Americans Are More Likely To Go To War With The Government Than Submit To The Draft

In a national poll last month Americans were asked if they believed a new civil war was likely to happen within their lifetime. The establishment media was shocked to report that 47% of the population said yes. Those of us in the liberty media were not so surprised; I believe according to the evidence that we were already a short step away from civil war in 2021-2022.

The reality is that global elites aren’t “predicting” a war, they are preparing to CREATE a war from thin air. And, in order to create a global war they have to get people to show up and fight. But what if no one wants to fight? What if no one shows up? Conscription is the only answer. The question is, what will the population do when faced with forced military service and forced participation in a war between major national powers?

Public trust in the US government is at all time lows in 2023-2024. Less than 20% of the US population supports a return to the draft similar to what we witnessed during the Vietnam War. People have to care about motivations for a war before they’re willing to die in one. This has never been more true than it is today. Beyond that, we have to take into account who the war fighters are – Who does America typically send to fight and die?


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2 days ago
m-f 5,6,&8 pm
for those who’d like to know what to do

2 days ago
Reply to  Paraclete

your NOT serious….are you ??……………kornke sat at a little metal desk in a reserve intel unit and filed paper work… he tells stories about operating with numerous SEAL teams…..he says he “led a special forces unit ” and they said they wouldn’t have made it without his map skills……he says he was flown to Ft Benning to brief general officers on critical intel…….some one tell me when an E4 ever briefed a general…he brags about every possible impossible situation and he has been in it…his own commanding officer just shakes his head when his name is mentioned……I cannot believe that any REAL infantryman in the Michigan Militia would follow him to Walmart ……….. no….no…no….this can’t be real…….phony as the day is long………listen to one hour of his show and you will see the INTEL REPORT is actually the I ME MY show……it’s all about how smart he is and etc etc………enough….

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
1 day ago
Reply to  mrapp

Kornke (aka Mark from Michigan) is still around? The guy is just a gadfly--was a gadfly in the 90’s when he popped up. But that was back in the day pre-internet when there was ZERO information to be had regarding the emerging patriot movement. Went to see him speak in Bakersfield in the 90’s--the place was packed. Since then its all passed him by--he jumped the shark so to speak.

2 days ago

When I turned 28 my parents “made” me register, though due due medical reasons I’d be denied are likely. Today I would refuse to register out of principle, I would NOT put myself in harms way to further the agenda of the regime running this stupid empire. Period

Last edited 2 days ago by Noway2
Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 days ago

The people will use their guns against this government, before they line up to fight for it.
THIS is why you have the 2nd Amendment folks. Say a prayer of thanks to our forefathers for having the wisdom to enshrine it as the second most important right, after speaking your mind.

tom finley
tom finley
1 day ago

Take it back Celebrate and commit to independence for our very lives depend upon it.

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
1 day ago
Reply to  tom finley


Roth Harbard
1 day ago

We see Ukrainian civilians dodging the draft. Fist fights with the press gangs. We have guns, they don’t. Press gangs won’t work here. They would die here.

1 day ago

IMO; the bigger question is who and what will enforce conscription if and when the pols implement it? And to what extent?