Ann Barnhardt: Why I’m considering quitting.

This is getting to feel more and more each day like trying to run while submerged in liquid cement.  Why bother?  If people are incapable on what must be a spiritual level of processing the most obvious, simple things; if all of the explanations, if all of the writing and speaking is the equivalent of trying to teach linear algebra to a clump of wet lint, why bother?

Obama used the known deserter/traitor/musloid convert Bergdahl for the release of the top five most valuable Gitmo detainees because Obama, Clinton and the entire American government has been overthrown and is explicitly allied with islam.  Obama, Clinton, the FBI, the CIA, the Pentagon and on and on has been completely infiltrated by the Musloid Brotherhood.  Obama IS Musloid Brotherhood, for all intents and purposes.  No, he doesn’t believe in the faux-religious aspects of the musloid political system, because almost none of the musloids above the very lowest caste do.  It’s a POLITICAL SYSTEM, not a religion.  Hillary Clinton is up to her neck in Musloid Brotherhood.  Good grief, her right hand “man” and likely lesbian concubine, Huma Abedin, is the daughter of TWO of the highest-ranking Musloid Brotherhood leaders on the planet.  The CIA is headed by a “convert” to islam, John Brennan.


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10 years ago

Hammer hit nail head…