the authors premise but don’t agree with all of it. I do not think that these communist or committed to their cause like ones in the past.

Hang a “journalist/Politician on live television and show them twitching and soiling themselves. Huge impact.

“No knock” raids on FBI agents homes in the middle of the night and not at 5am-6am like they like to do.

I’m tired of dancing around the issues. When this happens, opposition disappears quickly.

This probably won’t get published

tom finley
tom finley
4 months ago

90 Miles From Tyranny Dominion cheat machines.

Terry Clinch
Terry Clinch
4 months ago

I had an epiphany a few minutes ago. What if Trump, Vance, Ramiswamy, Gabbard, Musk, RFK. Jr, et al are the new founding fathers? They seem to be the only ones reflecting the originals. I had to prove I was an American citizen to get a license in Georgia. My family ha been here since the 1600s. I’ve had a license since 1977. Here’s a plan. Show me yours and I’ll show you mine. Mass deportation!

Terry Clinch
Terry Clinch
4 months ago

I just posted about my driver’s license. I got my first in KY at 16. Showed a birthday certificate. 1977. Moved to Florida 1986, got license. Showed birth certificate. Moved to Oklahoma 2008. Got license. Showed birth certificate. Moved to Colorado for four months and voted with birth certificate. No license as I was moving to Georgia with my Army daughter. Got to Georgia, and had to prove I was an American citizen due to real id act that was suddenly being enforced. I had to supply a marriage license and/or a divorce license. I had to pay for the paperwork from KY in 1984 in 2021. I am just so pissed. Illegals have to prove nothing. I can’t live without proving who I am. This is where we are.