A message from NCFIRE:
We CAN NOT do this by ourselves! If you want NC to become the nation’s leader in illegal immigration, with the murder and mayhem that accompanies them, then sit back and let the Republicans in the NC House vote to approve HB786 – Reclaim NC Act (Licenses for illegals Act).
The bill passed this morning in the House Finance Committee with little opposition and now goes to the House Floor for a full vote. IF it passes the floor vote, it will then be transferred to the Senate for consideration. This is our LAST chance to fix or kill this bill, before it leaves the House of Representatives. Otherwise, NC will become THE place in the country, for an illegal alien to get a drivers license or a state issued ID card. Upon receiving one of these documents. they will immediately be conferred a quasi legal status, beyond the reach of State law enforcement.
We are being sold out for the almighty dollar. The House leadership thinks the way to win re-elections is to have the NC Chamber of Commerce, the NC Farm Bureau and the NC Travel and Tourism industry, contribute tons of cash for their re-election campaigns and to outspend the Democrats.
Let me just say one thing about that: The Republicans will LOSE future elections if they continue with their current ideology of outspending the opposition and catering to illegal aliens. They are loosing the LEGAL immigrant votes because of the special treatment they are showing to ILLEGAL immigrants and they are loosing the votes of their base because they no longer stand for their stated conservative values.
The way to win re-elections is to stand on principle and enforce the laws equally.
Please take a few minutes of your time to contact your local representative in the NC House. Tell them “you support the enforcement measures in HB786 BUT, you CAN NOT support Section 9 (licenses for illegals section) of HB786. Eliminate Section 9 or Kill the Bill!”
Do Not assume someone else will do it! It is your responsibility to save your state and your wallet from this insane proposal.
To find who represents you, go here and follow the instructions printed in red.http://ncleg.net/representation/WhoRepresentsMe.aspx
Please forward this message to everyone you know and implore them to contact their Representative in the NC House.
James Johnson
North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement
North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement