All Aboard the Impeachment Express

     Beach boy “Joe Biden” will be well-rested when the plan for his impeachment rolls out after Labor Day. Just because you’re not hearing any news about it now, with the county fairs on all over the USA, and the pols busy scarfing corn-dogs and kissing heifers, doesn’t mean that the key players aren’t confabbing among themselves. Hey, have you noticed, you’re hardly hearing about anything else these dwindling days of summer, either? Got any idea what’s up with that war in Ukraine? Of course you don’t.

    A preview for you then: Rep James Comer’s House Oversight Committee has already assembled a bundle of evidence tracking the exact ways and means of how the Biden family’s global bribery operation worked. That includes the bank records, the emails and deal memos, the chronology of meetings, the FBI documents, the phone recordings, the photos of “JB” schmoozing with Hunter’s “clients,” and the famous video of “Joe Biden” bragging onstage at the Council on Foreign Relations about how he strong-armed Ukraine President Poroshenko into firing General Prosecutor Viktor Shokin.

   Next, Speaker McCarthy has to form an actual impeachment inquiry committee. (If he tries to demur, there could be a new Speaker of the House in short order.) That committee will entertain witnesses, including figures in Justice Department who have been reluctant to discuss these matters previously. This might entail a Part B of the inquiry: the blatant obstructions of justice by DOJ officials in the long-running case on various charges against Hunter Biden, as supervised by federal attorney in Delaware, now Special Counsel, David Weiss. Mr. Weiss dawdled so strenuously for five years that he let the statute of limitations run out on the major tax evasion charges, while he ignored all the allegations of Hunter’s FARA violations in seeking money from officials of many foreign governments.


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Big Ruckus D
Big Ruckus D
1 year ago

Impeached? I’ll not hold my breath to see that actually take place, though I’ll get a good chuckle if it does. I enjoy Kuntsler’s writings, but find him a bit too optimistic at this stage of the festivities. Besides, I’d rather see pedo joey impaled -- on a rusty fence post -- than impeached. We need something with a bit more finality, that deprives him permanently of the ability to enjoy the fruits of his criminal enterprise.

Since he didn’t lose his Corvette in the fire, maybe he can be cast into the fire along side his boss (the devil), where he’ll never get to drive it again, and can instead have his own personal incendiary Maui moment repeatedly, for all eternity. With no ice cream, and a load in his shorts, just for some extra discomfort.

1 year ago
Reply to  Big Ruckus D

“Is this breakfast tacos…?”
-Joseph R. Biden, Jr. (probably)

1 year ago

More BS political kabuki theatre. Posturing by the impotent useless RINO’s. There is simply NO WAY IN HELL that two thirds of the Senate will vote to impeach Pedo Joe. And that means that the efforts to impeach him are pointless expensive waste of time and energy….and a distraction from whatever other crimes the current crop of criminals in Mordor on the Potomac are engaged in.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago
Reply to  Dan

Exactly. You know the definition of kabuki theatre. You also know its purpose -- to distract. Effective as hell, ain’t it? Juuuust when you think it can’t get any worse, they’ll ‘start’ some proceedings… that will go nowhere and accomplish nothing, but the electorate was mollified to inaction once again. Here, heres a 300 dollar stimmy check for the start of the school year.
Look, a squirrel, over there!!!

Lee Vail AKA Kakev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kakev Efrayim
1 year ago

What kind of sick joke is this…?

1 year ago

Impeachment? That is Pollyannaish. I am convinced the Left has all its bases covered. We’ve been watching them destroy this country for years and years. We do NOTHING! How far can an impeachment get when the Left totally ignores the rule of law and the Constitution? There only ONE side of this war that respects those foundational principles. And, it’s not the Left. It will take a whole lot more than a political response to stop this takeover.

1 year ago

As a side note, on or about 3 September 1783, the American Revolutionary War ended. Is it time to do it again? Did I need to ask?

1 year ago

GOP is all talk, talk, talk. They will never impeach Biden; by then we’ll have the general elections.