And The Award For “I Told You So” Goes To:
Sept 2019

h/t InfoWars

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3 years ago

Yes.Spot on. She knows whats going on big time.

Joanne Mitchell
Joanne Mitchell
3 years ago

Foul mouthed hysteria using profanity against our Creator God to get her message across is unnecessary. Someone please fact check her statements and keep profanity out of published videos.

3 years ago

Lately the “foul language” is understandable in my opinion. That was a bit far for me too, BUT
If language is truly offensive to you, I’d just stay offline, especially in these forums. The internet is evil.
We have very upset, stressed out people, a lot that are turning to God And feeling “neglected or let down” also.
This isn’t God’s fault, this is the soldier’s of god, turning their backs on him, turning backs on those “Gut Feelings” he sends us to warn of danger, when he needs US ALL to STAND and be strong more than ever.
Yet we type…..and type…and type….
Getting old huh! Get comfy.. smh

3 years ago

I understand your concerns about the language but, you said fact check her? That video was made, according to the date stamp in YouTube in September of 2019, a month before the Event 201 with Gates and the cabal and about 4 months before it the coronavirus made headlines in the states. What’s to fact check?? It is self-evident what she is saying as it basically all came true. And for those of you that are still Trumpsters…

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
3 years ago

She has a right to be upset and say what she wants. That is the point of free speech.
Who is John Galt?

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago

Why do you need someone to fact check it for you . A simple google search turns up.

I do not like the language either, but she spoke the truth.

Just another thing to notice, he signed this as an executive order. As stated by her, he is no different than they rest. He just played people better than most.

TIME of the Season
TIME of the Season
3 years ago

Well, Joanne, what an ignorant as well illiterate fool you just presented yourself as,
Indeed you’re entitled to be both. Sadly as you seem to not understand that the words you speak to as being ( Profanity ) are nothing more, nor less than acronyms.. Look that up as I am sure you have no clue what that means either..
But I digress, your poor little ears, Oh, your little ego must be very damaged. Perhaps I should say this so as to not offend you, ( You’re Bat Guano Crazy ) As well missed the Point due to that fact.
Knowledge is not your strong point snow fake, Of what I should note neither is fact checking obviously. But I digress yet again, sold on to the Bat Guano Crazy Train, noted as Religion.. Note, Christ Jesus didn’t bring religion — {{ Men who wish to control you }} gave you religion..
Hey by the way, do you know that “ALL Modern religions” are based on the Worship of Saturn? No, I would tend to think not, after all if you can’t figure out what the root of words are without being offended,
By the way a little tidbit of knowledge, In every ancient language, Satan, means; ( Administration & Administers ) hence all Governments are born of, Satan Worship..
The fact that this woman gave you information that’s 100% valid, yet you’re offended with her presenting it in a form that you have issues with, Clearly displays your a walking corps. But I digress yet again

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago

I didn’t hear profanity AGAINST the Creator. NOTHING against the Creator. And I daresay, if Yeshua were walking the earth these days, he would likely be saying the same or equivalent. OR the same innuendo, and more likely to be able to “cut someone off at the knees,” as they say. He was no softie. Maybe certain words aren’t nice to the ears or sensibilities…but smooooooth words can dig even deeper. These were just expressions of her righteous anger, direct and clear. Grow up.

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago
Reply to  Mae Bee

This was a reply to Josnne, not Time of the season.

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago
Reply to  Mae Bee

Geeez…Joanne, not Josnne. That immaturity just got me so riled up…

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago

So tell me that Trump was an outsider and did not know.

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

Hahahahahahahahaha!!!! Didn’t know. It’s said he plays multi-layer chess, and can’t catch on to bs floating and flying around him? (I know you know that. I just felt like giving it more words.)

strider 777
strider 777
3 years ago

This woman told the truth. Yes, I am a Christian and I try very hard to avoid foul language. But I, too, slip up and use it, especially when I experience righteous rage. Remember what Jesus said about judging others? “Let those who are without sin cast the first stone.”

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago

One of the main themes the Q and Trump crowd seem to cling too is “we (the side of good)are the majority” “Where we go one we go all” etc. etc. etc.
The Bible says the opposite! Remember?
This woman also thinks we can stop this? Stand up ? Yes, but do not be dismayed when they ignore you, or run you over.
Praise Yah every step of the way!

Last edited 3 years ago by a follower, working on it.