Supreme Court Rejects Sidney Powell’s Lawsuits Challenging Election Results In Wisconsin, Arizona
The Supreme Court on Monday formally rejected two of Sidney Powell’s lawsuits that challenged the results of the Nov. 3 election.
The Supreme Court didn’t offer any comment on dismissing the lawsuits on Monday. One lawsuit was filed in Wisconsin and the other in Arizona.
“The petitions for writs of mandamus are denied,” the court said.
As I listened to Donald Trump at CPAC, I wondered how stupid the American public are. He talked about future elections and beating the Democrat presidential nominee for a third time. We know that Donald Trump worked his entire life solving problems in order to manage and solve construction issues of his real estate empire. So here is the simple question: when HR 1 is passed and federal elections are completely overseen by the corrupt Deep State, how will anyone who is not part of the corruption and evil in Washington, D.C. ever get elected?
It is the only problem that must be solved before any rhetoric concerning taking back the federal government is discussed. And even if voter reform was enacted for fair elections, who would want Republicans in power? If this question offends you, ask yourself what Republicans have done in the first six weeks of the Biden “administration” as jobs were destroyed, energy costs have skyrocketed and the attacks on our culture have been increased exponentially?
It is time to realize that the fix is in by the Deep State in all branches of this illegal regime. Trump will never be installed as President, the military will not honor their oath to the Constitution or their duty under the law. The Supreme Court is a Deep State rubber stamp consisting of traitors. And the people sit back, get vaccinated with a mRNA construct that no one knows what protein(s) it will translate and eat their oreo cookies.
David DeGerolamo
Related article from Brock
I turned off cpac once I heard him say “I might beat them a 3rd time” WTF!?
That was enough to know, ITS ON US! Nobody is doing anything worth a damn to save the republic…Nobody!
AND Now, we teach all the kids/ people watching, cheaters win huh? With all that proof! People all waking up too late, myself included it seems
Fact: patriots are fewer every year as older die off. Generations of public school indoctrination of socialism leaves no younger ones learning about this country’s history. Churches (501’s) are change agents for globalist push into agenda 2030 by remaining silent. This will happen soon: Ignorance, apathy and nihilism in over 90% adults today could care less about their families futures like what they had growing up. Most just can’t see it and don’t want to see it.
He beat the hell out of them this time only to get F##Ked by the deep state so that’s #2 . I agree this Supreme Court is nothing but traitors and I can see a revolutionary war coming !!
The SCOTUS has no standing. The United States Corp. is dead.
This also makes voting a farce since globalists have controlled all presidents (and congress) since W. Wilson and Warren Harding. Lobby groups (most lg corp) buy off congress to vote leftist legislation.
I’ve hated the election process for a long time! As a young teen still in school they glorified the process. I was met with utter disappointment as an adult the first time I voted! I have written every person in my district, house, and Congress that represents my state to say “I will not vote again.” No one in my house will. This election has proved that it’s a waste of time. I still see validity in local voting, though I don’t trust it either. Until we stand up enough for the process to change….I won’t vote! I also feel like we shouldn’t pay taxes until the problems are corrected. I don’t work for you to not work for me. It’s all a game “They” play and I am pretty confident our time to make our “stand” was pre 9/11…we’ve all become to complacent to take a stand anymore!
Let them send their “darpa” robots. ZERO F*CKS GIVEN.
It’s a common myth that your patriotic duty is to vote. I was even indoctrinated into that belief by my WW2 veteran parents, God rest their souls. They meant well and they did a good job raising us, but the reality is that it is our patriotic duty to revolt, not to vote.
“God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all and always well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty.” -- Jefferson on Shay’s Rebellion
HR1 is of no consequence. State legislatures set election rules for each state under the Constitution and can ignore any federal “law” such as this. They can also ignore the Supremes if it is supported there. Past time for states to tell fedgov to piss off.
You need to do more research.
The republic died because of a broken society.
No future under agenda 2030 (see: World economic forum plans) for they younger people. NO future in starting a family today. Best to foster or adopt if kids are your thing since they are already here and need homes.
My wife and I have been listening to David on the X22 Report each morning over coffee. I suspect we’re being ‘played’, but at least it provides a glimmer of hope. The Plan. Yeah, right. So, what to expect in reality? I believe we will begin to see states like South Dakota, Florida, Texas, and others gradually begin to take back more of their organic sovereignty and ignore the dictates of the Imperial City. There will be other states, California, New York, Connecticut, and others that will continue on the Marxist path. Eventually, there will be a rupture. Oil and water. But you all know that already. It’s why we prep and train. A storm is coming. Then again, what do I know? I’m just a dirt person.
I’ll not vote again, I’ll not lend any validation to a corrupt system by taking part in it.
Scandals and corruption are ongoing, voting is a circus for the foolish.
Makes me wonder what Trump is thinking…
Trump still doesn’t get it which means I couldn’t vote for him in 2024 even if I didn’t believe that the elections are rigged against us.
For all the good President Trump did he had a blind spot concerning who his real friends and allies are in the cesspool that is D.C.. And I refuse to go through another term of JVanka as his trusted advisor
I’m sure I’ll offend some people but I’ll say it anyways because I’m tired of Americans putting their faith in elected troglodytes, whether its Trump or Biden, Obozo or Boosh.
Trump is a clown who surrounded himself with clowns like “the Kraken” and Biden is a clown who surrounds himself with transvestite clowns.
Stop voting: stop validating the state and stop legitimizing clown world.