After the Steal

The 2024 election is a cover up. It’s a cover up of the Barack Obama mystery identities, both his and Michelle’s. He’s a Kenyan president and if Kamala is somehow elected it will be the second president whose eligibility was never verified. It’s a cover up of the treason of elected officials, all of them, because they continue to play this ridiculous game where the opposition, even when in full power, are unable to secure the rights of the people. It’s somehow impolitic to do so.

It’s a cover up of the stolen election of 2020, which has now been verified by the audit in Arizona. There’s a court case involving the semis full of ballots, nine of them, that a judge is supposed to rule on and force the United States Post Office to turn over records of the particulars of that. This is no longer a question of a stolen election, something that could be proven by the open election interference admitted to by Mark Zuckerberg and other media outlets that branded certain claims “misinformation” when it was proven they were true.

It’s a cover up of our politicians being unable to prevent a stolen election and unable to determine the truth. The sole focus of our elected officials is to get to another Continuing Resolution (CR) which is code for spending our tax dollars without accountability for the insane insertions of text that are little else than a slap in the face of the hard working people that make it all possible.

The 2024 election is following familiar patterns for cheating already in Georgia, where the Republican officials are much more interested in cheating than following the law. The Biden Administration’s DOJ has sued Virginia to keep ineligible voters on the rolls. If the American people ever needed justification for disobedience, this certainly seems like enough. But wait, there’s more!

Please Read the Whole Article Here…

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ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
1 hour ago

The messes that bipolar sociopaths will make in order to keep from suffering the consequences of their actions. There’s going to be some screaming and things will be thrown and tipped over. There will be spitting and brawling and hair pulling and kicking and more screaming and accusations and insults. And probably weapons and some blood. And when it looks like they’re finally going to leave, they’ll turn and reignite the conflict all over again. They are a sick, sick people. We will all need the patience and endurance of the saints.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 hour ago

Well said, but what we need is The Purge… give us a couple weeks, when its done, we’ll never speak of it again. History books can refer to it as The Unpleasantness.

a follower
a follower
1 hour ago

In reading T.L.’s article one should be able to see how both sides are and have been used against one another. Do not comply.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 hour ago

Yeah, the whole move by DOJ against VA is laughable.
No, you MUST keep these inelligible voters!
WTF did you just say?
Bahahaa. TINVOWOOT is this kool thing I heard on the internet. Hahaha!

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 hour ago

Psalm 26:5 “I have hated the congregation of evil doers, and I will not sit with the wicked.”
In life, each of us has to figure out the practical application of the principles laid out in God’s Word. His Word doesn’t change but the times we live in do change.
In this case, I put elections as part of the congregation of evil doers. Sitting with them today would be a visit to the toll, excuse me, the voting booth. Still think voting for the “lesser of two evils” is a practical application of God’s Word?

Mary Combs
Mary Combs
29 minutes ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Absolutely go vote. To not vote condones the steal and makes it easier.