WAR: Students are evacuated from University of Aleppo as Syrian rebels from the Idlib province reach the city.
— @amuse (@amuse) November 29, 2024
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This would be the free Syrian army. When they are invading Syria and murdering civilians, they are the CIA’s best ally. When they are outside of Syria, they are ISIS or ISIS-K and we kill them. Wounded in Syria? They evacuate them to Israel for medical treatment and then bring them back. Just another day in the ME and ongoing destabilization of the area for the greater good of Pax Amerikana.
Don’t forget, usaf is their air support anywhere anytime.
Thank you for this obama.
he needs to be arrested along with his government minions and hanged for treason.
Your tax dollars at work once again.
Q is this another Biden / Blinken / Sullivan giant FU to Trump?
The US is supporting the terrorist Al Nusra today in Syria. Possible US contractors manning the electronic warfare equipment. Syrian Army got caught with their pants down. The largest state sponsor of terrorism, by far, is the US government. The US supports Al Qaida, ISIS, Al Nusra, Taliban, KLA, MEK, PKK and more.