Al Gore Calls for “American Spring” Revolution

“We need to have an American spring, you know, the Arab spring. The non-violent part of it isn’t finished yet, but we need to have an American spring. A kind of an American Tahrir Square. Non-violent change where people from the grassroots get involved again. Not the, you know, not in the Tea Party style,'” Al Gore said on Current TV’s “Countdown with Keith Olbermann.”

Real Clear Politics

Well, that’s nice !

“The calls for open revolution by the Progressive/Marxists are getting stronger and stronger. Mixed in it, Gore claims he wants non-violent revolution. He’s lying. Listen to how Russia TV is wording this. They are fomenting outright revolution here in the US. RT is a subversive and Communist propaganda outlet for Russia. Russia would love to see us implode.”

Noisy Room


Draw your own conclusions as to motive and desired outcome.

I’ve drawn mine.

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Anthony maccaroni
Anthony maccaroni
13 years ago

Its about time someone started this revolution/rebellion. Lets do it. Tell me what i need to do.

13 years ago

Read “the 5000 Year Leap” so you know what you are fighting for.

13 years ago

I may be confused by your comment -- are you a supporter of Al Gore ?

If so, I suggest your best job in the coming revolution would be to get some white chalk and paint the ice cap back on Greenland in all the new atlases.

If I misinterpreted your advocacy, then David’s suggestion is appropriate.

Anthony maccaroni
Anthony maccaroni
13 years ago

I am ready to stop the spreading of wealth upwards to the ones who need it least. See 240% income increases since 70s for top 1%. And $3000 less income for the bottom 90% as of 10 years ago. You’re either with the middle class or you’re against us. Stand tall Al. We love you.

13 years ago

Al Gore is a pompus, lying, marxist-loving fool.

Sounds like you are meant for each other.

Have you considered a civil union?

13 years ago
Reply to  Hans

Lol! Loved your response Hans!