— Don Winslow (@donwinslow) January 19, 2021
On January 20th Donald Trump will no longer be The Commander in Chief.
He will lose control of the U.S. Armed Forces and take control of a NEW ARMY.
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“If you don’t bring the receipts by quo warranto, then you will have quit. It’s all in or all out. There’s no other options left. This must be done. You have to give the proper law in the proper venue a chance. If you quit now, it will be broadcast as an admission that there was no fraud, error, or lawlessness by election officials.
As soon as Biden is sworn in, you can file the complaint. The gaslighting of America will only end by counter-punching with a verified complaint showing all of the evidence. Then comes a jury trial.” -- Read It ALL!
There are not enough prisons to lock up 2/3rds of the country. To the sweet little buttercups on the left I say “I’ll be your huckleberry and it is now time to play cowboys & communists!”
“There are not enough prisons to lock up 2/3rds of the country”
No, but it would be possible to wall off the 2/3rds of the country into the cities and let the remaining territory be the badlands where here there be monsters.
What’s needed now is an army of AWAKENED PEOPLE. Not one of arms.
Once exposed, the truth can no longer be hidden and Trump has accomplished that for us. It is up to We, the People, to UNITE and to continue exposing what’s been hidden. To turn on those “lights” and shine it upon the darkest of corners so that there’s NO PLACE TO HIDE.
Yes, arm yourselves for your own defense, but the greatest weapon we can wield is EXPOSURE. We have the means, the internet, desperation has shown us that. Now it’s time to make the most of it and continue what Trump has begun.
These are the times we’ve been warned about, trying times and times of great constirnation. But do not waver. Keep that Faith.
Hear the words being said in this video:
I understand what you’re saying, I’m very aware of the democrat slat on things I work with way to many of them. I’ll show them stuff, they don’t even believe their own eyes. old saying comes to mind..
” You can lead a horse to water but You can’t make him drink”
All is see is the result of BAD PARENTING. Bad parents who did not pay attention to their children’s education and what they should learn, is the cause. Crappy selfish self centered new generation due to their lack of knowledge of history of our country and our founding fathers and why the REPUBLIC is the best form of government caused them to be fooled by EVIL forces from Rothschild’s & Co ( which includes all of the globalists ). WE THE PEOPLE (THE PARENTS) really messed up. There is always a price for everything in life!
You are correct. There’s plenty of blame to go around. But, unlitmately, it’s our fault. It’s our fault because we trusted another to manage our lives and our kid’s education. We trusted others because we couldn’t be bothered to go to school board meetings or town halls o and we didn’t do our homework for those we voted.
Yes, there are plenty of corrupt people runing our govenrment but WE put them there.
Now that Trump has awakened us, WE need to pay attention and continue exposing the truth, no matter how much it pains us.