Advice From The Founders – T.L. Davis

For the record, I am not a member of any organization, not the NRA, not GOA, not Tea Party, not militia, nothing other than a delegate to the III% Congress, which is to say that I am a freelance advocate for the Constitution. Whatever liberty-based organization to which I have temporarily become a member has only been in an attempt to understand their philosophy and goals, nothing more.

I control no group of individuals or have influence with anyone. Whatever I say, I say in encouragement to patriots of the Constitution to hold its values above the laws passed by a corrupt government operated by officials in violation of their oaths to defend the Constitution.

A government unlimited by the constitution has no authority to pass laws of any kind.

In each case of corruption, be it at the local, state or federal level it has started by violating the oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America. The ultimate decision as to whether something is constitutional or not does NOT lie with the Supreme Court, a highly political body, but with the people themselves. The Supreme Court might only rule something Constitutional which clearly is not and thereby expose itself as in violation of its charter and corrupt.


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