Ann Barnhardt: The Chesterton Axiom No Longer Applies

When I did my baconalicious koran burning five years ago, in an interview a few days afterward I was asked the following question:

IOTW –  In your video you pretty much dare Muslims to come and get you. Are you being a martyr, or do you pretty much have confidence that you can handle yourself?

Ann – Were the guys who volunteered to fight in all previous wars “martyrs”€?  Did the boys who enlisted in ’41 have a death wish?  No.  There just comes a point where any person of integrity knows that they have to fight.  I love G.K. Chesterton’s quote, “A true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”  I love my country and my fellow man enough to be willing to lay down my life to defend them against evil.  And, yeah.  I can damn sure handle not only myself, but also an assault rifle, a big ass tactical shotgun, a sniper rifle, and a nine for those “intimate” encounters.

I no longer love what is behind me.



The third “nudge” in two days that any allegiance to the United States’ federal government is aiding and abetting evil.

David DeGerolamo

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8 years ago

There was a time when I lamented not having kids. That time has passed. I will however fix my bayonet and charge machine guns, as an able bodied believer, for those who cannot, but want to. I’m not fighting for the united states of Obamanation though.

8 years ago

i wonder which state will be the first to secede from the union obamination that was brought forth by lincoln and been going down hill since .God have mercy on us there is no easy path forward . there is zero use for this conglomerate called a federal government but they have managed to gain more control than hitler couldve ever imagined existing .now they stand ready to weild that power on any who would expose them or shed light on their coroupt ways . we know we fought for independence from search without warents .for excessive taxation which at the time amounted to 3 percent .for troops or police being able to enter ones residence any time they want ,look up baltimore terror search . pollitical prisioners ie bundys and their suporters . for taxation of property in such a way as to not be able to freely own said property .for taxation of income in such a manner as to not be able to freely earn said income . for not being able to own weapons suitable to the defense of their community or country .I feel as though im missing a few things ,)but its a start

8 years ago
Reply to  norseman

Mostly with the muscle (hardware, software, and gov’t pension seekers) provided by taxpayers. We are enablerers…

8 years ago

the time has come for our Governor to withhold ALL federal payments to the Federal communist government , and he must issue and edict that all federal judges must leave the State or be jailed for corruption and treason. the federal judges must be marched to the state line and leaving the shoes in the rear ends. STOP making payments to the federal government Governor. Also an arrest warrant must be issued against Lynch and Holder and all the scum vermin that works and does the satanist bidding at the dept. of education.

Nicholas Scholten
Nicholas Scholten
8 years ago

Ann barnhardt,
Have you read mein lamps?
Your description of Islam is similar to that of Judaism.
Watch (the world defeated the wrong enemy). If you can get through the first 45 minutes.