Why do you people all come here and read what I write and say, whether it be on financial markets, politics or theology? How many of you came here due to one topic – say the MFGlobal meltdown – but now come and read my posts about Catholicism? Or vice versa? How many of you disagree with me, but still read every word I write and listen to every audio interview or video presentation I do?
The answer is because whenever I speak I always SAY SOMETHING CONCRETE, and I say it in extremely clear, even BLUNT language. I make points. Clear, explicit points. I lay out a foundational premise, build a logical, rational framework on top of it, cite examples, make direct instructional analogues, and before you know it, we have all learned something. This is called “rhetoric”, which is the art of discourse. For some reason, I am really, really good at rhetoric, and good rhetoric is attractive.
Let’s talk about this modern problem of people speaking in mindless platitudes and even abject jibberish and being hailed as geniuses for doing so. Two obvious examples of this are Obama and Francis. I will be focusing on Francis, because I think we are all probably on the same page with regards to Obama’s mindlessness.