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Tag Archives: Ann Barnhardt
Totalitarian Censorship Attempt Thwarted For Now….
It’s war, folks. All it takes is a “third party complaint”, if that, and these wretches will shut you down. There is no reason given, no recourse, nothing. That is what just happened to me over the past few hours … Continue reading →
Ann Barnhardt: The Chesterton Axiom No Longer Applies
When I did my baconalicious koran burning five years ago, in an interview a few days afterward I was asked the following question: IOTW – In your video you pretty much dare Muslims to come and get you. Are you … Continue reading →
Remember Lot’s Wife: Diabolical Narcissism, the Overarching Global Pathology
I believe Bergoglio is a Diabolical Narcissist and is actually at war with God. All of the signs and tells are there – by the man’s own words. But DN is EVERYWHERE in the Church, including Traddyland. The big tell amongst … Continue reading →
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Why I Won’t Run for Public Office – Ann Barnhardt
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VERGE of COLLAPSE: Economy & Privacy | Ann Barnhardt
Ann Barnhardt: Where This WILL Eventually End Up: Fetal Cannibalism
With regards to my Tax Strike, and how I have been begging, pleading, admonishing all of you to STOP PAYING TAXES TO THIS ILLEGITIMATE AND SATANIC REGIME, not only as the last non-violent means of resistance, but also for the … Continue reading →
Ann Barnhardt on Scalia’s Dissent
Scalia’s dissent on the Obamacare verdict, despite all of its bravado, is utterly, totally devoid of virtue or merit unless and until Scalia RESIGNS. This is the point I have been desperately trying to make for years, to pretty much … Continue reading →
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Ann Barnhardt on the Law
It occurred to me that perhaps a way to describe the Law, and the reason why Our Lord says, “If you love Me, keep My Commandments”, is this: The Law simply tells us how NOT TO HURT GOD. Every single … Continue reading →
Ann Barnhardt: Important Ebola Note
So there is tremendous chatter about this guy from Liberia, and we now have enough of the backstory to see just how maliciously negligent the so-called protection agencies really are. But what I want to focus on is Thomas Eric … Continue reading →
Octet From Ann Barnhardt
1. Just so you know, World War 3 will be completely unlike the two previous World Wars, so don’t expect it to happen like that, because it can’t. Europe, for all intents and purposes, has no standing armies, nor could … Continue reading →
Ann Barnhardt: The “Gone Concern Buffer”, aka Seizing Your Bank Deposits
This came across the transom a couple of days ago, and has covered it here, but this REALLY needs to be pushed and publicized. You’ve GOT to get your wealth out of banks – most especially the big ones. This … Continue reading →
Ann Barnhardt: Completely Negative
1. I was told recently that I am a completely negative person. My riposte: This post will indeed be completely negative/unpleasant. Horrifically so. If you don’t want to read negative things and the picture of the super-cute kitty cat made … Continue reading →
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Ann Barnhardt: Speaking of Psychopaths…
Good grief. About the last thing I want to be doing is wading back into this nonsense again, but it seems that serial criminal and conman Paul Lemmen is back at it, this time trying to con the “Three Percent” … Continue reading →
Ann Barnhardt on Aliens
An example of a Xenomorph in the Facehugger stage. Note the extended, grasping tentacles and the retracted oral proboscis. The Aliens are the Commie-Sodomite infiltrators. They invade, immediately redecorate everything they touch with some sort of black resin which is … Continue reading →