An American Army: Moving Back to America with Bill Whittle

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4 years ago

Open your eyes. THEY CHEATED, TREASON. You cannot fight that with any amount of money until those people are punished for their crimes. You are a fool if you think you can change it without them paying for their crimes. we just empowered them by letting them steal an election and they will do it again and again and again. You cannot stop it until they are stopped.
Get out of the GOP, stop using Facebook, Amazon , Twitter, get you kids out of public school and start a new political party and do not allow them in. They are all on the take , every one of them.

M.L. Chizedek
4 years ago
Reply to  magrit11

Great advice. Let’s do it. I have been for years. This whole thing started Nov 22 1963. Don’t treat it as something new it’s not. Elections have been stolen for years. Dems and GOP have been colluding organized crime entities screwing us for years. They are one and the same.

Mike O’Steen
Mike O’Steen
4 years ago
Reply to  M.L. Chizedek

You are so right about 11-22-1963. I remember it well. We let that go and somehow thought it would end there. A terrible miscalculation. And here we are, smack in the middle of another coup. But this time, the stakes are much higger. We stand to lose more than a president; we stand to lose the republic.

M.L. Chizedek
4 years ago
Reply to  Mike O’Steen

Mike you may be interested in this short piece of an article that is still a work in progress, I can give u the link to full article if u ask, a 2nd revolution started in 1976. The man in the video of this post is right on.

This initial launch in 1976 of the SOG paramilitary operation in support of the oppressed indigenous people of the Republic of The United States of America was an all hands on deck operation with all 30 Warriors working closely together involving teams as high as 8, a very rare event with all Warriors working in such close vicinity.
Remember if this were an operation in a foreign land it would be normal to initiate an insurrection of violent acts of insurgency against the enemy as soon as possible. The Warriors mission in this case was one of “preparedness” for a coming day of reckoning, while honoring our oath to the U.S. Constitution, in which the 2nd amendment mandates “Citizen Militia’s” to resist government which had become tyrannical, in which even at this time many Local, State, and, especially U.S. Federal governments had become totally tyrannical in defiance of the U.S. Constitution, therefore, Domestic Enemies of We The People.
By early 1977 we were able to facilitate the start of more than 25 “ready” citizen militia units across the northern tier of the U.S. from Maine to Minnesota. Chosen to lead, recruit, and, train these units were patriot U.S. Army NCO blue rope (infantry), or, NCO U.S. Marine Corps infantry Vietnam Era Combat veterans with our continued support until they were equipped, well armed, networked, and, able to stand alone.
As stated above The Warriors In The Way U.S. paramilitary mission was one of “preparedness”. Of our goals was to help stand up thousands of ready citizen militia units of various size across all regions of the United States by the decade of the 1990’s consisting of millions of trained militiamen. The idea being that this networked, well armed, dug in, massive group of American patriots along with the reserve call up capability of American militia theory, would represent a formidable force capable of standing against any army of the world in our homeland, including our own U.S. military if it should ever have come to that unfortunate unwanted situation.
Strategy of greatest hope was that by standing up such an army of American Militiamen the Warriors could at least create a stand-off between government power and We The People power by the 1990’s able to force federal and state governments into responding to a “Demand for Redress of Grievances” from We The People by such governments, and, also force the convening of “A Convention of States” as defined under Article V of The U.S. Constitution in which the delegates of each state should “not” include any career, and or, professional politician, but, in all hope should be made up of delegates equally representing diversities of race, and, class that truly is the Great American We The People Family.
Within this Warrior strategy we had hoped to accomplish the restoration of U.S. & States Government corrupt “World Corporate” representation, to We The People representation as meant by the founders, with a very good possibility of avoiding an unimaginable American Civil War, all while honoring our sacred oath to protect the U.S. Constitution from these corrupt political domestic enemies, and, corrupt corporate domestic and foreign enemies, acting under the authority of the U.S. Constitution as we read it. Much more on this to follow.
I am going to take a short pause in the telling of this history because on this day as it is 3:00am on the morning of Saturday 01/09/2021 and with all that happened this week, particularly the siege of the U.S. Capitol building in D.C., there is something you patriots need to realize before a possible bad move on your part could be understandably made a little to hastily, by my thinking any way.
Excuse me for being a little coy about the following but I have to avoid tipping off our enemy “The New World Order Globalist Elite Wicked Manifestation” now led by the face of wicked Joe Biden, who does not understand Higher Truth because they are too stupid and wicked to understand it, but, true patriots do understand our unique Warriors way of communication by the Holy Spirit that they manifest in daily.
So first ask yourself why do the Afghani’s slow way down there insurgency operations in the winter time? Hint hint. And, secondly in the Warriors In The Way procedures of communication:
“Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day” (MATTHEW 24:17-20)
Know you this good peoples of the Republic, as this history of the Warriors will reveal when continued below, there are millions of patriots out there among you this minute who are indeed “ready”, well trained, dug in, and, heavily armed even with some very exotic weapons, but, timing is everything. Beware of many out there on social media, there are many infiltrators/provocateurs/disrupters trying to get you to put your faith in the wisdom of man, not the power of GOD.
“To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God,” (EPHESIANS 3:10)
So, with this I communicate to all those current NCO’s and enlisted men and women of the U.S. military on this day, as were the 30 Warriors in their day, who are now just 2 witnesses, I ask you to join us, and, declare yourselves one to another as Warriors In The Way, I, Head Chaplain, in his stead, Sargent Major George, lol, RIP, ask this of you.
Soon you may be commanded to fire on your own people, and or, stand by as U.N. forces led by Chinese military do so. These are unlawful orders to your sacred oath to the U.S. Constitution.You know this. You also must know that vast majority of U.S. military commissioned officers especially those in levels of High Command are no more than politicians in the theater of politics that is U.S. Military high command, serving corporate masters for their own self serving enrichment.

4 years ago

I also remember these past years when elections and institutions were taken because I have worked in the trenches of politics from knocking on doors to directing national campaigns. What Mr. Whittle is explaining is indeed within the realm of ideology which is a powerful field of combat. While I can agree with Whittle and will investigate what he is say further, I am flummoxed.

My reaction is that the ordinary people who went to Washington and on to the Capitol Building, once you make allowance for the Antifa provocateurs, were pretty disciplined. They left when they were asked and all the ‘violence’ came from police (unless you are saying that an Antifa broken window and a woman shot dead are equivalent violence) Which raises the point concerning the physical combat arena, or kinetic encounter, and who is going to lead that. They are both real battle fields which in our current case are being used against us because Obama & crew diagnosed us as passive and unwilling to physically fight. Even Breitbart succumbed to the physical encounter despite being a major figure on the ideological front. One does not cancel the other out.

Is Mr. Whittle saying that he will lead the ideological war and others will have to step up to lead the kinetic war? Or, is he saying: He will lead the ideological war which the sum total of what needs to done and he will have to direct any kinetic activities?

My problem here is that our time is negligible. The Whittle Plan is long-range and assumes that there will be opportunity in 4-8years to wage any form of opposition. If we are under ChiCom control within months, while ideologically fighting for a new US President, how does that work? I know, we are going to wage ideological war from FEMA Camps!

John Toothman
John Toothman
4 years ago

The greatest man I ever knew was my Dad!!